Topical Antibiotic
669 Reviews
Topical Antibiotic
Based on All Available Studies
Strength of Evidence
Note: Should never be used on its own and for a maximum of 3 months.
Topical Antibiotic
Side Effects
Topical Antibiotic’s Real World Take
One of the less effective treatments out there. It should never be used on its own or for longer than 3 months and may lead to resistant strains of bacteria. It may provide a slight improvement in mild acne in some people.
Topical Antibiotic
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
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February 18, 2015
Gets rid of hormonal acne/ black heads
I used the liquid solution manufactured by GREENSTONE LIMITED. This is the real deal here. Doc gave it to me 2 years ago, and it cleared up my hormonal acne. The hormonal acne was in the entire area of the chin and bottom jaw area with areas scattered further up but never reaching the cheeks. It was almost all blackheads too. This chin acne was my last "wave" of acne, so to speak. Clindamycin got rid of the cherry on the top. I applied it in the morning, sometimes day time, and then at night time. Generally, it took some time to work. Within 3 months, the acne was beginning to clear up. In 1 year of use (also with retin-A cream), my face stopped suffering. Occasionally I will get a pimple here and there but this is avoidable. Clindamycin rids of the pimple in 1-2 days. I think this is a good product to use when you have treated most of your acne from previous years, but either way, try this out. Lastly, if this doesn't work, keep looking. And a tip that might help: never put your face on pillows or clothing, desks; nothing. Never put your hands to your face either. Don't let people touch your face as well. It truly works, even just a bit.
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October 6, 2014
Works fine
It will take some time, but will vanishes the acne and marks too, just have some patience, never ever try to touch with your hands dirty.. good luck
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August 26, 2014
Best thing since sliced bread...
Seriously, I have battled moderate persistent acne since I was a teenager. Now that I've reached my thirties it wasn't getting any better until I tried these! Wow. Words cannot express how much I love these things!!! My acne is finally manageable and greatly improved. I can wear less makeup and feel confident. Who knew it could be this easy without an oral antibiotic?
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June 22, 2014
Works great for adult cystic acne
I am 45 years old and have been using this for about 5 years now. I also take spirinolactone (a pill) which helps with acne breakouts around the chin and mouth. I never had bad acne as a teenager, but as I approached my 40th b-day, I started to get these nasty cyst like pimples on my chin that hurt before you could even see anything. I went to the dermatologist and she prescribed Clindamyacin and Sprinolactone, these two together have almost completely cleared up my skin. I also use the Dermatologica line of skin care products which have also made a huge difference in my skin. I use their face wash, moisturizer, and an exfoliator 3 times a week (exfoliation is extremely important to get rid of the dead skin and oil and bacteria that get trapped in your pores). My skin has never looked better!
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January 13, 2014
teen with moderate acne
Hey everybody . I had moderate acne and i wanted it to be gone so fast . So i went to my dermatologist soeto MD and he prescribed me some capsules (the cure ) clyndamicin lotion and an acne cream . I can tell it worked . I now how have mild acne acne
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December 11, 2013
The only thing that has worked for me


clears skin
prevents future breakouts


expensive if your insurance doesn't cover it
slight medicinal smell
must be used consistently and follow instructions

I am a 40+ woman who has suffered from acne since mid 20's. This is the only thing that ever truly cleared my skin. Over the counter products have helped, but finally a dermatologist prescribed for me the clindamycin 1% LOTION. I used it for about a year. No redness or side effects, and over time it stopped my skin from breaking out. I followed my derms instructions of just putting a VERY light (hardly any) but even coat all over my entire face 2x a day. She said put it on right after washing the skin, let it sit for a few minutes, and then put anything else you want on (it can go under moisturizer, under makeup, even under other acne products) At first I still used my other products but over time as those ran out and my skin was looking good, I stopped using everything but this. Now that it has been a year and my skin has basically cleared, my derm wants me to try to go off of it. I have been off for two months. My skin looked great for several weeks after stopping it, but now I see very small blemishes starting to come back and I kind of "feel" that under the surface "oh no" feeling on my skin. So I am going to go back to her and ask her to start me on it again. I'm not sure why she wanted me to try go off of it? This product for me does exactly one thing but it does it well. It does not do anything for skin texture and it does not get rid of past scars or discoloration. But it does prevent future breakouts and so if you use it consistently and follow directions (don't use too much, and don't skip applications) it does clear the skin over time.
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November 5, 2013


Doesn't dry out skin
Easy to use
Improves appearance of scars


Strong rubbing alcohol smell

This is by far the best product I have ever used. Though you might be frightened by its strong smell, trust me; it's totally worth it. It's a small disposable alcohol wipe, medicated with clindamycin. I've used this product on, and off and every time I use it I just love it more and more. After cleansing, I would apply the wipe twice a day, once in the morning, and again before bed. Sits well under makeup, and does not make skin flaky. The wipe also exfoliates skin, and when you're done applying it, you'll even see the gunk that came off your skin (especially if you wear a lot of makeup -- helps to remove residue even after you wash your face). It might burn a little bit the first time you use it, but your skin adapts. I haven't broken out with this product, and I've noticed a huge improvement on reducing acne, and acne scars.
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August 29, 2013


Easy to use


Oily skin (only use at night )

I had terrible acne and it got rid of it FAST l put it on before i went to bed and in the morning my pimples were visibly smaller and in like 3 days they were gone <3 so i love love LOVE this
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August 8, 2013
miracle for me


didnt overly dry out my skin

no smell and doesnt stain sheets or clothes


makes your skin appear really oily but i apply at night only anyways
a friend said this will only work for about 1 year before skin becomes immune

I have only been using this gel for about 1.5 months but it has really helped. in may/june i had severe acne. there were a couple cysts around my jawline that i could NEVER seem to get rid of... even with a clarisonic and different face washes. i started to use this in mid june and it is now early august and i am loving my skin! my skin will never be 100% clear due to scars and a couple of blemishes here and there but it has really helped. the acne that i have now is not nearly as bad! i have been getting compliments and im feeling way better about myself!
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July 10, 2013
Perfect for me!


Cleared up instantly
Easy to apply
No side affects

As a teen I always had perfect skin. It wasn't until I had joined the Marine Corps that I started suffering from breakouts. It started off as small zits on my chin and then turned into moderate acne. I was so embarrassed to go in public. I started wearing more makeup than I ver had to try and even my skin out. But nothing covers bumps. My doctor tried birth control since she felt my acne was due to hormone changes an stress I put on my body in the military. After that dis no good we tried benzoyl peroxide 10% cream and benzoyl peroxide 5% wash. My skin dried out and began to peel for months. We stopped the cream and started using Differen gel instead, as well as oral doxy. My skin did clear up mostly, but then I began to breakout on my back and chest. I added regular face wash from drug stores, and could barely keep it under control. Finally we decided to try clindamycin phosphate solution. I just wash my face with the benzoyl, and roll it on every night and morning. In three days I have seen a 95% clear up! I roll the solution on my back and chest, and nearly every pimple/zit has cleared!!! It may not work for everyone, but it was worth a chance!
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.