Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 3, 2010


I works great as SPOT TREATMENT ONLY
What is does for me is totally eliminate the pimple and leave a dry skin patch, that peels off and reveals clear (slightly pink) skin that fades.


Added it to my facewash, and it ruined my clear skin. Left me with red spots that still wont go away. Horrible rash..:(
Smells a bit.

I have been using it as a spot treatment and that worked great. So i added a drop or two to my cleanser, which worked great too. Unitl the 3rd day and now I have an awful rash all over my face. Red spots everywhere. So be careful. I thought my skin was used to it, but I guess not. Stick to using it as a spot treatment, or buy a cleanser where it is ONE of the ingredients..... Moral of the story: Be careful. Just because I had an allergic reaction doesn't mean you will too, but seriously, test it for a long time. The emotional damages from this is far worse than a few spots.
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April 8, 2010


It works



it works but expensive
February 12, 2010


its natural, not as drying as bp


smell, messiness, bit expensive, it only works to a certain extent

it did not clear all of my acne, so my face was never fully clear, i personally think bp is better but bp is more drying than this, but i still think everyone should try it, cuz theres no harm in trying it might work better for you than it did for me
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January 4, 2010


-reduces redness.
-helps control acne spreading
- the way it rolls on stops bacteria growing
- good when used with Bp
- prefect size for in your makeup bag.
- good to put on throughout the day if you feel a spot coming on.


- you have to put it on often
- I dont feel i could just use the tea tree.

The product i bought was a tea tree oil blemish stick. After having a large breakout my mum suggested it. I tried it to good sucess, it helps soothe the acne while reducing it. I found it usefull however i wouldnt just use it on its on.
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October 5, 2009


Clean feeling, and burns. I like the burn as it feels like it is going through my skin and you know, work it's way XD


Most being don't like the burning sensation, i like it though

It works, won't work imediatly, but will work, srsly. I bought it from Body Shop with a special offer of cleanser and some mini bottle of tea three oil after applying cleaner. all in all it cost 10 euros
September 16, 2009


Affordable, leaves a clean feeling


just does not work and smells horrendous.

I think it doesn;t work at all. Maybe it's just not for me. It's made my face get oilier and break out even more than before I purchased it. I used the Body Shop's tea tree line. yeah, I don't like it.
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August 31, 2009


after washing my face with a tea tree oil face wash my face feels very clean and fresh. it also makes my skin less oily


did not clear up my acne at all. it actually has gotten(sp?) worse since i've been using this product.

i went to the body shop and bought a t.t.o face wash, night lotion, face mask, and 100% t.t.o. they said i should see clearer skin in one week but i didnt. i liked the fact that it was all natural but overall it didnt really work. also my acne is not bad, i just get a few pimples once in a while and tea tree oil didnt even help that! my skin now has alot more acne
July 18, 2009




doesn't really work

I'm all for natural products. This one however left my pimples more red and gave me hyperpigmentation marks. I have oily but sensitive skin and this was simply too strong for me...bp doesn't react good with my skin either obviously every reaction will be different. I would recommend trying this though because it could work for you. ALSO the side effects are not that long-term or serious because it's a natural product :)
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July 1, 2009
I just want to say that for all of you hoping that this is a miracle product, IT'S NOT! Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic......so it helps get rid of the bacteria that causes acne. It won't necessarily solve the problem, but it's worth a try.
June 30, 2009


It helps with new pimples if you catch them right away. I was able to stop a good amount before they fully formed. Doesn't dry my skin out, but my skin is naturally oily to begin with.


Nonetheless, it hasn't helped me stop my acne from appearing. I just recently got two large cysts last week that are just now healing.My skin is still very red in those spots. It also smells strong.

I think it good to keep around for the occasional zit that you can catch early. Also, it wouldn't hurt to mix a few drops in your regular toner. I feel it isn't any miracle cure, then again most of know there isn't one otherwise you wouldn't be reading this.
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