Diane-35 : Oral Contraceptive

912 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg and Ethinyl estradiol 0.035 mg.

Inactive Ingredients:
Cornstarch, Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, Povidone, and Talc.

Tablet Coating:
Calcium Carbonate, Ferric Oxide Yellow, Glycerol, Polyethylene Glycol, Povidone, Sucrose, Talc, Titanium Dioxide, and Wax.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 16, 2018
Eczema and rosacea after 1 year
I'm crying as I write this post. Diane 35 ruins my skin. I have been on the medication for 1 whole year now and while most of my acne has dissapeared, I have developed severe eczema and rosacea. I'm only 18 years old and starting to see wrinkles. I'm sure it's because of this pill as I didn't change my routine/diet at all. I'm still on DIane, because the negative reviews when stopping the pill scare me. But how much worse could it get? My skin looks worse than ever, completely ruined. I hoped my skin would clear up after 6 months, it didn't. Not sure what to do now. I don't go outside anymore and skip a lot of classes in college because of the fysical/mental pain.
October 4, 2016
So far the worse experience
Iv been on this pill for a week now and already ended up in the hospital due to severe pains on left side doctor said taking this and with hormones changing that im going to get contractions , this has been 4 days and now today im sick and dizzy anyone else have any side effects like this ??
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April 15, 2016
Great for acne but is it worth it? It's up to your own personal chemistry makeup.
I've suffered with the dreaded acne curse since I was 12yrs old. I'm now 21. It's wreaked havoc on every area of my life and i've had to go through countless prescription creams, natural medicines, 3 different antibiotics at very high doses, yasmin pill, facials, light LED therapy ect with limited to no success. When it reached it's peak in 2013 I decided to go on Diane-35. Although hesitant to try it from my past experience with the YAZ pill that made me suicidal I took it for a year and it GREATLY improved my skin. I would hardly ever have more than two spots on my face at one time. I stopped it a few years ago and only recently has it started to break out again. SO I started taking it again a month ago. I've never felt this mentally ill from a pill since taking YAZ. Since the first day taking it my anxiety has been through the roof, for no given reason whatsoever. I can't sleep at night and have resorted to taking phenergan to knock me out cold. During the day my anxiety is no better- I have shooting pains of anxiety through my hands and feet. I've also felt very nauseous and sick this time around- my stomach feels unsettled and the first day I took it I felt like I needed to vomit. I remember the last time I took Diane-35 the emotional side effects were not as pronounced as they are now but they were still there. It was more depression than anxiety. The day I stopped taking it the clouds lifted and I felt like my lively self again. I plan to stop taking it today and hopefully the same will happen. For acne i'm going to start taking 'Spironolactone' and hope that it doesn't cause mental disturbances to this effect.
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September 29, 2015
is it really effective?
i've been using this diane35 pill for almost a month but i notice nothing, no changes on my acne prone skin..i still got this few acne on my forehead and lower part of my face and the worst I have some breakouts on my back which is sometimes painful and very uncomfortable..I'm wondering if its potency will be notice after a few months of usage? and is there a right time when to take the pill for its most effective result?both for acne treatment and birth control. Please advice...(i cannot give any recommendations yet or discouragements because i just started to use this pill)
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December 8, 2015
Hang in there, i've been using for a month too...everyone says it takes about 6 months for perfection. My doc did recommend that i take the pill in the morning about the same time every day...dont lose hope hang in there
August 18, 2015
Plz suggest me
I read all comments nd suggestion realted diane 35 .. i need a little advise from.users of diane 35 .. who are taking it just to overcome the problem of acne... iam also facing acne problem.my acne is only my face.only on cheeks aera... for 3 -4 years ... sometime my acne totally vanished nd some time it grew again very badly...i am tired of using differnt face washes nd home remedies.. one of my freind suggest me to take diane 35 that it will help tu cure my acne problem... i want alll of u to suggest me to take medication.or not... please help me ...i reallly need to knw ...
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August 21, 2015
I have been on Diane-35 for just over 4 months now and I am happy with the results. My skin is noticeably clearer. I used to always get deep, hormonal acne that is painful and nearly impossible to get rid of, and I haven't gotten these pimples for the past two months. This medication is definitely making my acne more manageable and I am happy with the results. You should ask your doctor if this medication is right for you. In my opinion, the pros outweigh the cons.
August 21, 2015
I have been on Diane-35 for just over 4 months now and I am happy with the results. My skin is noticeably clearer. I used to always get deep, hormonal acne that is painful and nearly impossible to get rid of, and I haven't gotten these pimples for the past two months. This medication is definitely making my acne more manageable and I am happy with the results. You should ask your doctor if this medication is right for you. In my opinion, the pros outweigh the cons.
August 21, 2015
I have been on Diane-35 for just over 4 months now and I am happy with the results. My skin is noticeably clearer. I used to always get deep, hormonal acne that is painful and nearly impossible to get rid of, and I haven't gotten these pimples for the past two months. This medication is definitely making my acne more manageable and I am happy with the results. You should ask your doctor if this medication is right for you. In my opinion, the pros outweigh the cons.
April 21, 2015
How much longer?!
I have just finished my 3rd month on Estelle 35 which is the generic version of Diane 35 (exactly the same thing one is just cheaper). I am so close to giving up because i'm not sure how much longer i have to wait until i see results. I have not seen ANY results on Diane, i don't feel my acne has gotten any worse or better. I don't have any cystic acne my acne only consists of small bumps on my forehead that are under the surface of the skin and don't really rise above it yet NEVER seem to budge. In terms of side effects i have noticed many perhaps 1-2kg weight gain nothing drastic, my period still seem to run for a good 6-7 days. I'm not really sure if this is normal because i know that it's meant to shorten your period.. Hoping Estelle 35 kicks in soon because i have read so many good reviews on it.
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June 12, 2015
Hi, I think your acne gets worse the first 3 months, then it gets better by your 4th packet, and by the 6 month mark it should be working properly. I'm going through the exact same thing as you so hang in there!
January 30, 2015
Diane 35--Only works whilst you are on it.
I took Ginnete 35 , generic version for two years when i was 25 and my face went from sand paper to baby bum smooth. I also looked very feminine and had this glow happening. I was very pretty on the outside but on the inside i was not happy. The mood swings were not a joke, i could cry at absolutely anything and my libido was just not there.. my cervical mucous was so white and sticky the whole time i was on Diane so sex was very much not enjoyable and dry-ish for me..oh and my hair was not growing anymore. When the time came for me to try for a baby , i stopped Dianne and thats when all hell broke loose...i could not conceive for a good 1 year 2 months and the acne was coming back slowly but surely.. the once glowing skin was now very oily.. libido came back..hair grew back, my moods wings got better..in short i just got back to what i was..except that i could not conceive. . Then i went to the Derma who prescribed tetralysal. I used it for 4 months then had to stop because i started having severe stomach cramps.. when i went to get these checked.i was diagnosed with colitis and they also found out that I was two weeks pregnant. So i stopped taking Tetralysal...and miscarried the baby at 8 weeks. I then went to a fertility clinic and they prescribed Glucophage because they said i had developed PCOS and found 2cm fibroid which i never had before Dianne 35 because my mensus was very much on time and i would know when i was ovulating and when i was not. Anyway I stopped all acne treatments and concentrated on trying to get a baby. Though my acne had stabilized whilst on tetralysal, I could tell it was starting to get worse but the rate was very slow maybe because of the Glucophage. Within two months of glucophage, i fell pregnant...my acne got better as i remained on the glucophage. When i gave birth, it was hell on earth,.the acne just got bad..three times worse that it originally was. I went back to the derma and was put on Erymicin, Skinoren, Retin A and a cream for scars with 4% hydroquinone. Things improved drastically but my derma ackowledged me that it was temporary because once i stop all this, the acne will just come back again . so she offered to put me on accutane once i finshed breastfeeding. I breastfed for a yr and have started my accutane treatment and its only been three days without any problems. I will not be taking birth controls with this and my birth control method will be using abstinence and condoms. will write a review on the accutane once iv completed treatment
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October 16, 2014
Horrible acne!
I'm 27 years old and I started taking Estelle 35 aka Diane 35 to help lessen the intense cramping, heavy bleeding/clotting/anemia associated with my periods. I've been using this for 3 months now and during this time my face has completely broken out in large, red, cystic pimples. I've never had a problem with my skin before usually only breaking out before my period, but after starting Estelle my face has completely changed. I was hoping that it was just because my body needed to adjust to the hormones, but it seems to only be getting worse. I was on levlen before and found it didnt help at all with my period pain. The relief and ability to be able to walk every month is the only reason iv put up with the terrible acne. My wedding is in a few months and i just wish it clears up soon or i will go back to my gp and try again.
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October 14, 2014
Did not help at all!
I am 18 years old and I was put on this pill because of my unbalanced hormones, my acne was never really that bad and my weight was always average and hadn't changed in years, but my emotions had always been quite up and down. I read pages and pages of these reviews in hope that this would be my miracle pill. This pill broke me out in acne very badly and made me very very emotionally unstable and extremely paranoid, I thought I had some sort of terrible mental disorder, I thought I really was going insane! I also put on 7 kilo's in the few months that I was on Diane, and have gone up 2 dress sizes, but a week after stopping this pill I lost 2 kilo's and am still eating the exact same as before, yes my breasts did get bigger but that came with putting the weight on and they were extremely sore for the whole 2 months! I am a smoker and I was very worried about getting blood clots on this pill, I did get a lot of pains and cramps in my arms, legs and stomach during my time on the pill but nothing major resulted from them. I had high hopes for this pill but for me personally I think the side effects outweigh the pro's for this product! I did not lose hair after stopping this pill, my acne is slowly starting to go and my emotional state is on its way to recovery. I say go for it if it is a last option with your acne and if you're willing to put up with what may happen to your body!
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January 5, 2014
Too many risks




after 5 months still no improvement
too many risks (blood clotting)

I was on Diane for about 5 months. During that time I really didn't see any improvement in my skin. Not only that, but seeing reports and testimonies on the side effects and how dangerous they can be made me stop taking it. I don't want to risk it. Plus I have no health coverage so it was expensive as hell. I'm on a normal generic birth control now, Tricyclene Lo (if that's how you spell it) because I still need to be on the pill. It's not specifically for acne like Diane is but maybe in a couple months it will help to clear my skin up as I've heard most bc's do.
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