Jojoba Oil

487 Reviews

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December 17, 2009


Calms acne prone skin, reduces oiliness?


makes skin look shiny/oily when applied, best to just use it at night

Alright i tried something new with jojoba oil. I used it on my body to treat body acne. It's only been a day or two and my body acne has calmed down a lot. It's starting to look like normal everyday skin, which is awesome cause no matter what my skin always had a little redness to where acne usually forms. I put some jojoba oil (at night only after showering) in those areas and when i wake up my skin looks refreshing and normal! the redness is gone and best of all the acne is reduced. If i notice a few pimples coming i just use Dan's BP and maybe a little AHA and then put some jojoba oil over it... I'll report back to see if this continues to work... As far as using it on my face, i just hate how it leaves an oily residue. I've only used it for a day or two so i'm waiting to see if my skin gets less oily, and YES i have VERY oily skin... wish me luck guys
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December 15, 2009


Inexpensive, youthful uplifted skin, acne scars less visible, skin looking feeling great



I use cocacare jojoba oil, breakout at first...then voila soft, supple, beautiful skin....will never use anything else, lines and wrinkles also diminished...deep icepick acne scars raised and almost gone.
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December 11, 2009


-Drastically helped with overly oily face
-Helps keep acne down
-Make skin smoother and not flake


Bad reaction at first but in a week it passed.

This product is miraculous. I had SUPER oily skin and nothing worked to calm it down. This has helped me so much to balance oil production I cant believe it. At first I got a bad flareup which is usual, but in a week my skin looked amazing. Dont expect it to work instantly. Give it some time and you will see great results.
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December 10, 2009


AMAZING!!! great for combination/oily/dry/normal skin types! its acnes worst nightmare!



I love this stuff! i use jojoba oil with essential oils in it and it works fab. i will never buy any other skin products ever again! seriously just give it a try, try finding a little more expensive jojoba oil, because they do put other essential oils in it, that will benefit your face!!
December 7, 2009


Keeps my skin moisturized
Works well as a nightcream and after the shower
Absorbs easy and made my pores a little smaller



I have been using jojoba oil for a few months now and i must say that it does work really great as a moisturizer for my skin! I have previously been using olive oil but it didnt absorb as quickly as the jojoba oil does. Makes my skin really smooth and soft, great stuff.
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November 26, 2009


healthy skin, brighter complexion, no need for a moisturizer...get rid of all cosmetics...its natural and 100% results in 2 days



I had too much acne and itchy skin... after trying various itch creams for 2months, I found jojoba oil... it worked in 3 days and since then I apply it everyday and its the best beauty product I have ever bought. It makes my face glow, no itching on my arms or legs...and 100% satisfactory. Highly recommended even if you dont have any skin problems.. Jojoba Oil is the best product ever made!
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October 26, 2009


Cheap, natural, soothing, light.


The bottle is a bit of a pain.

I have been using this for about three weeks now. I just add a drop or two to my Johnson's Baby Lotion - the only moisturizer that doesn't irritate my skin - in the morning and at night. I exfoliate using epsom salt with makes my skin so smooth and then replenish moisture using jojoba oil. I think castor works better than jojoba for cleansing while jojoba is a no contest winner for moisturizer. I have not moisturized my face on a daily basis in forever because the moisturizers tend to make me too greasy. Jojoba doesn't do that at all. I can't believe I actually use this twice a day everyday!
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October 20, 2009


has no chemicals in it. if you can't eat it dont put it on your skin. great rule. my skin feels softer than ever but we'll see how it goes


get it at whole foods they have it for $9 for all you people that are paying a ridiculous amount.

just started tonight
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October 19, 2009


works! smells great, easy to use, not drying

I was skeptical of everyone who was posting reviews after using this for such a short period of time, and scared this was going to cause a break out so I let it sit in my cabinet a few days before I tried it. However, this is the third day I've used it and I can say that it's been amazing. I have hormonal acne and nothing, absolutely nothing, has worked for me, but this seems to really be helping. I combined mine with tea tree oil and a little bit of lavender and I love the way it makes my skin feel. I noticed that my pores shrunk, blackheads on my nose that I've had for 10 years are shrinking fast, the redness is down, and spots I've had for a long time are shrinking, it's also helping with the post inflammatory hyper-pigmentation. This combination seems to be working as a moisturizer, as a way to heal my acne, prevent more acne, and surprisingly as a toner too. My overall skin tone is much more even and my skin where there aren't any breakouts to heal is actually glowing. I love it!
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October 6, 2009


My face has been clearer than it has been for a year and a half since using for only 2 weeks



I have never posted a review before, but I felt i must for jojboa oil so i can help people like me. I have had acne since getting off the pill about a year and half ago which has been constant, i always had at least one or two spots on my face and bottom line is - i never a clear complexion. Tried a lot of over the counter medications (I am a pharmacist) but nothing seemed to help and just aggravated my face into a dry mess. Anywho, so I tried jojoba oil after reading the recommendations and it's only been two weeks but i haven't had ONE spot since using it. Very thrilled. And i have oily skin, but as everyone has said it hasn't been a problem. In fact, before using i used to wake up with a lot of oil on my face and that hasnt happened since using the jojoba. So i cannot recommend it enough. Hope this helps someone.
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