251 Reviews
Based on All Available Studies
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Phototherapy’s Real World Take
Light therapy is a temporary and time-consuming treatment option that produces only modest results. However, it is the least invasive of any acne treatment, and its only downside is that it reduces folic acid levels.
How to Get It
Light therapy can be performed with stronger, professional light devices at a doctor’s office. Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this procedure done. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one. Weaker light therapy devices are also available over-the-counter. Here are some places you can find it online.
Read All About Light Therapy
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October 1, 2007


Cleared my skin nicely.



Worked well, don't have much more to say. I'm continuing to use it for 15 minutes everyday to maintain... I also wash my face using the regimen...
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August 24, 2007


Cleared up my skin. I had pretty bad acne and my sister bought the light for me before I went to school. I used it religiously for 2-3 weeks and my skin was much clearer. I've been using it regularly for almost a year and haven't had any flare-ups


None that I can see.

I'm glad my sister got it for me. It works and I'm happy with my skin. I still have some oil but this light isn't supposed to deal with the oil anyway.
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August 23, 2007


It cleared my skin noticeably in a few weeks. There were no side effects either. I have moderate acne and try to keep my face clean (I use the regimen too). I'm pretty happy and will keep using it as necessary.


I used it for 15 minutes a day starting out and it's hard for me to sit still that long. I just used my iPod and zoned a bit and got used to it. Once I saw the results it wasn't such a big deal because I knew it was working...

I'd recommend it to others. It's certainly less expensive than the other products I saw reviewed. The company has a 12 week guarantee return policy, so I figured I couldn't really NOT try. The company says there is no UV so I wasn't worried about burning my skin. Overall I'm happy. I guess that's the bottom line!
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July 30, 2007


helps keep acne dormant, helps with scars amazingly, makes skin even and bright


you have to keep going, i do 4 treatments per month

love it!
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January 6, 2007


I had mild to moderate acne, lots of little ones that would leave a lasting scar behind. I used the clearlight for 2 weeks twice a week and my skin looks amazing. I would recommend this to anyone.



Using harsh topicals is what contributed to my acne problem. With the clear light, it took care of my active pimples, and prevented new ones, as well as regulating my sebum production. Which allowed me to use a gentle cleanser on my face, not one full of salicylic or glycolic acid to help with the acne. I think that everyone needs to have their hormones checked to see if there is an imbalance or even food allergies. For women, try different birth control. The doctors that offer these treatments really do care about their patients, and from the studies, clear light really does work, their not scamming you. It worked for me and I have super sensitive skin. Try it.
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.