Urine Therapy

423 Reviews

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June 16, 2009


It seems to have gotten rid of most of my acne. Helps moisturize a bit because it makes my face feel less tight after applying this after cleansing. It's free and readily available ; )


it's your pee, it stinks, and it does linger for a while but I think it eventually goes away. You can't tell no one because they won't understand. Embarrassing if you ever get caught.

A week ago my face was covered in whiteheads and a few cystic pimples and stuff in between. Then after doing research and hearing what other people have to say about UT, I decided to give it a shot. I'm glad I did because now about 80% of the acne that was bothering me last week is now gone. Now I just have a lot of scaring. My face no longer hurts when I eat, and there are maybe 2-3 small whiteheads left compared to like 50 of them last week. I also dab a little more of this on the pimples that hurt and the next day, they don't hurt as much anymore. I can't believe this stuff is actually working. For moderate to severe acne sufferers, I believe you're missing out if you're being close mind about it. Yes, a lot of things floating around on the internet is hard to trust, but this isn't one of them.
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June 11, 2009


Cleans, Tones, and Moisturizes



After two weeks I am 100% Clear
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June 11, 2009


Probably the best way I have ever found to clear acne. At first I really didn't think this would work - and thought it was gross. Was I wrong. Urine is 100% sterile, and full of vitamins and minerals. It even starts to work within 1-3 days normally.


Does give off a smell. May sting, but just a little bit.

Well worth a try. It's completely free, and if you're willing to just forget about the "eww" factor and do some research on it before saying "that's so gross and unhealthy". So do your research please! Urine is NOT A DISGUSTING WASTE PRODUCT! It is completely clean. If you give it a try, I'd recommend putting it on for 30 mins then washing it off (with just warm water, or light facial soap). You could even leave it on overnight and wash off in the morning, up to personal perference. I don't know if I've noticed a difference in what is better. But I do know that if I had a whitehead, and apply urine directly on it, often-times later that day, or the next day, it already is a little bit reduced! If applying to entire face, it normally starts to clear within 1-3 days for me. Not completely clear, but to the point where you can see results.
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June 5, 2009


Cleared acne fast


Only worked for about 2 weeks

The urine therapy worked quickly and my face started clearing up, but after about 2 weeks I started getting bad cystic acne and the urine therapy stopped working.
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May 29, 2009


havent used it long enough to tell, day 1. I can tell you that this remedy was recommended to me by one of the most amazing people I know, a naturopathic (sp?) doctor that is a genius and a firm believer in the power of natural healing. well see...


very strange, kind of goes against everything I've understood to be "right" by doing it, although it really isn't bad after, I would still not shout the details @ work, only to fellow acne sufferers who have tried everything else like me, if it works

so far, no adverse affects, going to keep at it until something happens. got the advice from someone who I would trust any other piece of medical advice from, and I think that it could be kept a secret due to the fact its free, and derms and drug co's dont like free... give it a shot, maybe your brain will just say: "ok, time to stop making zits, they have resorted to putting urine on the face." whatever works. that's the acne sufferers motto, if you've lived like me.whatever works is worth it. :)
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May 29, 2009


It really seems to work at first (1-2 weeks)


Your skin eventually even worsens. Acne spread to other parts of my face and I got blisters in random areas, something I never had problems with.

Surprisingly, I didn ´t find the whole idea and application disgusting. You can give it a try, But I would really doubt the results. I guess there aren ´t no ´miracles ´ for me.
May 20, 2009


Brightens Skin, Clears Acne, Reduces Acne pain and scarring, moisturizes


Hiding it from other people, the smell

I started this regimen last week and I was really skeptical. The first time I did it, it was really weird and in a day or two I was used to the smell...which by the way isn't really that bad, especially if you eat fruits and vegetables and drink water regularly. It does take about a week to start working. My husband knows I do it and it doesn't bother him. As long as it's dry he can't smell it. I personally was really desperate because all acne treatments were drying my face out and turning me red because I have combination dry skin and moderate acne, It can be really hard to treat. Also we aren't doing really well financially...so this is truly is a life saver. I would recommend it for every kind of acne
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May 17, 2009


So far has worked. Feels good suprisingly. GREAT tone it gives u. VERY smooth skin.


none. jus wierd first time.

So i use a cotton ball or jus folded toilet paper and put it in my stream half way through or near the end so it doesnt splatter. Then I rub it over my cheeks (problem area). The tone and texture of ur skin becomes Amazing. A tannish glow with the smoothest ive ever had my face. It works on clearing my moderate cheeks. But doesnt do much for mild forehead. I repeat the wipe on like 4 times a day during summer at least
May 14, 2009


None that I can think of.


Breakouts along my chin and neck
Awful smell
Stings skin

After three days of using urine, my face broke out with terrible acne. I get moderate acne along my chin and neck, but the new acne was larger and harder to tame. I would serious doubt the "amazing results" of other reviews.
April 25, 2009


serious it works well..no joke the first time i saw this i said nope but then i said what the hell and in like 2 days my skin looked normal not red and had a great healthy glow.


smell but not bad, once it dries which takes all of 30 seconds

seriously try this its hard to make yourself do it but once you do and see how well it works you will be glad you did it.
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