Witch Hazel

353 Reviews

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May 13, 2010


Deeps cleans, tightens pores, skin feels fresh and clean after using it


none. The smell doesn't bother me.

I started having oily skin, and was breaking out like crazy. So I decided to use witch hazel. I have used it in my teen years and it worked fantasic. Now, i'm using it again. I wash my face twice a day with St.Ives green tea cleanser, followed up with witch hazel. I use a lotion on my face rarely. Any lotion with break me out. I'm hoping my skin with be less red in a few weeks, before I graduate from college. This stuff makes face feel clean, makes skin brighter, and leaves your skin with a glow! Try it out, if you were like me, and have tried every product out there, what do you have to lose? Witch hazel is cheap, so you aren't spending big bucks to have it flush down the toilet. Try it!!
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April 29, 2010


cleared up my body acne, cheap, huge bottle lasts a while, doesn't stain not sting


takes a little time to work

For months I had a rash-like breakout all along my chest. It cropped up suddenly once my face became clear for some reason (compensatory acne?) I didn't want to use anything harsh, so I tried Witch Hazel. It took a good couple of weeks, but used twice per day, it has cleared my chest acne completely!
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February 25, 2010


Cheap, Effective


Drying, like most if not all toners

Witch hazel is an effective toner -- it's actually an ingredient in most other toners. I find that my skin is too dry to use this product, even when I follow with moisturizer, but I definitely recommend it to girls with normal to oily skin. The smell isn't terrible -- it smells sort of earthy and natural, but a little strong. Once it's on your skin, the smell goes away pretty quickly. If you NEED a toner, then I definitely think Witch Hazel is the way to go. I now use it to sooth insect bites! It doesn't sting at all and you can apply it as often as you need. It really takes the annoying itch away and soothes the bump :)
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December 28, 2009


Started getting rid of the acne on my forehead.


It has dried out my skin real bad and made it redder.

I think the side effects have to be temporary. And with moisturizer, the dry skin goes away. I like the smell; it's clean. I like it. My sister suggested using it as a toner after washing my face with an antibacterial face wash and warm water with epsom salt dissolved in it. I've only been using it for a short time, but it already works.
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December 7, 2009


Got rid of my acne and my skin felt smooth


the smell

The only reason I purchased this was because it stated right on the bottle that it is used for facial cleansing. My intentions were to purchase alcohol (which doesn't work - but if alcohol can't clean the skin what can?) The very first time I used this my skin felt very smooth. I woke up the next morning and my acne started to disappear. I thought it just must be a coincidence, cause it couldn't possibly work that fast. I have been using it for 2 days and have noticed a HUGE difference in my skin. My pores are tighter, acne is starting to go away. Now just waiting to see if it helps to keep the returning acne from coming back. I thought it was just me over reacting about this product, until i read others comments about their pores being smaller also
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September 21, 2009


OMG it really works


it smells funny

after using every porduct over the counter and even expensive brand demologica, dermatologist, and monthly expensixe facials this has been the only thing that has worked and i'm sticking to it, I still break out but nothing like before and when i do break out i soak the pimple for about 1-2 mins with a cotton ball and in 1 -2 days its GONE ! no redness no scar OMG ! I love it you should try it for yourself
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September 8, 2009


Cleared my breakouts and reduced redness. Haven't had a breakout since I started a month ago.Has kept the acne away!


yucky smell but you get used to it

It's the only thing that has worked... and I've tried EVERYTHING!
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August 21, 2009


It doesn't Irritate the skin, you can use it as often as you want, it is also good for removing makeup, and a quick way to clean your face if you don't have time to thoroughly wash. Great stuff. It also works for insect bites.


Smells bad, but you get used to it, and you can buy witch hazel with added scent.

It works, great for sensitive skin, I love it.
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August 21, 2009


Tones, cleans and heals.


Smells bad. However, it's natural; something we're not used too as all products now contain artificial fragrance.

Witch Hazel does it's job. I reccomend you research the product before purchase so you know what to possibly exspect.
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August 20, 2009


Really subsided my acne


Smell, not the worst but also not pleasant

Use it 2 times a day (morning/ night) and you will see results. It's so afforable, dries nicely, and works! I use my regular regemin aftere putting it on (Acne.org line)
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