
756 Reviews

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September 25, 2018
Bad method
Best method for irritate skin and make acne more worse
December 16, 2016
made skin worse
I tried using whatever brand of generic toothpaste that's sold at costco and it made me breakout. But I think the effectiveness has to do more with how minty the toothpaste is. The kind I used isn't super minty, like after brushing my teeth drinking water isn't super cold. And when I used it as a spot treatment, it turned inflamed red bumps into big whiteheads overnight. I've used toothpaste in the past that was really minty and it definitely didn't make my acne worse. Just check what kind of toothpaste you're using. I'd test it on a small zit that's in a less noticeable area before going ham on the rest of your face.
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October 27, 2016
Didn't work for me
I used the white colgate one, put it on my pimples for 3 nights and didn't have any effect on some, but worsned some. Def don't recommend it.
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August 13, 2015
It did nothing to my spots but I got so angry at it as it made my skin turn sensitive and now I can't use my favourite acne face mask without me going red! 😡😡😡😡😡😡
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August 9, 2015
NEVER DO THIS!!!!!!!!!
Toothpaste may dry out your pimples and work in the short run. But some chemicals in the toothpaste may cause you're face to get oily and break out. So in the long run it will make your acne / pimples worse! Pimples may even turn to full acne and damage your skin permanently! NEVER EVER DO THIS!!!
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October 3, 2015
That just means you are having an allergic reaction to the toothpaste
May 16, 2016
I've studied skin and I feel like the best way around this to prevent further breakouts is once this pimple has gone from the toothpaste apply moisturiser as soon as possible. This way the goodness of the moisturiser will reset the skin back to its happy place where it isn't confused and decides to create more oil. Your skin is trying its best to maintain a certain balance between dry and oily, but sometimes it'll produce more if it thinks it's too dry, which, with toothpaste it obviously will be :-) So toothpaste and moisture up! :)
May 16, 2016
Also, the chemicals in toothpaste aren't even really supposed to be going near your skin, so the original postee has a point. But an allergic reaction is super possible too, again because the products inside toothpaste aren't for your skin, lol but people are going to do it anyway, that's just why I wrote how to aid along with the toothpaste :-)
July 29, 2015
is this witchcraft of some type ?? It burned my skin and caused decoloration.Not sure of it was used properly but I followed a dot fave mask from Pinterest , and i guess it didn't work out .
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July 2, 2015
Warning about irritation!!
Although toothpaste can dry out spots, it generally causes over drying. Because of this, your body responds by producing oil to compensate resulting in increased risk for more spots. I made this mistake of applying toothpaste every night. since I stopped my spots are less aggravated and my skin doesn't dry out too much.
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June 20, 2015
The worst treatment ever!!!!
This is terrible! It did nothing to my pimple or acne. It just made it more painful,red and irritated. Also If by chance you happen to apply it anywhere on your facial skin other your acne area you will break out terribly! Please don't you this.
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May 22, 2015
Please don't ever do this, EVER!
I don't know why i even attempted this. I should have known better. I put this on my face and now i have a huge chemical burn on my face that is probably going to take months, maybe even years to go away. I literally cried for 2 hours straight after seeing my face. Its horrible. Please don't ever do this to your face, it might work for some people, but its not worth the risk in my opinion. Just go get some benzoyl peroxide from the drugstore and use that instead.
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May 31, 2015
Same just happened tomenim gutted. My skin has dried out and a massive burn mark in the middle of it. I only dabbed it on a pimple on my cheek area and left overnight and now this hurrendous mark. I jave spinal surgery in the morning and I am not allowed makeup on!!! Gonna look great that mark. I agree never do this ever because I certainly won't be x
October 14, 2014
Dont try it!!!
Dont try using toothpaste on your acne!! It doesnt work for me and it worsened my condition. Acne grew redder and breakouts started to appearing like crazy. There isnt any shortcuts in getting an acne free skin. If there is, dont believe it!! I have been there and done that so i know! It takes time but just persists. There is no shortcuts in life, so is removing acne!!
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