Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 26, 2013
This product is a little iffy


Probably good for whiteheads


Makes skin dry
Makes skin red
Burns and smells wierd

I am 15 and have oily and sensitive skin. I used to suffer from white heads all over my t zone but after using a benzoyl peroxide wash and a medicine prescribed by my doctor called minocycline, it has cleared up a lot. Now however, I have big cysts that form on my cheeks. I thought i was almost out of the woods but then these things came and they are painful and make my skin look swollen. I tried applying tea tree oil as spot treatment but it doesnt really do much. It mostly just dries out the surface skin over the cyst. And i can only use it at night because it makes the area extremely red (this may be because my skin is kind of sensitive). It burns when you apply it at first and has a strange smell but i am used to both of these things by now. I am torn though because i think it helps decrease the cyst size a little bit, but it just dries the crap out of the area. I dont think i would recommend this for people with cystic acne but i think it would be a great for whiteheads because it would dry and draw out the gross stuff. I wouldnt recommend it if you have dry skin because it will most likely make you flaky. But it may just be so drying on me because i use it following a bp cleanser. You might give it a shot, especially if you have oily whiteheaded skin, but i think it just depends on who you are and what condition your skin is in. Sorry that was lengthy but hopefully it helped.
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June 27, 2013
Not terrible or brilliant


Made skin feel clean


Strong smell
Not very effective

I found it made very little difference to my comedonal acne/ clogged pores that I was trying to target. I used it for around 3 months with not much noticeable difference. It didn't help my acne, but it didn't make it worse either
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June 18, 2013
All Natural


Natural product
Non comedogenic



I used this as a spot treatment. It dries out acne very well. I just dab it on with a cotton swab and it does the job. It's not to drying or harsh either.
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March 29, 2013


Dried up pimples quickly
Natural product
Cheap and effective


Crusty skin

I love using natural products. Before I started the regimen I used tea tree oil day and night to dry up breakouts. It worked but dried it too much in the end. The best natural product I have found for my acne though.
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November 20, 2012


dry the acne with in couple of days


by week 1 it started to leave dark spots

i have a clear face ever since, i will just get one or two zits but nothing major until after maybe 2 months ago upto early october my acne became severe leading m to take antibiotic oral and topical but nothing works, i try tea tree oil for the first week and its giving me a good result by dritying up my pimples within 3 days, but my problem now is that after a week or using it dark spots are arising from my previous pimples, im just anxious when it will be reduce and will it be diminishby continuous use or tea tree oil, please help.. im almost crying like hell because of this, should i hang on and wyt for a couple of weeks more??
September 8, 2012


Shrinks pimples, natural


Leaves red marks, causes scars to redden, dries out skin

I would use this to spot treat and kill bacteria, but definitely not if you plan to go out in public within the next 12-24 hours. I mixed the tea tree oil with 98% organic aloe vera and spot treated, which worked fine. But when I put it all over my face, everything...EVERYTHING was severely red for a while, and it caused quite a few dry spots. This stuff is strong...it works as well as benzol peroxide, don't underestimate it's strength just because it's natural.
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May 1, 2012


a little drying


smells bad
greasy (but that's to be expected)
not very effective

This might have helped a little bit, but really I just noticed peeling and no change in the actual pimple. I use it on my scalp now, though, and now it's cleaner and flake free!!
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February 26, 2012


Dries up acne without irritating the rest of your skin
Diminishes the appearance of acne gradually
Doesn't irritate
Easy to apply
Works well overnight


Slow to work // takes time
Doesn't do wonders - only speeds up healing process
Left me with very dark acne scars
Strong smell

Overall, I do use tea tree oil on a daily basis and will probably continue to do so. The results aren't TOO noticeable, though it has helped in reducing spots and has made my blemishes clear up quicker than usual. The thing I hate about it though, is that many pimples that I've applied this to left behind VERY dark scars that I'm afraid will take forever to remove.
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February 20, 2012


Only a small amount is needed
Feels fresh, feels good that yours using something organic and pure


Only worked for small blemished and spots
shouldn't be used for outright acne
Can sting, but it sometimes doesn't
Small bottle is expensive
Gets used quickly

It's good for small spots and blemishes if thats all you get, but apart from that it isn't really effective for general acne, the odd spot yeah, it may work for you, it worked for me when I used to get a spot or 2, but when I actually got 'acne' it just didnt work. At one point I was clear and had an event to go to the next day, I broke out a day before with large spots, around my T zone, mainly cheeks, tea tree oil didn't do anything and I applied a generous amount of it for 2 days.
January 18, 2012


helps acne, after long-term consistent use


smells, takes a while to work (think 4-6 weeks), requires huge quantities

This only appreciably helped my acne when I used it neat (undiluted) for several weeks. I can't wear it out because of the smell so I'd wear it to bed, but I hate the smell. It didn't perform wonders on my acne, just improved it somewhat. I ultimately left this off to try other things but still use it as a spot treatment or as part of a mask.
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