Oral Antibiotic
1734 Reviews
Oral Antibiotic
Based on All Available Studies
Strength of Evidence
Note: Should never be used on its own and for a maximum of 3 months.
Oral Antibiotic
Side Effects
Oral Antibiotic
Acne.org’s Real World Take
Antibiotics should be used for a maximum of 3 months, provide only moderate benefit and only to some people, and may lead to side effects and strains of resistant bacteria. Studies do show doxycycline can reduce severe acne in the short term, and as far as oral antibiotics are concerned, it’s usually the go-to, but approach with caution and stay your own advocate.
Oral Antibiotic
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
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January 2, 2019
It's working so far!

I'm writing this review on Doxycyline because after 4 years of trying to cure my on and off cystic acne naturally or with only topical treatments, it has been the only thing to actually help so far. I've tried so many topical treatments as well as natural treatments for my skin. I was insistent on curing it without any pills. I became vegetarian for 2 years, constantly exercised, ate sugar-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, but nothing would completely clear my painful acne. My self-esteem went down and I found myself in situations where I did not want to leave my house. My whole life I've had very clear skin, except for the hormonal once a month zit. When I turned 18, my face began breaking out with small pimples. Skip to 4 years later and I have continued to break out on and off again with pretty bad cystic break outs and then my skin would be clear for a few weeks - then I would break out again. However, over the past 6 months, I had a mostly pimple-free face except that my face was super congested under the surface. I had small milia-like bumps that would not go away no matter what I tried. When I put on make-up, my skin was extremely bumpy and textured. I exfoliated, drank lots of water, tried several different products, cut dairy out and other unhealthy foods - but nothing worked. One day I was surfing the web and came across Retin-A (tretinoin). I started using it and within the first week, all of the bumps under my face surfaced and became these huge, cystic, pus-filled, RAGING pimples all over my cheeks, chin, and jawline. I read about the initial purging stage of tretinoin but I did not expect it to feel like a volcano erupted on my face. After breaking out with at least 2 new cystic pimples everyday for 10 days, I went to a dermatologist and he recommended pairing the tretinoin with Doxycycline. Long story short, I continued breaking out terribly for 2 weeks. During the first 14 days of Doxycyline, I kid you not, I did not leave my house AT ALL. I know this sounds extreme but my acne was THAT bad. By this point, I had at least 35 active pimples all over my face (except my forehead) and I could barely wash my face. I was literally just sitting in my house waiting for the doxycycline to kick in and clear up my face. Thankfully, by the 23rd day of persisting with Doxycyline, the left side of my face was completely smooth and all the small bumps underneath had gone. Yesterday marks 1 month on Doxycyclin and 1 month/10 days on tretinoin and all I am left with are a few tiiiiiny pimples on my right cheek and severe hyperpigmentation. However, my face has never felt this smooth in 4 years. I'm going to be on Doxycyline for another 2 months. I'm using the tretinoin to help with hyperpigmentation and the texture of my skin. I honestly don't know if it's going to come back after I finish 3 months but I'm really praying that it won't! 


Negative side-effects during my first 3 weeks:

1.) Loss of appetite 

2.) Nausea (if taken without food) 




April 7, 2017
So happy I chose Doxy
Once I got to college I realized that my skin started breaking out more --- way more. Throughout middle and high school I had never had bad acne. I would get one, maybe two pimples a week on average, but it was very manageable. However, when I got to college, I'm guessing a mixture of the dining hall food, water, and stress accumulated to the huge increase in acne I was getting. My Aunt is a doctor and suggested I go on doxycycline so I decided to give it a shot. During the first month I didn't see much of a difference and was doubting the drug, but after about 5 weeks of taking it, my skin became totally clear. I feel back to my normal self and no longer feel the need to cover up with any face makeup (unless going out or for a special occasion). Doxy really helped me for the better ad I definitely recommend to anyone struggling with acne!
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July 12, 2017
Hey thanks for your review. Are you still on Doxy, and if not how is your skin now please? I am so worried as on it now - works lovely but worried how it will be when I stop :-(
December 19, 2017
My skin freaked in college too! Currently a week into doxy with not so great results... lol i hope this is a purge and doesnt last long
January 31, 2018
Any updates on this please? My 14year old daughter had been prescribed doxy and is about to start taking it.
February 3, 2017
Truly works!
I've been on doxy for over a year, and my face has NEVER (I repeat, NEVER!) been this clear since before I can remember. At age 23 I stopped tanning and that's when my acne got REALLY bad. I've used every kind of benzyl peroxide wash and basically any remedy I could find on the internet. Here is what I use now for 100% flawless skin at age 26: -200mg/day doxycycline (though I've began to ween myself off in recent weeks, reducing it to 100mg/day) -Wash face twice a day with Murad AHA/BHA exfoliating cleanser (suggested by derm). -Retin-A 0.1% after washing face at night (I still get a little dried out by this and had to work myself up to this potency, also suggested by derm.) *Note: Retin-A did NOT help on its own; it wasn't until I began doxy that the topical cream could actually do its job. *Side note: Also reduces fine lines and wrinkles ;) BONUS -Dramatically Different Clinique moisturizing gel in the morning (I did not start this until my acne was clear for at least a couple months to reduce the chance of clogging pores). -Lastly, I use Bare Minerals foundation (it doesn't clog pores and allows your skin to breathe!) and ensure my make up tools are cleaned regularly. I get prescriptions for Retin-A and doxy from my doctor and pay $10 co-pay for each (a zillion times cheaper than everything else everyone is trying to sell you to clear up a problem that cannot be fixed through a topical cream alone). My hope is that someone struggling with acne will take my advice. I used to genuinely feel like less of a person because of my acne, like everyone judged me and would only notice what was on my face. I am so HAPPY I found this resolution, I hope you do too!
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February 13, 2017
Hi Sarah, I've been where you are now but please be aware of the side effects long-term antibiotic use. I never thought anything negative could happen to ME from using antibiotics but it did and changed me for the rest of my life. Look up "pityrosporum folliculitis" and please take a probiotic to attempt to replenish the good bacteria that has been wiped out by the antibiotics.
March 3, 2017
Being on an antibiotic for a long period of time was a concern for me, so my doctor did suggest I take a probiotic. I only take one or two a week. I also eat greek yogurt daily with live cultures for this reason as well. I'm sorry you had a poor experience, how long were you on Doxy?
May 10, 2017
Hi Sarah.. how long did it take for your skin to start clearing? What kind of acne did you have? .. appreciate any advice I have been on doxy 50mg a day now for 2 weeks and haven't noticed a difference and am breaking out more then before starting
December 19, 2017
@Lisa10 Im about to start my second week and mines worse as well lol.... it sucks... lets stick through it. Hpefully this is a purge and will go away.
August 19, 2016
Worked immediately where expensive topicals didn't
I have always had acne problems and a few years ago (age 30) it got insanely out of control all over the sides of my face. Tried everything over the counter. No effect. Dermatoligist sold me 2 very expensive topicals that had zero effect. After all that finally, this super cheap antibiotic was prescribed. I think I was supposed to take it for 2 weeks. I had to stop somewhere around 1 week because of a side effect that made my eyes get swollen at night. Even stopping early cleared up my acne from severe all over to light around my jaw/neck. Since then I rarely use soap on my face. I tone with witch hazel, put tea tree oil on my acne spots and only lotion on occasion. I have kept it under control this way for about 3 years now. Also interesting is that about 2 years ago I started taking a low dose ssri. It clears up my acne even more. I believe this is truly chemical vs. Mentally induced. After stopping the ssri the acne quickly starts popping up around my jaw despite no return of depression symptoms.
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March 16, 2017
I've been on SSRIs for almost a year now and if anything my acne has gotten worse but it's probably for other reasons. There's no scientific evidence that SSRIs make acne better. Be careful before you take someone's advice...
June 26, 2016
Saved my skin, saved my confidence.
Short summary: Doxycycline saved my skin. No more cysts since starting it. Skin type: Oily t-zone and chin, rest of face is normal. Products in daily routine since starting Doxycycline : Nature Republic Aloe Vera Gel Cleanser OR Mediheal Pore Clean Charcoal Cleansing Foam. Tony Moly Pure Eco Snail Moisture Gel. Some backstory: My acne wasn't SEVERE, but it was pretty darn bad. I had cystic acne, since the age of around 14. I am now almost 18. It used to be that I would only get 1-3 cysts around my period (usually on the chin, or jawline) which I was told is "normal" for women. Though they were painful, deep and left significant scarring, I did very little to treat it - I thought I would just grow out of it, like every other teenager. Toward the end of last year (2015) it was getting much worse. I noticed that none of the other girls my age at school had these "normal" cysts around their periods. I enjoy doing my makeup so covering them up became routine - but I began to feel upset and insecure because I couldn't do normal things like go to the beach or go swimming with my friends because of how insecure I felt due to these deep, painful cysts on my face. Now let me tell you, I have tried every product accessible and affordable. Neutrogena, Clearasil, Cetaphil, pretty much the ENTIRE RANGE of Mario Badescu products aimed at treating and preventing acne. I have tried home remedies, I have tried COUNTLESS diet plans (as extreme as cutting out different foods completely to test whether the acne was result of dairy, meat or something like that). My hygiene was perfectly fine - I showered every day, changed my pillow cases every day, kept my hair out of my face, barely touched my face, etc. All the usual recommended things to prevent acne. All this time and money wasted, and absolutely no result. In fact, towards the end of 2015 my acne was getting worse and worse. To the point where I'd have up to 10-15 cysts on my face and perhaps 8-10 cysts on my back and shoulders. It was painful. For a long time, I couldn't sleep on either side because I would wake up from the pain of my face (cysts) on my pillow. I'd have to sleep on my back so not to hurt my face, but then my back would hurt even worse, because of the cysts there too. It was finally time that I put my foot down and did something about this. I was crying every morning, every night. I couldn't forsake my education, but I cried every single morning I had to wake up and put makeup on my face - not only because of how much it would HURT, but because of how insecure and horrible I felt about my own image. The doctor prescribed me doxycycline and Acne.org was where I read a combination of reviews about its results, on the way to pick up the prescription. Result: Within the first week of taking doxycycline, though the cysts on my face were still there, they felt less painful to the touch - and no new ones had sprouted up yet. Though I read many people experience a period where it "gets worse before it gets better", I was lucky enough not to experience this. I can safely, genuinely and honestly say that since beginning doxcycline, I DID NOT GET ANY MORE /NEW/ CYSTS ON MY FACE. My prescription: beginning with one 50mg tablet a day for a week, then two 50mg tablets a day for the rest of the course. I started at the beginning of March, it is now June and I can happily say that my face is CYST FREE. I have not a single cyst, or any sort of pimple, on my face. None. Literally none. Unfortunately, my back is still the same and I still get cysts on my back, but I think soon I'll begin to use a topical gel for that instead. The only concern I now have with my face is scarring, which I'm slowly trying to find cures for. As I am still on doxycycline, I don't know if the acne is just going to come back after I go off it or not, but seeing as I'm now 18, I'm hoping that I'm at that point where I'm "supposed to" grow out of skin problems. All in all, doxycycline ERADICATED my cystic acne and I can run my hands over my face without feeling a single bump. With this, I regained my confidence and now, putting on makeup is fun again, rather than a painful and upsetting task.
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August 17, 2016
Hi there! I'll start taking these soon. I hope they work! It seems as if you and I have the same skin type. And I did the same things as you. I even had a silk pillow case. Anyways! As for your acne scars, have you considered derma rolling? Make sure you only use it on acne scars though. Do you have somewhere that I can contact you? I'd like to know more about how the pill worked for you. :)
July 1, 2017
Hi, any long term update? Since its an antibiotic, are you still on it?
May 30, 2016
Doxy Saved My Life Guys
I would just like to say thank you to Doxy for saving my life. I have extreme depression and anxiety, and that was only made worse by my acne which covered almost all of my face and was spreading fast. I tried every over-the-counter medication, every face wash and even attempted laser therapy. I almost took Accutane, but heard the terrible stories online about how bad the side effects were and more. Even my doctor tried to convince me to take Accutane, but I'm here to say if you have horrible red blotchy acne that is very congested, please try Doxycycline. It took 3-4 months, and when I look in the mirror now I actually kind of want to cry because of how much it helped. Doxy + Spectro Blemish Cleanser & Moisturizer saved my life.
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February 21, 2017
So pleased for you and your success! Are you still taking doxy?
May 19, 2016
Not to exaggerate, but it's miracle. For me.
I've been suffering from acne ever since I hit 12; which has been 10 years from since. I've tried so many things from topical creams to all sorts of drugstore treatments like anti-acne cleansers, gels, essential oils or exfoliating treatments which none has ever worked out for me. I've also changed my pillow cases more frequently and tried to drink green juices but they did very little and I still get red, bumpy and sometimes painful acne on random places (very less on the forehead). I also suffered from "textures" (I'm not sure how to call it) which are bumps appearing throughout my face and my body (chest and back). I tried to exfoliate these bumps almost on a daily basis, using chemical exfoliants or other physical methods like (Japan - Cure gel, Body Shop's exfoliating shower gloves for my body, St. Ives exfoliating scrub cleanser) but they seemed to only work temporarily and then come back even faster and did nothing to my condition. So, my friend one day took me to a dermatologist for a free consultation, and I was skeptical of it as I've tried so many things that I've already given up and submitted myself to concealers and facial powders to cover up my destroyed skin. So I listened to the dermatologist and many of the things she mentioned I've already read online. Close to the end of the consultation she prescribed quite a number of products from their clinic and the antibiotics which is Doxycycline. All the products were too expensive for a poor student like me to afford and I already have my own skin care products so I did not purchase them. I went for the antibiotics which I have been taking for almost a month already since 23rd of April. So, during the first two weeks there weren't any significant changes to my acne condition. And closing to the third week I noticed my acne got better, I thought it was the "Exfolikate" Kate Somerville product sample I used that made my face better. But it wasn't, it was the doxy. I know for sure because the textures that have been haunting for me years, are slowly dying down. My back feels smoother, and every time I cleanse my face, it feels smoother and the textures were disappearing, I didn't even need my St. Ives scrubbing cleanser at all. I've returned to my home town and my mother said my face got so much better than before. I felt better too, although I still have a lot of discolored marks from the acne before, I am truly grateful for my almost clear skin. I no longer suffer from painful acne and textures. However, this is just a short-term quick take from taking the Doxycycline (100mg). I am planning to take this for about 6 months to ensure they don't come back. It costs me about USD 20 (MYR 80 in Malaysia) per 1 month dosage but it's so worth it. I usually spend over USD 30-40 a month to try out other products. Literally, miracle in a pill. Thank god (and science) for these pills. I'm now on my journey to clear these discolored marks (scars) and also finding solutions for my oily and huge pored face. Acne was my main problem and insecurity though! At least I didn't have to wear a lot of make up on my face already. (I'm a guy by the way, so I really felt girly whenever I put that much concealer on my face).
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April 18, 2016
Miracle for me
About a year ago I started getting a horrible acne break out on my lower jawline and neck area. Nothing I could do was getting rid of it and I tried every name brand on the market. It was sore, inflamed, rash like, and made me want to hide my face in a bag. I have extremely extremely oily skin like every 2-4 hours I can wipe my face with a napkin and see through it kind of oily and I went though puberty early so I have always had some minor-moderate acne for most my life I am used to it. This was an entirely new thing it was horrible, painful, and both physically and mentally scarring to have people stop you an ask what is wrong with your face. I finally went to see my dermatologist and I almost cried in relief when he told me it was a hormonal issue rather than anything I was doing that caused my problem I went on doxy-cycline and a gel for about 6 months and it cleared up my issue like a dream come true. I am now off it for about 4-6 months and I stil have minor acne that I combat with witch hazel and tea tree oil but that is normal and When treated it heals and goes away and I'll take it over a rashy, painful, never ending acne attack any day. The scarring on my jawline is healing up nicely and the red blotchiness that had taken over my lower jaw has a year later almost gone away completely. I wish I could post before and after pictures just to show you how much it helped. While it might not help everyone it was litterally a blessing for me. I didn't have any negative side effects or issues with with it however side note the duac-gel they normally give you to apply topically along with the pill should be used ONCE a day to start out with like the Dr. prescribes do not be me and apply it liberally multiple times a day and think it will help more all you will do is dry the ever loving heck out of your skin and cause pain and massive flakiness take it from me. Also see a dermatologist sooner rather than later I can't help but think if I had gone sooner then I would have healed quicker and would had had less scarring that can only be healed by time.
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October 26, 2016
so you took the pill for 6 months and when you stopped the acne did not come back? I have been on I for 10 months and I am afraid to stop taking it bc I feel like it will all come back again.
April 21, 2017
It did come back not as bad but still bad within a year of going off the meds. It's very upsetting because I don't want to be on meds for the rest of my life.
December 20, 2017
did it get a little worse before it got better? How long until you saw improvement?
July 26, 2015
Can doxycycline cause importance I've been taking it for 4 days and in the 4th day found I'm having problems with getting a erection
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June 9, 2015
Better than Minocycline
Minocycline gave me brain fog but I had no side effects from Doxycycline and it worked better for my acne.
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.