Honey Mask

709 Reviews

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March 31, 2015
Try it!!!
I barley started using this honey mask for a week already. My skin is very sensitive, I don't severe acne but I do have scars and after using honey cinnamon mask for about 30-45 min I see a huge difference. I haven't broke out as much which is awesome!!!! I guarantee it's effective. I would recommend this remedie to those who struggle with acne, marks and can't find a effective face wash. It's great on sensitive skin and leaves skin soft and glowing!!!(:
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March 26, 2015
Love Love Love!
I started using a honey mask in the mornings about a week ago. I squeeze some lemon in it too to help with scarring. I LOVE IT. I have noticed a huge improvement in my skin. It leaves my skin feeling clean and soft. It also keeps my skin from getting dry and I don't even need lotion or anything. I put it on in the morning and leave it on while I eat breakfast and pick out clothes then wash it off. I will never go back to harsh chemicals again! I highly recommend using natural, organic honey. Good luck!! :)
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March 15, 2015
Finally feel confident about my skin!
I have been using the honey mask for just over a week now and I am amazed at the results. I have struggled with acne for years and years. It's always been the one thing I've hated about myself. To the point where I couldn't stand to even look in the mirror. My skin is always breaking out and is extremely prone to scarring. I decided to give it a go after reading so many positive reviews. After the first few days I could see a huge improvement. A week on and I haven't broken out once. My skin looks the best it has for a very long time! And thats just after a week.. I have never written a review before but I felt I just had to to recommend this! If you're struggling with acne please give this a go! I usually put it on for an hour or so in the evening. Just apply honey (can be mixed with cinnamon/lemon) in circler motions to your face. I try to spend a couple of minutes massaging it into my skin. Then just leave it. Obviously make sure all of your hair is pinned back! Then I just wash it off. If I can I also put it on before I go to sleep and wash it off in the mornings. I feel that the longer you have it on the more beneficial it is. Would 1000% recommend! Good luck guys! xxx
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March 8, 2015
Amazing! Great for sensitive/dry skin
Started using about a week ago. Makes my skin feel clean but doesn't over dry it like almost every skin cleanser does to my sensitive skin. Also very cheap!
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March 7, 2015
Cheap and Effective
I've been using this for about a week now, and let me just say this is FANTASTIC. Now i don't consider myself to have major acne, but I have very dry skin which breaks out occasionally. Lately, Iv'e been breaking out all over my forehead and nose. Using this method has dramatically improved my skin is already starting to clear up. one tip is ADD CINNAMON! It makes it useful in acne treatment. These are its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
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March 3, 2015
I am amazed!
I have had unccontrolable acne since I was 12, I am now 20. I have bad cystic mixed acne with terrible scarring. I have used for two weeks now manuka +12 organic honey from holland and barret on my face every night from 7-10pm then wash it off with warm water and apple manuka and apple cider vinegar, also from holland and barret, as a toner afterwards. After this I use simple's oil balancing moisturiser and my skin hasnt been clearer.
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February 1, 2015
I've been washing my face with honey every night for about 5 weeks now and it has really helped! It has really helped moisturize my face and make my skin so smooth and soft. I will say though, it took about 3 weeks before I started to see results. I won't say this cured my acne, but it really did clear it up! I do still get small pimples popping up once and awhile, but they are small and are usually gone again within a day. I use this every night, and then apply a homemade toner made up of tea tree oil and raw apple cider vinegar. If you decide to try this treatment, please give it at least 5 weeks trial. Nothing will really work within a week. I'm so glad that I stuck to this system, it has really worked for me!
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January 15, 2015
Honey is great!
Good for an overnight mask, and I sometimes mix a tiny bit in my moisturizer during the day. Great for my sensitive skin. This is basically a more gentle version of glycolic acid. I wash my face with honey after I wash my face because it prevents my skin from getting really dry and cracked after I take a shower.
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January 5, 2015
Good scrub
I have cystic acne and am very skeptical about putting things on my face. This has made my acne scars lighter without breaking me out... Be sure to buy FDA organic.
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December 14, 2014
Recommend using raw, local stuff
Backstory: I used to do way too much to my face, the whole "3-step program" crap which just broke me out worse. I'd tried just about everything and finally gave up on all the "systems" and store-bought "miracles". Now, gentle cleanser at night (I use Simple because there isn't anything bad in it) to take off makeup and just a damp washcloth in the morning. I followed each with Lush's Grease Lightning as an acne fighter/moisturizer (I've been battling acne for half my life). But, once fall weather kicked in, it wasn't enough moisture. I was super dry. I'd also been using the honey cinnamon mask, which added some moisture for the rest of the night but didn't last any longer. I thought, man, is there any possible way for me to use plain, raw honey as a night moisturizer without it being so sticky? Yes. Yes there is. I mixed a pencil-eraser-sized amount of Naked Raw honey with the same amount of this 10% benzoyl peroxide cream which I got for $1.50 at Dollar General. It's a little tacky, but it's doable. It's nowhere near as bad as lipgloss. Your hair won't stick to it if the wind blows it on your face. About a week after I started this (instead of the Grease Lightning at night), I added a tiny bit of coconut oil for added moisture. It's not necessary, but it doesn't seem to hinder, either. The only thing is that you really need to rub this stuff in or else it will just sit on your face. However, my face is clearer than it has been since I was 10, and that's really saying something.
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