Urine Therapy

423 Reviews

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October 4, 2009


It really WORKS. And it's free and easy to use.


The smell. I can still smell it on me even after it dries. But my hubby says it doesn't smell like pee at all, which is pretty much all I had to hear to keep it on the whole day and night.

2 years ago I broke out for the first time and ever since it kept getting worse. I tried beauticians, then - dermatologists, then acupuncture and homeopathic treatments. Nothing really worked. The acne was just terrible, I started scarring too. I was a bit skeptical about urine therapy at first, but after I applied it and left on for the night the first time, I could see my reddish acne scars fading away the next morning! I've been applying pee to my face and neck with a cotton ball for 2 weeks now. I do it every day - in the morning and before going to bed (cleansing, pee, moisturizer) and the improvements in my skin are unbelievable!!! No zits and the scars pretty much cleared up! My husband noticed the results at once too. One thing, though, when I don't eat veggies and have something unhealthy like pizza or bear or sweets, the next day the pee smells differently and a couple of pimples might appear. So make sure you eat healthy to keep your pee clea
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September 17, 2009


2 weeks in - so far so good clearer skin
Has helped with my depression and there are other benefits associated I'm hoping to see such as cure for lost hair and less fat


External application - smell (Paranoia that others can smell it!)
Internal - taste! (horrible taste but only last a few seconds)
keeping a secret from the wife (maybe one day)

I've been doing it for 2 weeks now and can see a vast improvement in my skin. I have had spots for 22 years (I am 34 now) and still get deeply depressed by it. Roaccutane worked for me a number of years ago but nothing that I have applied ever has. Had a bad outbreak a week ago (for which I couldnt go out of the house - yes at 34) and stumbled across this method and bit the bullet. I have pi$$ed in some small beakers which I store in a cabinet (away from the wife!) I apply this twice a day for 15 minutes. Once before work and once before bed - I wash off with just water and then moisturize with cocoa butter as norm. I drink pi$$ 3 times a day - first thing in the morning, once at work (!) and once in the evening. This is hard to swallow (!) and the warmth of it and taste isnt nice but u get used to it (i hold my nose which helps). I drink out of shot glasses so not much at the moment. Knock it if you like - it makes no difference to me I'm happy aga
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September 17, 2009


urine clears face


works all the way

i use urine on ym face and then let it sit for all hours and then wash my face with soap thats gets rid of antibacterial but eventhough urine doesnt have it i still useses it to give my self a good smell and the urine does great for the face and the body i been relaxed all day long .trust me it might freak u out but it works .its been a home age rememdy since day one even back in the ancient day they were doin this man !!!!!!!!!!!!!! come on try it
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September 16, 2009


After suffering for 15 years with severe acne i gave Urine Therapy a go. After 2 weeks i had no new spots just the red mark's left by acne and after 2 months my skin was perfect.


None as long as you don't tell people you do it, the world is full of small minded people.

Give it a go it may sound discusting but it not really that bad. Do you research and you will see that people have been drinking urine for thousands of years to cure all manner of things
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September 6, 2009


Brightens skin tone, soft and smooth, clears my acne, causes cystic acne to form a head the following day or two and then you can pop it (cystic acne is deep down under the skin and is painful and you cannot pop it also leaves scars). UT WORKS!


I gag every once in a while, but I'm getting use to it. You can't tell people (my husband knows and laughs at me, but he supports it and he has complimented me on my skin tone and always says it really works).

I have tried everything for cystic acne during 2004-2007 and finally found a cure for my prob which was ACCUTANE. It really worked, but if u know the process and the damage that it can do u prob wouldn't do it if you knew about UT. So recently @ 8/2009 I started getting cystic acne again & really didn't want to go through the whole accutane process again and researched how to get rid of acne & ran into UT. I was shocked, but I was desperate so I tried it & immediately saw results. I do take phentermine which is a prescription diet meds and I am not sure if it is causing new break outs prob is...so I tried some of my husbands urine (topically of course---you can't drink someone elses---then again i haven't even drank my own). well it worked even better, but it was really disgusting...so i continued to use my own. I think i will try to use his again tonight and see if it will clear me up. Also if you have a bacterial infection such as BV or yeast then you can douche with ur own pure 'U'
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August 23, 2009


It works!!


I don't know what it says about me, but I wasnt that grossed out by it. I do drink a lot of water though. Most people would be grossed out.

To be entirely honest, I don't know how much of my clearing up is the ACV I started drinking, or UT. Either way, I know for certain the change in skin tone is thanks to UT. Even broken out areas arent red, and everything else looks so even. I think I really know what people mean when they talk about having a glow now too. I always just pictured oil, but I glanced at myself and took a double take. I cant explain it but I looked so happy and pretty. I drink a lot of water and honestly I smell the toilet paper I use and thats it. I just catch some midstream and apply and it is dried by the time i finish washing my hands. Then just brush off any tp that is stuck with a dry towel. My skin feels soft and nice afterward. I dont just mean to the touch, it feels good just being there, lol. I seriously love this. I do it every time I pee, and I wont tell anyone I know, but Im so happy to have found this!!
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August 22, 2009


its free and works {:


cant tell nobody..smells for the first seconds

ive been using proactive for about a month after it made my cystic acne wayyy worse i started lookin up urine thearapy and decided to try it i couldnt be happyier with the results ive been using urine therapy for about 2 weeks with a multi vidamin be4 i go to bed AND ALL MY CYSTIC ACNE IS GONE i still have some of the scarring that ive had for 4 years but they say urine gets rid of that to maybe in about a month all my scarring will be gone..........THIS WORK LIKE CRAZY but try not to eat greasy foods that may be why some peoples getn bad results i use a multi vitamin and eat as much fruit and vegetables as i can NO MCDONALDS or sh*t like that
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August 22, 2009


Makes skin brighter, glowing-good to use if you have no acne and just want to brighten your complexion!


The bacteria from your "private area" may cause MORE acne!!

Ok. So i tried this once or twice. It definetly tightens skin, makes it smoother and brighter. Does it clear acne?....no. INFACt it may even make skin more acne-prone because when the pee flows-bacteria flows with it and so your bassically spreading bacteria all over your face. I know this post may be annoying because all of the other ones are like "this works! it is the best treatment! a miracle". But im just trying to be practicle...lol. TRY ZINC! IT WORKS AFTER 10 DAYS! i am now acne free!
August 21, 2009


its imediatley working, its FREE which means I saved money on other acne products that dont work, doesnt dissapoint, i JUST used it 20 minutes ago and my skin is noticably softer


its yucky! its pee, its embarresing, who can i tell? taste bad

I would use this like twice a day, I'm definatley going to keep using this, I'm quite impressed let it dry out and then wipe it off and you're good to go!
August 19, 2009


First of all it is FREE and you will never run out of it,
It makes your skin smooth and gives it a beautiful glow,
I have also noticed my skin went from oily - normal(:


The smell for some people may be a problem
but I just dab it on, than after it drys the smell isnt
a problem anymore. Other than that, nothing.

I can't believe this has actually worked! I'm 15 and have had acne since about 3 years ago, It ranges from Mild - Moderate at times. I've tried sooo many things and never once thought about UT. I only even heard about a few days ago, and thought what the heck, it wont hurt to try. And omg, I cant believe something as simple as my own urine can clear up all of my acne, its amazing. I've been doing UT for about a week [2x a day] and my skin looks great. Im in shock. Really. It may not work for everyone but I still think that you should definitly give it a go! What do you have to lose but acne?
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