Dianette : Oral Contraceptive

777 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg, ethinylestradiol 35 micrograms.

Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, maize starch, povidone, talc, magnesium stearate, sucrose, polyethylene glycol 6000, calcium carbonate, glycerol, montan glycol wax, titanium dioxide (E171), and yellow iron oxide (E172).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 21, 2011


cleared skin very significantly (however not completely)
helped regulate periods
bigger boobs
free on the NHS


considerable weight gain (i went up a dress size in 6 weeks!)
mood swings/made me quite emotional
acne returned as soon as i stopped taking it

i went on this in combination with trimethoprim last year when i was 16 (after trying countless topical treatments/antibiotics etc) and within 6 weeks my skin was far clearer with mostly just red marks left from previous breakouts and far fewer new spots. however it made me gain a lot of weight (something i wasn't used to as a somewhat underdeveloped teenage girl and came as a shock) and people around me realised it had really affected my mood so i stopped taking it after about 4 months. soon after my acne started reappearing and recently it is worse than ever so i think the next step is trying a course of roaccutane. overall it did make a big difference and its worth a try but the side effects were quite substantial and for me it wasn't a long-term solution.
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May 17, 2011


Clear skin after about 4-5 months.
Gives you confidence


Pain in lower legs believed to be DVT, so had to come off immediately.

I have suffered from acne since I was 14, so for 12 years now. It shaped me as a person, and although I didn't let anyone know, it made me feel so self conscious, and if it was really bad, I wouldn't go out. After trying a few things the doctor put me on Dianette, as I had been on it before and knew it worked. I took the drug for a little over a year, and the results were fantastic. I felt relaxed, and cheerful when I woke up, rather than anxiously feeling my skin for new spots. I knew I couldn't stay on long term though, and eventually the docs would take me off. This really scared me, cos when I came off Di before i'm afraid that my acne got much worse. Three weeks ago, cramps started waking me up, and my legs would seize up. I knew that DVT is a serious side affect, so stopped taking the pill immediately. I expressed my anxiety that my acne would come back, and my doctor was really kind. She pointed out that when I came off Dianette last time, I had not taken anything else. This time I have been given the pill Yasmin, and a gel called Duac. I was very sceptical, believing nothing would work like Dianette. BUT touch wood some weeks on, and I haven't had any problems. If anything the Duac is really amazing, and has made my skin even better than when on Di. Also you can take both of these drugs for the foreseeable future. Also neither of the drugs have the potential to damage foetus', so when the day comes for some of us ladies, that is not something to worry about (lots of the acne drugs can be dangerous to unborn babies). I used to read this discussion board when I was on Di, and got so scared as many posts said how acne comes back, sometimes worse when you come off. So don't worry, make sure your doc works with you to find better long term options.
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April 28, 2011


it clears your skin up


weight gain (alot), deep vein thrombosis/ blood clotting which has killed a 17yr old girl recently

Dianette is great for clearing up acne, it helped me alot. But i gave gained quite alot of weight from the pill which makes me unhappy, but i still have clear sking almost flawless with makeup. But im stopping dianette because today in the newspaper i read that a 17yr old girl died from a bloodclot which is believed to be caused by dianette, she isnt the only woman to die from a blood clot who was on dianette, therefore im stopping, i was highly considering too anyway because of so much weight gain. I have been on Duanette for 8 months and my skin starting to really improve around the 4 month mark, it helps so much but the side affects are just not worth the risk. I recommended it yes because it does do the job of clearing acne, atleast it did for me, but be sure of weight gain.
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September 20, 2010


its free in the uk
it has reduced my acne slightly


after 3 days of use , i have had pains in my stomach , and my joints are starting to hurt , and i eat quiet alort during the day.

i have just been giving dianette about 3 days ago , and since then i have had really bad pains in my stomach and i have been having join pain on my uper leg , and have been eating quite alot , i never used to snack ect before i got dianette but since my doctor suggested to me i have been eating more than ever , i have gained a slight bit of weight but im not to fused about that ,my face has cleared up slightly and look and fells much better than before , i would recommend this to people who have medium acne as it is working for me ,but i also use different products on my face the best way to clear acne is to wash face in the morning and take the dianette pill then at night , wash face again and apply sudocream on acne area and leave over night , and do this everyday , and after a few days you can see and fell change on your face
September 5, 2010


free (in the uk)
cleared my skin


weight gain, lots of it
uncomfortable joints

I was put on Dianette when I was 14 or 15, and regretted it for the next 2 years of my life. Although it did clear my skin, I lost my confidence in so many different ways. I literally gained more than 1 stone and it made me really really unhappy. I also found that when I leant on one leg it would really hurt my joints, and that stopped as soon as I came off this pill. I'm on Microgynon now for contraceptive reasons (as its not particularly affective for acne I don't think) and I haven't gained any weight at all. I don't know whether Dianette affective me because I was so young (I'm now 21) and still had puppy fat or whatever, but even though my skin is bad these days I would NEVER result to going back on that pill. Ever.
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August 29, 2010


cleared my acne
free (in the UK)


acne came back everytime I came off it

First went on Dianette when I was 18 as had tried various lotions and antibitoics from doctors since I was 13 and nothing had worked. I went on Dianette and within 2 months my spots had almost completely cleared up. After 6 months my doctor put my on to Cilest but this made my acne come back so I went back on Dianette. Again, my skin cleared up and I stayed on it for the next 4 years. However, within 3 months of coming off the pill my acne came back really badly so I went back on Dianette and was on this again for another 3 years. I came off it a few months ago as I wanted to see what my skin was like without it, and surprise surprise my acne came back to the horrible state it was when I was 14. The doctor wanted to try me on Yasmin but I decided not to take it, and instead have been taking evening primrose oil and using Quinoderm cream, and now its been about 3 weeks since my acne returned, and I have no spots on my face (a few on my neck and back). Basically, I think going on the pill and then coming off it was always going to make my acne come back. It just messes with your hormones and its my hormones that have been giving me acne since I was 13 so I decided the pill isn't for me. I was glad I took it when I was a teenager because I was really self conscious about my acne, and it does work but the massive downside is my acen returned every time I came off it. I would recommend it if nothing else has worked but be aware that your skin may flare up when you come off it. Also, some doctors (clearly not mine) don't like you being on Dianette for long periods of time because of increased risk of blood clots, but as long as you get your blood pressure checked regularly you should be fine.
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May 13, 2010


It seriously cleared up my skin! My skin has not been this good since I hit puberty years ago.
Also I found I don't need to wash hair as often.
Regular periods.


None - no depression, weight gain or anything like that. The only con is that that I have to stop taking it now and already feel as though my acne is coming back - but I think what we need to remember is the docter tells you to come of it for a reason, there are serious health risks!

It works soo well but it's only a quick fix. It took months to start working and now after 6 months I have to come off it. So was it really worth it? I am tempted to go back to the docter and talk him into prescribing me some more but I know in however many months time I'll only be faced with the same problem again, so it isn't really worth it. You're better off looking for a long-term solution.
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November 16, 2009


Slightly Less oily skin, Big Boobs!! Free


Headaches, visual flashes, sensitive eyes, sickness, bad skin, swollen belly

Good if you want bigger boobs without implants. Bad for everything else. Also its only temporary even if it did work, which means bad skin once more!!! Try something else first...l;ike tea tree or witch hazel etc!!!! Made my acne go from light-moderate to severe in first month!!!!
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October 12, 2009


If this pill is going to rid my excessive hair, I will suffer all consequences.


Distressing prolonged Migraine attacks, face is full of whiteheads and hurts!

I've been taking dianette for a week. My main purpose for taking this pill is excessive body/facial hair and oily/blemished skin. I don't have PCOS and was very confused when my blood test for hormone imbalance came back normal. I get terminal hair where most women do plus where most women don't i.e face, neck, chest, breasts, naval and thighs. I've suffered with this for a long time but hopefully now I'm more confident to get help. After a week I'm feeling the side-effects of Dianette. I had a migraine delivered straight from hell all weekend, night and day. My skin has broke out in sensitive boil-like spots and whiteheads. It's very sore and I'm very distressed. I'm slightly glad at the fact that 'something is happening' and hope and pray the migraines stop and the excessive hair I get goes away or at least calms down. I've read continuously that the skin sometimes needs to get worse to get better. I wish all you ladies luck, at least you're not alone xx
September 30, 2009





I have been on this pill for over 6 months and it hasn't done anything to help my skin, if anything it has made it worse! the only good thing about it is it made my boobs bigger and helped me put on weight as i was anorexic before. even though it hasn't helped my skin, i feel very dependant on it and am afraid to come off it.