Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 4, 2008


helps get rid of pimples a little, pleasent cooling effect


didn't work very well for me.

I have to say I rather like the smell, and after you put it on theres a great cooling effect on your skin which feels wonderful. It worked great for eveyone else so give it a shot or try lavender oil which worked for me.
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August 9, 2008


reduced the size of the acne and made some spots clear up made my skin smooth


it burned and really dried out my skin it cleaned up some of my blackheads but not many i dont hate the smell but i dont like it that much either

it made my face look somewhat worse with all the irritation and dryness that the stuff caused. yeah it did get rid of some of the acne but made a lot of the remaining zits red
August 8, 2008


really good at removing the acne, makes skin feel good


makes my eyes water like crazy!

So I just started using it like two days ago and already I see a difference. I bought the one from The Body Shop. I used it as a spot treatment over my moisturizer (once the moisturizer wasnt wet on my skin anymore) and within a few days I see the big ones already starting to go away. I like the herbally smell although it seems like a lot of people on here don't. it relaxes me. also it stings a bit at first on the open zits but it stops fast and it feels your skin feeling healthier.
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July 12, 2008


Might be good as a preventative face wash when heavily diluted. Seems to work for others.


In a matter of days it transformed my cysts and papules into whiteheads, and then back into regular looking acne, where they remained for the usual length of time.

I was using it as a spot treatment for my mild/moderate cystic acne - not expecting miracle results, but at least to have some effect, maybe speed up the healing or ease inflammation. Applied undiluted with a cotton swab twice a day for 6 days, didn't change anything.
July 3, 2008


Dries fast and makes your skin feel fresh


The smell is pretty strong, but it is barable

I just started using Tea Tree Oil today so I don't see any changes yet. I actually see a few new ones? So if it gets any worse I will stop using it. I have so much trouble with my skin I just pray to god that it will work. It depends on your skin though.
June 11, 2008


Natural, afordable. I acually like the smell :)


Made my face worse.

Turned the normal pimples into cystic acne :( I really wanted this to work. I wouldn't recomend this to anyone, without really doing your homework.
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June 10, 2008


This is by far the best thing i have tried! i have alot of scars and bumps and it got to work first wash



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June 1, 2008


Reduces size of acne, Good for whiteheads and random breakouts caused by mistreatment of skin, Good substitute for BP


Dryness, Strong smell, itchiness,

I used this as a replacement for my extended addiction to Proactive, and it worked great as a spot treatment for acne that's coming to the surface. I wouldn't use it all over my face though--too drying. In general, this dries my skin far too much for everday use, but if you're trying to wean yourself off BP then this is good. But it really doesn't improve overall skin health and is best used as a spot treatment for acne caused by overnight bacteria.
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May 18, 2008


Give it a couple days and it's awesome!


Takes a few days to work

I love this face wash. I have sensitive skin, but it didn't burn my face. Some people say it smells. Personally, I think it has a very good, medicinal smelling smelly smell. =)
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April 24, 2008


lifts dirt
clears skin
evens skin tone and brightens


foul smell, very potent

My skin is as such that is greasy and almost sops up the dirt from the air and otherwise. Tea tree oil aids my fight against acne. In combination with bp and moisturizer and a very light cleanser, I find that I only get break outs when I'm stressed or there's a shift in hormones. It has helped clear away the little bumps, not the more prominent blemishes
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