
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

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November 17, 2009


It actually works! It's really improved the texture of my skin - inflammation is way down, much fewer pimples, wayyy less oily, and no cysts at the moment for the first time in ages.


I have to take it with a lot of food or I will get sick. I don't usually eat much in one sitting so it's been a bit of a challenge for me - if it's any less than a full stomach I want to throw up.

I was using zinc gluconate (50mg) at first - I noticed a difference after the first few days but then found it was getting inconsistent and I had one really bad breakout. I found chelated zinc at a store and picked that up and I find it works much better. I also read online that soy blocks the absorption of zinc and I was taking it everyday with a meal that has a lot of soy in it so I think that may have been part of the problem. I also make a mask sometimes by crushing one of the gluconate pills with some warm water and a bit of tea tree oil. I leave it on for about 5 minutes. That makes my skin look and feel great and helps heal any scars.
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November 13, 2009


I used to get cystic acne, and between the zinc supplements and eliminating almost all dairy products, I rarely even have a minor pimple now. I've been on this routine for 8 months now. It's been great!


If taken without food, I get an upset stomach. Also, at first, I was taking too much and I would get a metallic taste in my mouth. I reduced the dosage and that went away.

Definitely worth trying. It's cheap and easy. I knew within a day or two that it was working, and I had good results within a couple of weeks. Initially, my skin became dried out and flakey, but I switched facial cleansers to Neutrogena Deep Clean cleanser and that helped my skin's condition. It's really been a life changer and confidence booster. I wish that it worked for everyone.
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November 10, 2009


really affordable


none as of right now. Do your research to make sure you're not overdosing. Eat on a full stomach!

I've been taking this for 3 weeks now. Seems to be working pretty well in combination with Dan's Regimen. I am approaching my pre-period week, where I usually flare up with at least 5-7 active deep cysts. It's been kept to about 2-3 so far. Red spots and inflammation seem to fade quicker and are less intense. I am grateful for anything that keeps my acne at bay. I'm also using Dan's AHA, and have been eating better and exercising more. I'm taking Jamieson's 25mg of zinc gluconate pills 1x a day. Haven't had any side effects or nausea, as I am diligent about taking it on a full stomach and at the same time every day. Wow, can't believe I didn't try this earlier. BP got my skin good, AHA got my skin better. I'm thinking zinc will get my skin great.
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November 9, 2009


Just started


Hopefully none

I only have two active pimples. All the rest is red marks fronm past pimples, im hoping this will take care of that redness. Im hopeful
November 8, 2009


Got rid of severe acne in a 12 year old



Used a blend of Zinc, vit. b6, e and C. Daughters acne which had been sever for 18 months started to clear. still some red scars left and an occassional pimple, but her complexion looks beautiful again. She uses nicinamide 5% cream 2 X a day as well.
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November 5, 2009


Extremely easy compared to other treatments, no side effects, worked really well



I have been taking 80mg of zinc for two weeks and my skin has improved dramatically. Let me say that I didn't have active acne, but I had very prominent redness left over from severe acne. My face looked like I constantly was sunburnt and "angry." My skin was also very very oily. I also had quite a few blackheads on my nose, and clogged pores on my cheeks. So I started taking 30mg (Nature's Way) in the morning and 50 mg (Nature's Bounty) at night, both with meals. My redness has been reduced by about 85% and my skin is significantly less oily. I should mention that I got rid of my acne a while ago by adopting a vegan diet (except I still eat egg whites every once in a while), and the zinc only helped with the aftermath of the acne, so I can't say how well it works on current acne. I hope this simple treatment works for you, good luck!
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November 4, 2009


Zinc really seemed to clear up my acne. I had a few acne scars on my face and a week after using the zinc it cleared up. The zinc is def worth trying.


Nausea, Don't take zinc on a empty stomach, I took it one day on empty stomach and ended up with nausea.

It seems that the zinc really works. I take two 50mg zinc tablets daily so a total of 100mg daily of zinc. I have never seen my face as clear as this in awhile. Bottom line is if you are suffering with acne, you really need to try this product because I tried everything before zinc. I tried Proactiv , but I didn't see the results I wanted. I tryed Clean & Clear, it worked okay but not the results I was hoping. Try the zinc you got nothing to lose except the acne
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October 17, 2009


My skin has improved so much! Give it a couple of weeks to fully take effect.


It does make your stomach hurt a little bit but after two weeks i didn't notice it anymore. It's best to take it at night with dinner.

I would highly recommend trying 50 mg. of Zinc per day, its so easy but give it a couple of weeks to fully take effect on your skin. Zinc was the first supplement i tried that actually improved my skin. I have since slowly added others. First I added 500 mg of Niacin, then 400 I.U. of natural Vitamin E, and then I just recently added 350 mg Chromium. I noticed when I added the Niacin that it actually made my skin much less oily, never thought that was possible after everything else I've tried!! I buy the Natures Bounty brand of Zinc and (no flush) Niacin. They're very cheap like $6 Zinc, and $7 or $8 for the Niacin. I also use a mild foaming face wash-AM & BP gel at night, that's it. I would say would say I have 80% clearer skin.
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October 13, 2009




sometimes it can cause a little bit of stomach ache but it goes away quickly

ive been taking this for three months, it started working around two weeks. after that about two pimples a week now one every one or two weeks. it really has helped and my acne scars are getting lighter and lighter. I will use this for the rest of my life. i used to have really bad acne. i love this stuff.
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October 9, 2009


This stuff has actually worked. I've been using it for almost 2 weeks now and i'm starting to see a change in my skin. My acne is not as inflammed as it as been, and my number of pimples have decreased. It also makes my skin smooth.


takes awhile to work

take 50mg of this stuff a day, and your skin will be great!
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