Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 27, 2008


Dries out pimples


Flaky and dry skin (Oil-free Moisturizers should be applied after cleansing)

It helps reduce size in blemishes. But can cause really dry skin..
July 23, 2008


This stuff works on the big ones!


It is VERY drying and must be diluted; application can be kind of a pain but is worth it.

I dip a q-tip in my desert essence 100% Australian tea tree oil, then squeeze drops of the oil onto a moistened cotton ball and apply all over my face. Then I take the q-tip and apply pure, undiluted oil to individual pimples. Has shrunken two huge cysts within about 3 days, but oddly enough is not working as quickly on smaller pimples. Contrary to others, I love the smell (it's herbally and very refreshing) and I like the tingle I get when this stuff is applied. Good stuff, and natural! Better than applying harsh chemicals to your face.
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July 22, 2008




It made my acne really red and and noticable. and it smelled bad

Use it! it works! I mean i used it but it didn't really work that much for me, but it may work for you!
July 11, 2008


dries out pimples
works especially well for cyst zits
use as a spot treatment


doesnt work immediately
can dry skin aroun the area, but u can just peel it off it's just dried out skin cells

I know some ppl saw results right away, but i didnt. I had to use it consistantly, but it does work, it really dries out your big painful zits. i mix 2 parts water with 1 part tto, and it's really good, but make sure u mix well because water and oil dont go well together
July 8, 2008


Good for on the spot treatment


redness, burning and strong smell

It works better combined with apple cider vinegar
July 8, 2008


I'd put just a dab on a pimple before going to bed, the next day...it was gone! It really works. Didn't really dry out skin.


Strong smell, but you'll forget about it once you've gotten your results.

It's awesome, it's a lot faster than the others, cheap, and natural.
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June 11, 2008


Antibacterial, so kills acne for a long period of time. Does not damage your liver as minocin or pills. If used correctly doesn't make bacterial resistant to it. Cleared up 80% of my breakouts.


It's expensive. It leaves a sticky feeling. It smells a little. It doesn't clear up existing black heads or around 35% of existing cystic "new" breakouts (people who know understand these one...the ones that you know will turn out bad guys in weeks).

I have had cystic acne for about 7 years (I'm 24), but breakouts started at 15. I literary tried everything. Salycic Acid, Benzoil Peroxide, Minocin (Antibiotic, Pills), Fucidin. Don't get me wrong, the first two worked years ago in reducing a small proportion of it. Now they don't work at all. No matter the amount or percentage of SA or BP. I have taken pills three times and they reduced it for a long time, but I needed months of treatment and they are really bad for you. I think that I developed resistance to antibacterial like fucidin. I used Deacneal from a french laboratory for two months before TTO, it's fantastic and really improved my skin, but it didn't clear my acne up completely and didn't look as if it was. I was also using Clinique for Acne, better than the usual clean and clear. like that but not enough for someone who has aSo...I have been using tea tree oil for about 2 months now. It has been fantastic. I switched completely to the whole line of The Beauty Shop.
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June 10, 2008


Strong smell but totally worth it!!! May burn


It dries out the pimples in about 24 hrs then within the next day or so it is gone!!!

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June 5, 2008


its soo cheap and works wonders


none.. the smell some ppl don't like but its really not that bad

i put a dab of it on this monster zit and i swear within 12 hours its was clearing up, another 12 hours and hopefully if will be gone completely
May 17, 2008


reduces redness, swelling, and size of the pimples after only a few applications!


obnoxious smell and dries up your skin pretty badly.

if you want results quickly, try the tea tree oil. i've been having major issues with my acne for five years and after two applications of the 100% tea tree oil, i have already noticed a great difference. of course it is not MAGIC and make everything go away, but i've really noticed a difference and my pores are smaller and tighter and it has significantly reduced the number of blackheads.
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