Yasmin : Oral Contraceptive

1145 Reviews

21 yellow tablets
Active Ingredients:
3 mg drosperinone and 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol.

Inactive ingredients:
lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, pregelatinized starch NF, povidone 25000 NF, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, macrogol 6000 NF, titanium dioxide USP, talc USP, and ferric oxide pigment, yellow NF. The white inert film-coated tablets contain lactose monohydrate NF, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, talc USP, and titanium dioxide USP.

7 white inert film-coated tablets
Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose monohydrate NF, corn starch NF, povidone 25000 NF, magnesium stearate NF, hypromellose USP, talc USP, and titanium dioxide USP.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 11, 2009


Way less acne, breast grew one cup size, prevents pregnancy, no weight gain


None so far

I've heard some pretty nasty reviews for Yasmin, but keep in mind that everyBODY is different. I started Yasmin about a year ago, and other than slight nausea the first week, its been amazing. My skin cleared up so much. I used to get horrible acne around my period, including cystic pimples, and now I get maybe one or two tiny pimples each month. My breasts grew a size, and I didn't gain weight! And of course, no babies!
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March 3, 2011


-super light periods
-bigger boobs
-acne clears with time .
-Loss of appetite


-Headaches. but I just take a Tylenol and it goes away .

I had heavy periods and really bad acne and I couldn't afford Accutane so my doctor put me on Yazmin( or Zarah) . & now I have a very light periods, yay . & my acne has cleared up a ton . My boyfriend noticed how big my boobs had gotten even the first month of taking the pills (: This is a miracle pill !
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June 17, 2010




Caused severe acne
Extreme tiredness
Very emotional
Mood swings

I had mild acne and six weeks after starting Yasmin I have 47 spots all over my face (Yes I just counted them and can't quite believe it myself)! They aren't all small whiteheads either, I have 13 large red swollen painful lumps. I have been very emotional, crying every 5 minutes and I never cry. Mood swings have made me very irritable and angry at everyone in my life. Extreme tiredness, I have been coming home from work and going straight to bed and today I have had to call in sick. Not good for relationships, self-esteem and skin!!! I have stopped taking them in the middle of the second pack in the hope to sort out my emotions, skin and tiredness.
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March 8, 2010


Cleared skin for the most part, more consistent. Predictable, shorter periods. Bigger Breasts.


At first I got headaches but they went away, i still get a few and im pretty sure its related to the pill. Acne is not completely gone but is definitely better. Sore breasts.

Worked for me! I love it
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March 12, 2010


The pimples have cleared up along my jawline, really helped clear up my back acne, smaller appetite sometimes


As soon as I started on yasmin I got nearly the worst break out I've had since I first started getting acne.

I got lots of pimples on my cheeks and few on my forehead (where I both hardly usually get them), between my eye brows and chin!. I am 3 pills away from finishing my first month and I'm going to carry on with my prescription in hope that my skin will clear. Can someone please tell me if you usually have one big break out when starting and then it get betters?. I paid $76.00 for 3 months supply
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January 20, 2010


didn't notice much difference in my skin


caused anxiety

Anxiety problems were much better when i went off it. Don't think it made much difference in my face, although might of helped with body acne.
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May 9, 2016
About to start my break week of Month 3 (so 7 days until month 4), and my skin is still not clear. The first month my skin was really smooth (am also taking Tetralysal and started that a month before Yasmin), month two my skin became extremely bumpy with skin coloured bumps, and now my skin is a little less bumpy but I'm starting to get quite a few whiteheads and getting a lot more spots than in the first month and my skin is still quite oily. Fingers crossed things improve in month 4.... Anyone else have a similar experience?
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October 9, 2016
I have the same experience. I'm on my 2nd month and have gained almost 5kg. Acne got worse than first month :(
January 5, 2011


clear skin
havent gotten pregnent
regulated period
short period


stomach pain

ive been on it a year and i like it
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April 10, 2017
So I'm 20 and I decided to begin Yasmin for my moderate acne a month ago. I am just starting pack two tomorrow. My skin has never been so good EVER. Honestly from day one it worked for me with absolutely so initial break out (well so far anyway!) I have got the odd spot here and there but they are very easy to deal with that I don't complain at all! This is completely worth it! I must admit I did get a few headaches at the beginning maybe first two to three weeks but other than that it's been fantastic! Definitely worth a try if your struggling like I have for the past 5 years! I've tried EVERYTHING, topical treatments, anti biotics (which worked for a year then acne came back), dianette was no good for me but Yasmin by far has been clearing my acne remarkably!
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April 18, 2017
UPDATE!! So I'm into my second pack and on week 6. I did have a small flare up of maybe 3 or 4 spots, not big ones though in the past week, but I am hoping this is just part of an initial breakout! I'll keep updating guys!
June 14, 2017
UPDATE 2 - I'm now finished pack 4! Skin is very clear! I think now I would call my skin "normal". I still get maybe I spot or two within a month but just a small one along the jawline or maybe close to my hairline on my forehead but literally gone within two days! I am very happy with my results so far and I hope that it continues to clear even more!! My hyperpigmentation is also fading too a lot!! Especially on my cheeks where I used to break out and since taking yasmin I have never ever got a spot there since! Couldn't be happier!
June 9, 2011


-doesn't make acne worse
-giant boobs
-no babies
-light periods
-no menstrual cramps
-doesn't make me a psycho
-FREE (cheers NHS)


-hasn't cleared acne (so far)
-my giant boobs ache

I was recommended by the doctors that I should run the first three packs together for maximum acne beating effectiveness. Which I did and I fully enjoyed not having a period for three months. When I did, it was light and painless (I previously had the IUD which made me feel like I was dying once a month) My boobs are suddenly huge. My boyfriend can't get over it (I wish he would, they are very tender - leave them alone!) My acne is subsiding although I think this is due to switching regimens. SO! I recommend yasmin as a birth control that won't GIVE you acne (microgynon gave me horrendous acne) and won't make you an emotional wreck (dianette made me feel a bit murdery)
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