Hydrogen Peroxide

294 Reviews

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April 2, 2016
do not recommend
I tried this as a spot treatment on several black heads and pimples. It only caused scabbing then scarring and when the scab and scar faded, the exact same black head was still there. Hydrogen peroxide actually may slow the production of healthy skin cell rejuvenation. It does seem to help disinfect things but not ideal for face and acne. I have found that Melrose essential oil works wonders though.
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October 27, 2012


inexpensive <1.00


not reccomended by dermatologists

Hydrogen peroxide is probably one of the oldest home remedies for acne. While it does help disinfect minor cuts and scrapes it's probably not suggested to use on the face and i'll tell you why- After prolonged use of killing the bacteria on your skin, your skin will not longer produce anything to fight against infections; virtually everything will be killed off your skin and your skin will become so used to it that it will stop producing any kind of 'good' (if you will) bacteria to help protect it. Yes, this is a good topical treatment to use on pimples that are truly infected and won't go away but I would not suggest this as an everyday product to use in your regimen.
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June 3, 2010


Cheap, quick to put on


Drying, didn't do anything for this under the skin painful third eye I had going just after christmas last year.

I had this awful, painful, impossible to squeeze, cyst-thing, under the skin pimple right in between my eyes for a week, from xmas day right up until just after new years.. It just wouldn't go, i tried using this to dry it out but it just made things worse, so I stopped and just hid under a beanie. Not sure what would have happened if i stuck to it but it didn't feel nice on my skin so I stopped. It does, however, work at gradually bleaching arm-hairs if any fellow mediteranean women are reading =D
November 27, 2007


Bleached my face temporarily.

I heard it worked on acne, so I applied a bit of it on my face and then realized that it had bleached that part. I didn't notice any improvement, but the skin went back to normal after I washed my face with my normal cleanser.