
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

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August 15, 2013
Helped A lot


Pimples not as red and big


Still get some whiteheads

The best thing zinc does for me is reduce the redness and inflamation from pimples. Like I still get some whiteheads but there small and not big red cysts like I had before. I would totally recommend it. And its not perscription so it seems pretty safe :)
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July 10, 2013


strong and healthy nails and hair



I'm not sure how much this has helped my acne (comedonal), but I do notice that I have really great strong nails, my skin's overall brightness is improved, and my hair is very strong and shiny. I took fish oil for these concerns previously (I stopped taking because it caused cystic acne for me) The zinc seems to be much more effective for those concerns than the fish oil ever was for me.
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June 9, 2013
Working great


Cost less
Reduces oil
Skin gets clear but with time


Takes ages to finally see results
Needs to be taken with food

I have been taking tetracycline for years and my doctors would never let me be referred to the dermatologist cause i was only 15 , and i had moderate to severe acne. I tried all the drug store cleansing products but my skin seemed to respond from changes internally which the antibiotics did but then stopped working and never got me 100% clear. So i researched on here and tried a few remedies but still no luck then i stumbled across these reviews and gave it a try and that was the best choice! I take bio zinc twice a day now and my skin is 85% clear but what i noticed is that the oil has reduced dramatically !
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May 25, 2013




Nasuea when taken w/o food

I tried everything under the sun to get my adult-onset acne under control. I even spent upwards of $500 on dermatologist visits, etc. The antibiotics helped a lot, I admit, but never fully cleared things up. I researched and researched, then finally decided to give something so simple a try and boy was it worth it! Keep in mind, zinc isn't an overnight solution, but I've been taking it for about two months now every other day and my face is totally acne free. I went from 20 or so comedones at a time to getting maybe 1 a week that usually heals pretty quickly. I say that anyone with acne should give zinc a try, especially since it's cheap! Always take it with food; otherwise, you'll get super queasy.
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April 14, 2013


Clears redness
Didn't obtain side effects


Takes a while
Have to fiddle with dosage
Taking consistently can be harmful

I have been taking 50mg a day for about a month and have noticed little changes. It helps but isnt a cure so be patient. You may have to take more than the reccommended amount as well... which can be harmful.
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April 3, 2013


Easy way to treat possible imbalances that cause cystic hormonal acne
No bad side-effects (I personally had no nausea whatsoever)
Depending on brand, quite cheap treatment


Likely shouldn't take it long-term
Be VERY careful with taking higher doses and do your research

I've had internal problems causing acne for a while. My nails were brittle and splitting and I had plenty of white spots, so I figured zinc had to factor in somewhere. As far as the acne went, all my breakouts have been on my chin, generally starting cystic and painful, and have been there consistent for a few years now. When one pimple cleared up, yet another would show up painful and aching. It didn't matter how much I washed my face or what I used to do so. Clearly hormonal. I started taking 100 mg of zinc gluconate (two 50 mg pills). About a week after starting that I also started nightly benzoyl peroxide applications to my chin. Together they're clearing it up entirely - the zinc fixing the internal problems, the peroxide killing whatever was on the surface and helping clear up blackheads in the process, a nice bonus. Very relieved this worked. i will likely scale my dose WAY back once the majority of my acne clears up, as I doubt whatever zinc deficiency I have requires the full 100 mg, which I took mostly out of desperation. 50 mg might have worked just as well, I couldn't say, I didn't try it. I'd recommend starting at 50 mg (which I didn't do) and if that doesn't help, up your dose at that point.
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March 11, 2013


My skin is not nearly as oily, really keeps the pimples down on top of Retin A


I apply it topically and it is a pain to crush the tablet and add to my moisturizer

It works really well topically.
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December 29, 2012
For those going above the recommended daily dosage, the University of Maryland Medical Center found that taking more than 100 mg of supplemental zinc daily OR taking supplemental zinc for 10 years or more doubles the risk of developing prostate cancer. There is also concern that taking large amounts of a multivitamin plus a separate zinc supplement increases the chances of dying from prostate cancer. For these reasons, talk to your doctor before taking zinc.
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November 19, 2012


Softer, smoother skin
Cleared my severe back acne in three weeks.


Needs to be taken with food
Can cause an iron deficiency.
Zinc blocks the bodies absorption of other vitamins and nutrients, so it needs to be taken seperately from other supplements.

I take one or two 15mg supplements of zinc at bedtime. I take iron supplements and my other vitamins in the morning. I have moderately severe acne on my face, and although I found zinc to make my skin softer, it didn't seem to help the acne on my face or sides of shoulders. However, it has done WONDERS for my back. I have had moderatly severe bacne for six years now. After taking zinc for three weeks the change is unbelievable. My back is 99% clear, the hyperpigmentation has faded significantly and today (after a light application of body makeup) I wore a backless dress for the first time in....years. After only three weeks, I'm absolutely floored. I didn't think a change that drastic was possible. I did absolutely nothing else differently, and applied no products to my back during this time. I feel my confidence beginning to come back slowly, even though my face has a long way to go. I believe zinc is helping my skin all over, it just needs more time to help my face. I'll definitely continue using it, and I'd recommend trying it to anyone suffering from body acne aswell. :)
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November 9, 2012


Glowing and brighter skin
Smooth and supple skin
Acne almost gone now


Have to be taken with food. I wish I can take it without food so I can take it anytime of the day, not just when I'm full
Causes headache when taken more than 50mg (at least for me)
Cystic acne will flare up if I don't take it for 3 days

Taking Zinc Picolinate for better absorption. I've been taking it for a month now and my cystic acne are all gone. Amazing! Although my face hasn't cleared yet, I find it smoother now. People around me noticed too. There are only small acne left, and I don't know why they keep coming back, and sometimes disappear. My cystic acne also comes back when I stop taking it for 3 days, probably because of my pcos, and my face gets oily. It also brightened my skin. People actually though I'm using glutathione for skin whitening. I guess zinc just made my skin healthier and glowing thus the whitening effect. I just wish I found out about it sooner.
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