Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 17, 2009


Help dries up pimples and prevents new ones from occuring
Good all-around spot treatment as well as toner
All Natural!!


Can be extremely drying to the point of skin peeling
Burns if you have sensitive skin
Smell is acquired

I use this (5-6 drops) diluted with witch hazel twice a day as a toner/treatment. As a spot treatment I drip 1-2 drops right on the spot. It works GREAT. I've been battling with acne ever since puberty and I've tried most of the popular name brands ones, and found that my skin reacted horribly in the long-run to Benzyol Peroxide and other harsh chemicals found in expensive name brands. So I did a bunch of research and came up with a natural alternative to treating my acne, and this tea tree oil is high on the list. In a study, it was actually reported to have the same effect as 5% BP without all the nasty side effects. So bottom line is try it, because it's all natural and potent. But remember to dilute it with witch hazel or other carrier oils (bergamot, lavender, eucalyptus, etc) other wise it will be too harsh. And most importantly, don't forget to follow through with a good moisturizer, even if you have oily skin (for drier skin, I highly recommend 100% Shea Butter)
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July 12, 2009


It reduces redness, and helps with oil


The smell is really stong [I could learn to love it though]

I used it nate [undiluted] I wiped it all over face, let dry then put on oil free moisturizer mixed with 3drops of lavender oil. It has been working pretty awesome. My skin wasn't really bad, but enough to make me insecure. Be prepared to exfoliate every other day for the first week or so [I just use half brown sugar and half white]. Do this so the dry skin you are sure to have won't end up clogging pores, giving you more acne. Use it, it can't hurt to try... if you have dryish skin, do the tea tree oil solution 3:10. Otherwise, your skin will probably start to peel. I'm going to post another review after 3 weeks, then after 6, after 8, after 6months. :) Hopefully with good news!
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June 30, 2009


Dries pimples up fast, all natural remedy, reduces scaring and future breakouts.


Smell is strong, makes skin dry out

I have tried almost every product on the market for acne and nothing ever worked for me. I've been using tee tree oil for a few weeks now and I have to say my face looks 50% better then it did when I first started. It brings pimples to a white head which is just pulling all the bad stuff out of your face. After a few weeks I noticed I've hardly had any new pimples form. Just a few little ones. I put it on morning and night after washing my face with a type of cleanser. It tends to dry the skin out though so I put a moisturizer on after the tee tree oil dries. I usually just dab the pimples and scaring areas using a Q-tip or cotton ball. Sometimes I'll rub fresh aloe from the plant on my face after applying the oil, seems to help even out the tone of my skin. I say tee tree oil is definitely worth a try...make sure it's 100* pure. I'll update again in a few weeks.
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June 13, 2009


It dries up the pimples.
Eliminates cysts in just a week or so.
Less inflammed breakouts


Causes breakouts (read below to understand)
Turns my scars brighter and healing pimples redder.
Makes my pimples come to a head

I love this product. This is my BP but better because it doesn't cause as much dryness. I use it as a spot treatment for really big, nasty pimples and cysts. Be warned, I've learnt the hard way that you can only use this as a spot treatment (but mine is100%pure, so I'm not certain about diluted solutions) because at first, it cleared me up quite a bit, but then, I noticed that it started to make me breakout around my mouth. I NEVER BREAK OUT ON MY UPPER LIP. It also caused cysts on my chin and whiteheads on my upperforehead. I have combo skin which is oily on my forehead and especially my nose, but dry on my cheeks and normal-ish on my mouth area. I think the oily parts of my face could handle it but it was too drying for the normal parts of my skin so it caused a lot of irritation and broke me out there. It is also an oil, so putting it on the very oily parts of my skin gave me whiteheads. It's sort of a doubled edged knife in a way. It's a good product but it can turn on you.
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June 11, 2009


The product seems to be working by drying up the pimples. The skin feels really clean after putting on the products.


It has an undesirable smell. It is expensive too. It may take time for the product to work and clear up the blemishes.

I have been using The Body Shop's Tea Tree Oil line (facial wash, toner, day time moisturizer, and night gel). Although it is expensive, it is worth a try. However, I may not be sure if it is the effects of the products since I am also taking flax seed supplements, vitamin c with rose hips supplements and multivitamins. I am also shifting to a fruit/vegetable/white meat diet.
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June 10, 2009


i dont know yet, only using it for a day but seems good


weird texture!

i just started this yesterday and its not like other tee tree oils its a stick and feels waxy, not like liquid and oily! I'm wondering if anyone has ever had something like this before and does it work?? it also has vitamin E in it.
June 9, 2009


I have been using tea tree oil facial wash, toner, and night gel to get rid of my recurring acne. I have noticed that it dried up the acne on the first week. My skin feels clean and looks better.


The oil has a temporary weird smell. The results of this ingredient are not dramatic. I may have to wait for more weeks before it clears out. It is also a little bit expensive in the Philippines since the product comes from Australia.

It's a good product. A person with acne should try it out if it matches the skin type and its needs.
June 5, 2009


Natural and safer, milder than BP, stops cystic acne from blwoing out of proportion, heals spots


No dramatic results. You have to be patient

I started doind the BP regimen but my skin just cannot cope with 2x applciation of BP. Mt skin was dry and peeling and looking unhealthy. I decided to maintain my nightly BP routine but looked for an alternative for my AM regimen. I mix this with aloe vera then 2 frops of 100% TTO from Thrusday Plantation. It heals spots pretty quickly and prevents cycstic acne from becoming monster-sized. No, it doesn't heal cyuctic acne in one day but it does heal it slowly from within. I'm not totally clear yet but I have hope on this product. It definitely made my skin healthier and smoother and matte. It is worth a try and its natural. For long term use, I'd rather stick to this than BP as I cannot imagine putting that on my face for years to come. It sucks having adult acne all of a sudden at 29, it caught me totally bu surprise and it went bad really quickly. Hopefully TTO can give me my clear, healthy skin back, slowly but surely.
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June 2, 2009


started to make acne marks dissappear literally in two to three days.


the smell isn't that great but i'm willing to put that aside to make my humiliating acne scars go away.

Great to us if you have acne scars, ultimately inexpensive, nothing works quite like this. Although, my acne scars were bad they have shown some improvement over two weeks and i hope it continues to make them go away. Living with my acne scars has been hard because i'm a cheerleader and a majorette and i never felt happy and able to express myself. I'm gonna pray that this little bottle of tea tree oil continues as it has and completely clear my face, that would be more than i could ever ask for! Don't spend your money on other things, try this product!
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May 20, 2009


I have used tea tree oil wipes(body shop) on pus filled spots, the wipes lift the pus right off as long as the spot is ripe. Skin feels alot cleaner aswel.


The problem is using this alone can not get rid of my acne, I take cod liver oil tablets, and i have seen a HUGE difference in my gram negative folliculitis over the last week.

Its good for topical application, lessens pain, makes you feel abit more fresh. ALSO BEWARE - i have bought some cheap creams from ebay which use tea tree oil and it only made the acne worse!!!!!! i switched to a brand name cream and the acne was controlled abit better.
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