Urine Therapy

423 Reviews

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February 10, 2009





Was incredibly desparate so I tried this. It was amazing...I nearly cried from the results. It has beeen a VERY long time since my skin hasn't had zits. My skin was originally quite oily and after having breakouts, my dermatologist put me on a variety of topical creams. I kept at them for years but noticed that they were making my skin extremely dry. I stopped using them several months ago and my skin was not only dry but extremely sensitive as well. I was still getting breakouts so I decided to try the UT. It's really worked. Within a day, any zit is dried up and gone. I LOVE it and I'm so thankful I tried it. My skins is smoother now too. So I've gone from spending hundreds of dollars on chemical treatments and dissatisfaction to free, natural & satisfying solution.
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February 3, 2009


NO discomfort, NO dryness, NO side effects. Cleared my acne and helped heal red marks.


It's urine.

Don't "piss" on urine therapy until you've tried it! I tried this as a last resort, and felt really guilty that I had "sunk so low" for awhile. I think this may be a normal thing to feel at first. Started noticing improovement in my skin immediately: smaller poors, healthier glow. And then the acne and red marks started to heal! This is pretty much the only thing I've tried so far that I can see myself sticking with, as it does not wreck my skin at all! I have tried so many other things that gave me rashes and such that were much more umcomfortable then the acne! So don't bash it 'till you try it! You know what, nobody can tell I put piss on my face, what they can see is that for the first time in 15 years I have clear skin! And not only is it clear, my pores are almost invisible and I got asked a few times if I was pregnant! (Not cause I have a belly, but 'cause I am GLOWING!)
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February 2, 2009


its good


stinks but dosent matter becuz its for clear skin

i used it alot nd i am finnaly clear.
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January 12, 2009





After almost 30 years of feeling like a pizza face ,I tried this...who cares...I am only on day two and feel elated, this has greatly speeded up some horrible cysts I have poked and picked, I even had a chemical burn from desperately applying zit remedies, I was scared it would hurt my already ravaged skin but after learning that urine was used to heal war wounds and that is amazing on pus I did it...The glow of my skin, and the amazing way my picked at face is feeling has made me question why I ever thought $$$ could help me...please try it poor sufferer...
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January 7, 2009


It really works! Clears pores. Gentle on skin. Normalizes oil production. Makes skin smooth, soft, and clean. Free. You don't need anything else.


Smell, if you use old urine.

I had comedogenic and cystic acne - clogged and enlarged pores and some deep cysts that would never go away. I've read that it can be the most difficult acne to cure. I've used a lot of products over 20 years since I was a teenager. This is the only thing that has made a real difference. The people who say it doesn't work didn't use it long enough. Acne forms in deep layers of the skin. It can take 6-8 weeks for plugs to come to the surface and clear. When they start coming up, your acne will seem to get worse, but it's actually a good sign. Keep using it and your skin will get better as the sebum plugs get pushed out of your pores. The urine exfoliates gently and moisturizes and normalizes your skin. Use old urine - it works much better than fresh, which can irritate. I put it in a colored glass bottle and use a cotton ball to apply morning and night and leave it on as long as I can, then rinse. It does smell, but you get used to it and it's SO worth it!
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January 5, 2009


It kinda worked, only made my skin smooth and well it was still dry.


Dry skin, and well thats it, plus its pee.

I dont wanna do it again haha.
January 4, 2009


redness goes down amazing tones skin i love it i free easy to aplly


smells but worth it ...cant tell no one about it,,,

well if u live with ppl dont get to close to them cuz they will be able to smell it. but works so great for me even better when using the acne.org regimin i love it...im even happy to pee in the morning hah
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January 2, 2009


Cheap, easy to apply.


The smell, and it did not work, and....well, it's pee!

I was really desperate so I thought that I'd try urine therapy. I had really high hopes for it after reading these reviews and did everything correctly (applied twice a day generously with a cotton ball, let it sink in, midstream pee, etc etc) but after about a week it gave me smallish cysts covering my forehead and chin that really hurt, and it made everything worse in general and I didn't notice any improvement whatsoever. I'm glad that it's worked for so many others though and since it's free I would give it a chance if you haven't tried already...i seriously hope that you have more success than i did :( Good luck!!
December 31, 2008


Easy to access, easy to apply if you use a cotton ball.


Smells, stings

Doesn't really work... it might make the redness go down, but in a little while, it comes right back up.
December 22, 2008


works incredibly fast. Redness reduced within minutes of contact with skin. 50% reduction of my acne in just a day and a half. holy **** amazing. oh yah, it makes your skin feel soft too and moisturizes.


its pee, you can't tell anyone you're doing this.
it really doesnt smell too bad if you drink as much water as you should. But even if you do it still smells worse than pretty much anything else. But seriously, id rather pee on myself than have ac

I had acne for 2 years and nothing worked for me. When i first saw this I thought it was a huge hoax. I remember thinking, what a sick joke, like i'm gonna fall for that. Then I did my research and found out what piss actually was. Don't let the drug companies fool you any longer. Stop putting harsh dry irritating stuff on your skin like BP and give this a go. If you are man enough. or woman enough :) PEE TOTALLY OWNS ACNE YOU HEARD IT HERE FOLKS. p.s. I'm not sure if it works for all acne, I have the inflammatory kind.
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