Jojoba Oil

487 Reviews

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February 26, 2010


makes me glow
clears up skin
cheaper than most acne products
lasts forever
also fantastic for long hair!


haven't found any yet except maybe that it can be a little on the heavy side so I only use it at night and use the lighter grapeseed oil(also great for skin) in the morning before makeup

This is fantastic! I purchased mine at [link removed] ($11.90 for 16oz of golden jojoba oil) and also the grapeseed oil ($12.54 for a 1/2 gallon of grapeseed oil) because I found they had the best prices and good quality. I use jojoba oil at night with my normal face lotions. Realize that with some people it will cause purging the first couple mths. In other words since it unclogs pores it can make you seem to break out at first. This doesn't happen to everyone. But once the purging is over your skin will be clear and glowing. This is why some on here are complaining it makes them break out. If needed you can use a salysilic acid spot product for breakout areas before bed (like neutrogena's one which I like) to help with the purging breakouts the first few mths. Grapeseed oil is also a great item to use. It's lighters so better if using before makeup in the morning while joboba is heavier and I find better for night use. It is also FABULOUS for hair! Rub some in your palms (about a teaspoon or so) and rub all into hair staying away from the scalp. Mainly spread it through the length and ends. If you have layers dont forget those ends. Your hair will look all greasy but dont worry. Leave it in for about an hour then shampoo and condition as usual. After a couple days I couldn't believe how manageable soft and shiny my hair was. And I seemed to not have a split end to exist. Grapeseed and jojoba oil are two of the greatest products nature made for skin and hair. No wonder people have used them for centuries! I can't believe I wasted so much money on expensive skin and hair products before.
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February 22, 2010


Made my skin GLOW like a goddess!!!!!!! Works on acne, makes skin smooth and supple!



WOW. I have tried everything for my acne: Proactiv, AcneFree, dozens of topical creams/gels from the dermitologist, prescriptions... etc., and NOTHING worked as well as jojoba oil. I first used it on my body after the shower, and I noticed that any acne on my back or chest would dissappear after using it. I read all of the great reviews on here and decided to use it on my face. It does take a little bit to work on acne, though. It's a slow process, but definetley worth it. I'm clearing up. ALSO, I put it on my face before bed and wake up looking like a goddess with the face as smooth and beautiful as you can imagine... not bad for someone who had skin just the opposite before using this miracle oil. TRY IT TRY IT TRY IT!!!!!!! You have to!
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February 20, 2010


skin is softer
clears acne
a lot of pros


Doesn't absorb too quickly, so take caution if you use it right before going out

My skin works well with nature made products, and this is all natural. Like it says, your skin thinks of the jojoba oil as its own, so it works really well. I found this to work well on my face as well as the rest of my body (I have eczema). Just be careful and do not use it right before you have somewhere to be, because it may not absorb in time. Even if it doesn't work on your face, there are other uses, and it won't leave any marks or make your skin worse.
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February 19, 2010


Light and absorbs quickly
Plumped up fine lines
Reduced "flakiness" of skin while using treatment
If used only on the face, a bottle from will last at least 6 months



I wish I found this years ago! I was always afraid of putting oil on my face; I thought my skin would get worse! I bought because I couldn't control the flaking that comes with BP's initial use with moisturizer alone. The best way to use it for me is to smooth a thin layer of oil over my face directly after washing my face and before treatment or moisturizer. The oil keeps the treatment from stinging and since it's a "carrier" oil, I believe it helps to draw the treatment and moisturizer deeper into my skin. I keep some at my workplace where we oil our hands before lotioning and that has made a huge difference in the healing of our skin. And Dan's jojoba is half the price compared to local stores. Highly recommended!
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February 17, 2010


Made my skin glow and minimized the flaking caused by BP.
Its a really good product


None yet

i would definateky recommend this. Amazing results
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February 14, 2010


lightens acne scars
improves overall tone of the skin
reduces acne
skin glows


face is shiny when oil is applied...but it is quickly absorbed by the skin too

the best natural product i've ever used and will continue to do so. wish i had found this miracle earlier. it's so versatile. must try for all!
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February 12, 2010


-makes my skin to glow
-great for both hair and skin
-it's all natural
-one bottle will last forever...!


-it feels a bit greasy on face even though it's not bad for it

I wish that i would have come across jojoba oil years ago. It's amazing for hair (even extension hair hehe) and for face because it doesn't cause any irritation (atleast for me) and you only need few drops a day. It's not only good for acne prone persons but it's also great for hands because especially here in finland the temperature tends to get so low in the winter that my hands are like dry bread and jojoba wakes them up from the nightmare. I also use it around my eyes on damp skin because its soooo moisturizing and soothing! As people say, it's also a perfect lip balm. If it's not a miracle then it's not.
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January 24, 2010


Relatively inexpensive
A little goes a long way. Have only used 2/3 of the bottle in about a year
Good quality!


None. Container gets oily, but this really isn't a con. Heh. Dan must wish the bottle didn't last so long!

I love this! Never really thought about applying this to treat acne, but am thinking about it since reading other reviews. I have used it for other purposes though, almost daily. - moisurizing dry, itchy skin, shaving, and can be a lot of fun to use with a partner. Not really sure how much I paid at the time. Will definitely buy again before I run out!
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January 11, 2010


Shrunk my pores, is helping fade scars, makes my skin softer and is evening out my skintone.


Made my skin itchy for a few days, kinda expensive and hard to find, hate the smell.

I was very hesitant when buying this, I thought to myself "how can oil help control oil??" I was pleasantly surprised It has helped a lot. My skin is a lolt softer, I see less blackheads, my scars are fading, and my pores are smaller. I use it at night instead of a moisturizer. I apply about five or six drops on a cotton ball and swipe around face especailly in the areas where i tend to breakout frequently. I only use it a night though because it tends to make your skin look shiney. It's also great as a lip balm and for hair. It took me a while to find it though, I am using the Now brand and I managed to locate it in a local health food store. The only real con i had with it was when I first started using it, it made me skin itchy. But that only lasted for about a week. I think it was worth it.
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January 5, 2010


Shrinks pores a bit
It evens out your skin tone
Helps heal new acne scars
Calms breakouts
Slows down oil production



I said to myself if it worked I would post this for another fellow acne sufferer because everyone should be aware of it. Two weeks ago I was searching for things to heal my face, just as I have for years and I ran into this message board. Im addicted now, even joined today. I saw the reviews majority being good so I bought it. I have the NOW 100% pure jojoba oil brand and nothing has ever produced better and quicker results. My skin tone is glowing, not shining, glowing from being even all around. I don't have bad acne but I suffer from scars which came from me "picking my face". It has been two weeks and I have not really had any problems. It shrunk my pores that were so annoying, slowed down oil also. My face is hardly ever oily. Who knew that oil could cure oily skin. My regimen is the following Morning Wash face with Anthony Logistics Glycolic Face wash (Glycolic acid is good for the skin research it) Pat dry or air dry and then rub a few drops into my palm and add my Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion in with it. VOILA! At night I use Neutrogena's Deep Clean Facial Cleaner which has Salicylic Acid. Air Dry/Blot and follow with a few drops of jojoba oil and Aveeno DML. It works. Please give it a try, it may solve your problems. I even massage it into my skin when damp and add it to my cleanser then rinse. Its amazing!!!
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