252 Reviews
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Phototherapy’s Real World Take
Light therapy is a temporary and time-consuming treatment option that produces only modest results. However, it is the least invasive of any acne treatment, and its only downside is that it reduces folic acid levels.
How to Get It
Light therapy can be performed with stronger, professional light devices at a doctor’s office. Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this procedure done. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one. Weaker light therapy devices are also available over-the-counter. Here are some places you can find it online.
Read All About Light Therapy
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February 13, 2008


Smoothed out small scars + created a healthy "glow".


Brings impurities, both cysts and whiteheads, to the surface constantly throughout treatment (for me). Redness and slight burning sensation.

I just finished my 8th session and was told a may need a few more ($$$cha-ching!). I was not able to consistantly use the topical mild retinoid my Dr. prescribed due to the peeling and irritation of the topical. Avoid using too many acne products (even if prescribed by your Dr.) while on Clearlight therapy, especially if you have sensitive skin. However, if you don't consistently use a topical treatment along with the clearlight it doesn't work as well, supposedly. In Texas, it only cost me $200 for a month of treatments, but it did make my acne worse in some areas. This is not unusual, as your impurities are all coming to the surface to be purged. Reconsider using clearlight if you are a compulsive zit-picker! It was often difficult to resist squeezing the little goodies that came to the surface and this created scars. Don't give up! Find something that works for you...I'm 38 with hormonal acne and am determined to find a cure.
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August 29, 2014
Not all IPL technicians are created equal!
I rate 5 stars - if done properly I'm so sorry to hear the horror stories you guys are sharing! I own a Laser Clinic/Corrective Esthetics shop, and also have been an Acne 'victim' since I was 9 or so. To give you the insiders info, and not just coming from some quack esthetician looking for her next commission or tip...I can tell you a few things. *IPL will not help acne 'scarring' - not possible in any way. IPL works beneath the skin, not the scarring on the surface. *If you got Hyperpigmentation as a result from a medi spa visit - the technician used the wrong settings. Plugged into the IPL machine that you're skin tone was actually lighter than it was. Therefore, whatever the machine was looking for (IPL is pigment based) it was expecting you to be lighter, so if you weren' was trying to get you there. SUE THEM! See a dermatologist - get a bill. and take action. They have insurance, and you shouldn't have to suffer. *If you have undesirable skin texture or form - well, its hard to get a dermatologist to point out a specific condition on that and fix it. They'll probably try to recommend like a Fraxel laser or resurfacing or something crazy like that. Tell them no dice. When I got the IPL unit, I was breaking out (5 to 8 pimple count - even after acutane in my teens) Underground, painful jaw line lesions, and some forehead hair line. People said jawline are stress related, and well - I was just opening my was due, waiting on permits, no clients yet, etc. So after the wine was gone, I decided to take a dose of my own medicine/treatment. Did about 3 (at 2 week intervals)...and didn't break out for about 8 months after those treatments! It worked very well for me, and my clients as well. The IPL targets the sebaceous gland and blasts the bacteria out. If hormones are questionable, then don't bother with the treatment. Waste of time and money. I tried doing a clients "Bac-ne" acne on the back. Then after a few treatments, no results were apparent. Then found out he was taking steroids! So our treatments were pointless. Birth control, steroids, pregnancy, breast feeding or hormone replacements will compromise the results (just like Laser Hair Removal) What you should expect after a properly done treatment is: Bacteria purging| You will get worse before you get better. The bacteria you see coming up was always there, however the IPL chased it out of the sebaceous gland and brought it all out at the same time (I always warn my clients 100 times prior to conducting the treatment, and ask them if they have any special events coming up weddings, etc.) its up to you to use a good salicylic acid or benzyl peroxide wash/cream following. Its all you after we bring it up and out! *What to do following IPL* Try not to squeeze | I know...its like an alcoholic at a Liquor Store. However, we can't walk around with gross white heads - this, I understand. Hold a hot face cloth up against the pimple for about 5 minutes. This will open the pore (heat expands) and squeeze gently with the finger tips, no nails! this will prevent scarring. Hit the drugstore | You don't have to get the million dollar creams that the esthetician recommends to you, the drugstore will do fine. Try to find a clay mask with "Bentonite" in it, use it every second day. Salicylic acid and/or benzyl peroxide in your cream or cleanser After the Acne is gone, or even still apparent - the best and only thing for scarring is Microdermabrasion. This can be costly, depending on where you're located (my shop $45). If your texture, pigment or smoothness is compromised by previous treatments or just a life of Acne...this will work wonders. You will need about 6 to 8 treatments (realistically - unfortunate, but a good investment), and space them out a week or 10 days apart. The skin growth cycle is every 2 weeks for the face, so essentially you develop a new layer of skin in that time. You want to beat that cycle. Think of it as digging a hole, and you keep adding more soil to the edges - the hole is the scar. Makes it deeper. You can find email deals wherever you are, like Groupon or Dealfind - that kind of thing, which will make it more affordable for you to get the full amount of treatments required. If you are still suffering with stubborn acne, speak to a Dermatologist and they can prescribe you an antibiotic or acutane if it's really severe. Then get some Microdermabrasion to smooth things up. Always wear a sunscreen (specific for the face) of at least 30spf, every day. Winter, summer or even cloudy days. This is a shield for your skin, this spf protects you from all elements and carbons. And as a unspoken rule for Acne sufferers, always OIL FREE! If you're having a hard time finding moisture in the skin while going through all this, use a product that claims 'oil absorbing' cream - and apply as much as you need to, so you get your desired moisture level. I hope my information helped anyone or someone at least! I wish everyone was in Canada where I am, I would help you all! Remember that acne isn't permanent, but you all are permanently beautiful. Feel free to ask me questions anytime.
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May 18, 2017
where in Canada are you? Quebec?
March 4, 2008


maybe it helps some


maybe it doesn't help others, but

is, sulfur kills bacteria. you can find it in landscaping/plant/floral stores. You CAN take it internally, and it kills all bacteria it comes in contact with. The remedy my mother always gave us was equal parts of epsom salt (disinfectant, flush), cream of tartar (flush), baking soda (make the body alkaline), and flowers of sulfur (kills bacteria). Any bacterial (not viral) sickness would clear up or be better in one day or gone by two. Look at ingredients in ProActive, it contatins sulfur. A note about sulfur. The FDA doesn't want anyone taking it because the FDA doesn't know how to suggest it's application. It is a natural element, aka "brimstone", from volcanoes, and, like any other substance, taken out of moderation can lead to overdose (sickness) or possible death (extreme). I've taken two heaping spoonfuls of the remedy given above in one day, no problem, only results. Also, keep your body alkaline! Seltzer/spritzer/club-soda/baking soda, all same thin
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November 5, 2009


Does work. Stopped breakouts after two weeks. My skin is a lot better after using this lamp.


Noisy timer/clock. Doesn't cover the whole face, made me break out behind my ears and 'round my neck.

This lamp actually works to treat acne. Takes some time, and you have to do the treatment EVERY day. I'm travelling a lot in the weekends, so sometimes I had to start over new.. If you tend to clear up during the summer, this might help you get rid of most of your acne.
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July 9, 2009


really does work, like the sun but without the uv damage, you have to be dedicated, i have been using it for about 3 years now rarely missing a day except holidays and have had near totally clear skin which is definatly worth a few minutes each night


can become a chour but just stick on some music and its not to bad.

really works pricy but well worth it (think how much money you waste on other useless stuff!) be dedicated and you will get results i combine this with duac cream which i put on after using the lamp and before bed- my skin has never been better and i am one of those tried everything and nothing works ive had acne for ever! people.
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August 11, 2009


No side effects


Useless, a waste of money and time; treatments not covered by insurance

I took my son for these treatments when he was a teen. He is now a young adult and having the same problems with the acne he had when he was using the light treatment. The treatments were done at an office, under doctor supervision. In my opinion, it was a scam - something like snake oil, from the last century.
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January 27, 2009


Jus have to like they said, time yourself, on a stop watch or whatever n yea.. wear these goggles that come with it..


the light is BRIGHT! It made my whole room look like a lava lamp was inside ha..

The bottom line is that, 4 those who did the same thing I did by sitting in the sun to clear up your acne, it works, but the UV rays can damage your skin n I didnt wanna take the chance of that.. so I got this n when I use it it keeps my skin clear 4rm new pimples from popping up.. I use it at night.. best time, after a shower.. use some Pan Oxyl 2.5% cream though.. otherwise if u get the maximum trength, ur skin will feel like it's on fire.. Anyways, I like it n u should too.. u gotta be committed though.. if u really wanna see results.. The sun works actually too 4 acne, it cleared my acne up real well.. I was suprised.. my scars were'nt noticeable much either.. I stayed out there all summer in 2008 like 4 days a wk 4 bout 45-1hr each n it really helped.. totally.. but, this works good 4 winter when there is no sun.. n does the same thing.. thats what I got it 4.. but yea, best place to get it is at [link removed].. I got it 4 bout $60 cheaper than everybody here ha.. GO THERE!
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December 26, 2011


It decreased pimples
No side effects
I went from Moderate Cystic acne to light acne
Can do it in the privacy of your own trips to Derm.


Have to sit still for 15 min/day
Ticker is loud & makes talking on phne tricky cuz people ask what that noise is
I saw an increase in seed like whiteheads on cheeks

I gave it a 5 stars because even though the initial price is steep it sure beats Derm visit costs. And also because it gives you the benefits of the sun but without the risk of sun damage. Not sure if seed like whiteheads were from Beautyskin but I didn't have them before using this. It is just that I started trying other things too around the same time... like putting neem powder/manuka honey on my skin & drinking green tea. So like I said not sure where the little seed like white heads are coming from. It was not a cure all for me. I also cleaned up my diet (NO SUGAR!! No dairy & No gluten) & I am also trying to go to bed earlier. And I am also getting outside for more natural sunlight (not sunbathing or baking or anything). And I brought a toxic relationship to a closure. Im sure all those things helped me from going from mean painful red cysts (1 or 2/week) (+ a few smaller ones too) to little pimples (3 per week). Bottom Line: I LOVE MY BEAUTY SKIN box
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April 24, 2008


no chemicals


didn't work at all, took forever to get to all my treatment areas

don't bother. i noticed no improvement in my blemishes, big or small. the company was very nice about the return.
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October 29, 2008




Did nothing for my acne, actually made it worse.

I don't have a clue how this thing got so many positive reviews. It did absolutely nothing for my skin except give me a ton of whiteheads which I never had before. Two months after I stopped using this system the whiteheads went away. This thing is an absolute rip-off!
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.