Urine Therapy

423 Reviews

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April 1, 2009


it works and it works really good, like nothing else, and most important it's natural remedy, not some chemicals or antibiotics or such things


it's urine and yeah it might stink, but that's only if you have bad eating habbits try eating only raw food and drink lots of liquid, it won't even smell bad, rather like tea or medicine or something..

people who complain that it made even more breakout is just either very polluted from inside (must change their eating habbits as well) either going though aggravation phase which usually happens before healing problem completely, that and also moral aspect is only cons i could think of, once you deal with that there shouldn't be much problems, only remember patience (although it works many times faster than anything else i know) and strong will is the key, you need to fight with disgust if such accurs and remember to apply it every single day, i believe even some days after you healed acne completely, just in case and then there you go :)
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March 23, 2009


temporary glow...and it's practically free


omg! it's not worth it considering how i got a massive break out within a few days!! the cystic pimples hurt so much!!

I was on vitamin E regimen until i decided to use UT to help clear some minor pimples. I thought i was going well; despite the smell, it gives off a nice glow. So on my 5th day of my UT application, i noticed several new pimples along my jawline and chin. On top of that, these new pimples were painful and not easily tamed by any other tropical medications that i have!! Now i'm back to my old vitamin E treatment. Moral of the story, don't use something that may sound too good to be true! If anything, i would say that the vitamin E oil works better to prevent new pimples and also removing the acne scars. I really want to kick myself in the behind for being so desperate to use my own urine!!! On top of that Spring Break is around the corner and i need to get this side affect under control!!! Please reconsider if you really want to commit to such a thing! =/
March 16, 2009


Really prevents new pimples from forming, makes your skin really soft, pores look smaller


I'm not going to lie... it does smell a little. Not horrible, but it doesn't smell like flowers. Give it 5 minutes though and you won't smell anything after it absorbs.

I guess I'm a little weird but the idea of doing this didn't bother me too much. I've been using it for about 4 days with fresh urine morning and night. I can't really say if I notice a reduction in the size of the zits I do currently have, but I haven't gotten a new one since I've been doing this, and I was breaking out pretty badly, especially on my chin with some really big, inflamed zits. The kind that take forever to heal. I believe that within another week after these ones I have left finish healing my skin will be more or less 100% clear minus some hyperpigmentated scars. Give it a try, it's so worth it if it works for you. Don't let Western societies norms get you freaked out. If pharmaceutical companies could package pee in a pretty bottle and sell it to you, they probably would. Just give a try!!
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March 16, 2009


it is the best thing i tried. has been working for the last 3 weeks i been using it. i don't have any new pimples and just have some scars left to heal. Helps control breakouts.


it stinks but who cares, no one knows

it stinks but who cares, no one knows your doing it unless someone licks or smell your face. Just don't tell anyone. After a while you get that stuff all over you face and you stop caring about how bad it smells,which is better than having pizza face. *************imagine yourself without having even one pimple, and then go to the bathroom and get that urine all over you face. ******************** (pee in a one time use cup and then use your finger to get it around the entire face. wait for an hour or two and then wash it off. )
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March 14, 2009


absolutely works, doesn't smell after drying, face behaves in a completely different way


don't tell anyone

don't understand it but its the only thing that's worked tried: regimen, blotchas, retina micro, acv, countless other methods from the boards over then past half decade this has been the only thing thats actually worked fast and well and consistently
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March 6, 2009




Doesn't work, it just gave me an increase in small white heads

I have to question how legitimate some of these reviews are, alot seem very similar. Having tried this for about 5 days i can safely say its not worked for me, if anything it made me break out more, it didnt reduce current spots, it didnt speed up healing(if anything they took longer to heal). I have mild acne. Try it but dont be fooled by the "amazing results" of some of the reviews.
February 20, 2009


-Reduces redness
-Dries up pimples
-Prevents future acne


-Its urine

I've been using this for about a week and...oh my god. It has completely gotten rid of that kind of "rough" look my skin had. Now my skin has a healthy glow and it's very radiant. I haven't gotten any new pimples since I started using it and the ones that I had prior to starting are now gone. I use it twice a day. In the morning after cleansing my face with a very mild glycolic cleanser. I wipe a little on my face (like a toner), wait 10 minutes, rinse it off then apply a very thin layer again (leaving it on this time) and apply Cetaphil moisturizer. So, the bottom line is DO IT. I know it may seem a little gross or embarrassing but your skin will thank you! I no longer have to continue my search for the perfect skin system.
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February 19, 2009


Havent tried it yet!


Who cares if its urine its part of me!

Ok why are people uncomfortable with it. I am excited to do it! I am smiling read my post on my past :( but when I came across this i feel hope! Not only that I wont get rashes like from this Bactrim SH*T!
February 18, 2009


clears up acne, helps with red marks, completely free


smells bad

This is by far the best treatment I have ever tried. The first time I did it, I couldn't believe I was actually putting pee on my face, but now it seems normal. It doesn't smell as bad as you think it will. It works! If you have tried many things and nothing seems to work, please give urine therapy a try. Some people say that stale urine works better, but fresh works fine for me. I just pee straight onto a cotton ball (midstream is supposed to be better) and then apply it to my face right before I go to bed.
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February 18, 2009


It makes your skin glow, feel smooth, takes away redness and reduces pimples in one day!!!!


None really!! Just dont tell anyone about it, and while you apply it on your face and let it sit in....dont open your mouth because you might get a bit O' pee in yo mouth!!! LOL

I read the amaxing reviews to i tried it today! i peed in a cup, washed my face with water, took some q tips and folded toilet paper and dabbed the pee on my face. It was not as unpleasant as my fault. If you get it near a zit though, it can sting. But its nothing unbearable. i just waited 15 min and then washed it off in the shower. I did not see IMMIDENT IMPROVEMENT, but after an hour, my skin glowed, it became softer, AND my pimples became less red and began to deflate. ALSO it takes all of the pain away from pimples! YAY!!
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