
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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January 30, 2010


☼ Greatly reduces redness and inflammation. I noticed a dramatic improvement after about two weeks.
☼ Inexpensive. Generic 50mg supplements are only a few dollars for 200.
☼ Fast and easy. Takes no more than ten seconds per day.
☼ Healthful. Zinc supposedly works by improving your immune system.


☼ Can cause an upset stomach. It's not a problem if you take the supplement just after a meal and drink a glass of water.

This has been the most effective treatment for me by far, and it also happens to be the fastest and least expensive. I've heard it said that Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B5/Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B6, and Zinc help control acne. I take a Vitamin B 100 complex with Vitamin C in the morning and 100mg of zinc gluconate after dinner. I try to eat some vegetables with dinner for Vitamin A; carrots are particularly good. I stopped using topical treatments after the vitamins started to work. I just gently cleanse my face in the morning and evening. I also keep my towels and sheets clean. I decided to try this after reading about pyroluria, so I feel obliged to mention that as well.
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January 28, 2010


Smoother skin, dries out pimples, smaller pores, less oily skin.


None so far.

I've been taking 50mg of zinc chelated for almost a year now; i bought it from the GNC store in the Philippines, it cost me about Php 400 thats more/less $8.00; i have never had any side effects or negative reactions using the product. Give it days or a week and you'll see that your skin will be a lot softer and smoother. This is the only mineral together with vitamin c that helps to get rid of my pimples. Please try it and I assure you that you will not regret using it.
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January 20, 2010


cleared up my skin, less dull, smoother...


nothing, eat with a meal so you don't have an upset stomach

i take 100-150mg (ya ya it's over the limit :P ) but it works! my skin was really clear then i start getting a few zits on my forehead and stuff, took the zinc with some fish oil pills and boom within a week all my zits were almost gone and the ones that remain are really small and not even noticable really...
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January 20, 2010


Reduces Inflammatory Acne
Reduces Redness


Stomach Aches

I have only been using this for a week but I can safely say that this is an effective holistic approach for those that no longer want to ingest oral prescriptions. I have more energy and my face has cleared up 50% in LITERALLY 5 days! Incredible. But mostly- be sure not to take over 100mg of this. If you are taking Chelated Zinc 50 mg DO NOT take more than 1 pill a day or it may become toxic. I take this in combination with 4 pills of Calcium Citrate [2 with dinner, 2 before bed] (DO NOT take Calcium Isotope, it's a BigPharma scam), 3 Pills of Fish oil tabs [2 in the morning, 1 during dinner] and a multi-vitamin [1 morning]. I will also be trying Colostrum for my Irritable Bowl Syndrome. Good luck and hopefully you see great results as I have.
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January 19, 2010


clears skin, reduces amount of scarring



I started taking a 30mg supplement of zinc about a month ago now and I can definately see a difference. My red acne scars have minimalized and my acne is almost gone. Be sure to take your supplement with a meal. I prefer dinner only because that seems to be when I eat my most substantial meal. Also, don't overdue the dosage because too much zinc can mess with your metabolism and other absorption. 50 mg is the max recommended dose, anything over that could be dangerous
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January 12, 2010


- Clears skin
- Evens out complexion
- Good for your immune system


- Nausea if taken on an empty stomach

If you haven't already tried zinc (consistently and for a few months... it's not magic!), I definitely suggest you give it a go. I've been taking it for around four months now and my skin has smoothed out almost completely. I haven't had any monstrous spots for around three months now, and the smaller ones I do get clear up without a fuss. It can't hurt to give it a try if you haven't, not only for your skin, but for your general well-being as well. As most other reviewers have also mentioned, don't take it on an empty stomach or you'll make yourself sick. It's best, I've found, to take it after dinner. Just as a footnote, I'm not 100% certain that the zinc is the contributing factor here, but the whites of my eyes used to be quite yellow and I couldn't work out why, but since I've been taking it, they've improved quite dramatically.
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January 11, 2010


Will work wonders for some people
Very easy to use


Can make some people nauseous

So about 6 months back I had pretty bad acne, especially on my cheekbones and cheeks and forehead. I started on a good regiment of cleaning my skin, using lotion, eating less crap and shaving regularly. It helped immensely but my skin would still get very bad if I missed on my regiment even for a day or two. So about 3-4 weeks ago I started taking zinc daily, I'd say about 50-120 mg daily in the form of two 22mg zinc pills and like 35-50mg in my multivitamin. Improvement was quite quick and after a week or so my skin already looked good even without doing my regiment (though I still keep doing it, no one should lose good habits, right?). As far as nausea, I didn't have any although on occasions I think I would've (admittedly, by accident) taken close to 200mg in a day - but I've always had quite a strong stomach so I wouldn't recommend to make such mistakes as I hear it can be quite unpleasant. The bottom-est line: Try it, it obviously won't work for everyone, but for those who it does work for it can do wonders, and even if it doesn't work - well screw it, you only spent like $5-10 on it anyway. Also I should point out that I've tried the zinc mask suggested by other users here and I found it really doesn't make any difference for me, not really sure what is it supposed to even do if you just put it on your skin.
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January 4, 2010


makes skin glow (as a result of it being more flush), acne takes 10x less time to heal


made my skin extra sensitive around the eyes, still have some acne

I love finding holistic cures for my acne. I'm taking zinc with fish oil, vitamin c, and a multivitamin. unfortunately, my multi has 11mg of zinc and then, i take 30mg in the morning and night. i plan on cutting down to just 50mg once i finish this bottle. i've only been using this for a week, but i can already tell that zinc has brought out all this under acne that i knew was always there, but well it just brought it to the surface -- and with a vengeance. again though, my acne heals so much faster with this stuff! i'm excited to see what will happen once this under acne heals. reading these reviews made zinc sound like a miracle cure, so i felt i should just tell you all about my beginning experiences. on another note, i have also heard that taking zinc with fish oil is one of the best combinations for acne, so read up on that as well. good luck! this stuff is definitely worth the try.
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December 30, 2009


clears skin
fades red marks
shrinks pores & dries up oil



I have never reviewed anything on here before and just joined, but I had to review this because it's like the greatest miracle discovery ever. I've had acne issues since I was 17, and the first time around, Proactiv fixed it beautifully, for about 4 years. When I was 21, it came back again really bad, and so I went to the dermatologist and nothing from them worked. So I got the Proactiv advanced and it worked again, for about 1.5 years. Then awhile ago it started to come back really bad, the really huge painful kind that took weeks to go away. I tried antibiotics and various skin care systems, including proactiv, suki, befine, and nature's gate, and nothing has worked for over a year. I finally narrowed it down to hormonal acne, and read somewhere about zinc. So I tried it, and within 2 days, my skin was clearing up. It's now been about 2 weeks, and it looks way better. I don't get any more huge painful ones and the red marks are starting to go away. It does dry out my face a little bit I think, but my skin is looking almost normal again. I take it with fish oil with my dinner every night. The combination has worked wonders for my face and the fish oil seems to be balancing out my hormones as far as my moods go too. It apparently is a natural anti-depressant and I feel a lot more emotionally balanced since starting. I definitely recommend anyone to try it.
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December 24, 2009


Not only good for skin but great for the immune system


can be upsetting to stomach

For those who get sick after zinc or other vitamins, try taking with food; many vitamins and minerals are fat-soluble and having food in the stomach will make all the difference
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