Honey Mask

709 Reviews

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November 3, 2014
I really like :)
so honey is yummy, sweet, longlasting and all things nice. well honey just got nicer, because you can apply it to your face :). I use honey as a base in all my homemade scrubs, facial masks etc. I really love the smell of honey too. i love to mix honey with lemon juice and sugar to create an exfoliator/scrub (sorry about my spelling), also i mix honey, lemon juice and milk powder to create a mask. would recommend this inngredient to everybody! thankyou and goodluck.
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October 19, 2014
It Helped out a lot
OK so I don't really have acne more like I breakout at times due to stress and hormonal (I get a lot of blackheads but very few pimples), but these really helped. I use to wash my face a lot like 3 to 4 times a day but now its down to 1 time a day. At night I take a shower and in the shower I steam my face with my wash cloth then when I get out I apply a mixture of Honey and Cinnamon. I let that sit on in till I go to sleep. Right before I go to sleep I slightly wet my face with the mixture still on and rub in circles the rinse it of. Then I wipe my face with some sea breeze (I only do it if my face still feels sticky) then I apply a mix of Neutrogena sensitive face lotion and Neutrogena rapid clear lotion. In the morning I wash my face with my cleanser apply my lotion and go
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October 18, 2014
luv u honey..........
age-16 face-horrible now--kinda far more better honey does work magics... diwali was near...n my face...gosh... i searched on net n tried out wd honey... got a 32rs pack of dabur honey of saturday n today...a friday...most of my pimples hv driend..just few spots... n m sure till diwali its gonna be clear... just washed my face aftr cming frm clg...had kunch... applied honey n left it for 30 mins... washed it...used my daily face wash... nw my skin is more clear n soft... luv u honey...
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September 20, 2014
Love it.. it has to be Raw honey to work!!
So far raw honey mask its what i have used the longest. I saw results within the first day and thats whats i like when i use a product. I leave it for about 10min at night and sometimes in the morning. I usually apply it alone but i have also tried it with lemon and cinammon. Both work well... i find it works better when i apply a little bit of water afterwards and massage it. Always dry my face with a paper towel to makesure its clean. during my research i saw that raw honey was the one to use and pure.
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August 8, 2014
Great Mask.
Love the honey, nutmeg, cinnamon mask. Great for my aging skin (I'm creeping up on 51) & combined with my DIY baking soda mask (I also use this as my cleanser both morning & evening) has created a softer, smoother complexion. (For the baking soda mask/scrub, simply add together baking soda & water to make a paste. Scrub gently then rinse. It is really that simple! Just be sure to use baking soda not baking powder) For those of you with ultra sensitive skin beware of adding lemon to the mix. Lemon is obviously acidic & can potentially cause redness or other undesired results. I have also decided to cut out using cleansing wipes as this adds unwanted and un-needed chemicals to my face. I traditional use a fair amount of makeup daily and have heard grape seed oil is a good alternative so I will try this next. Also Witch hazel is excellent to use as a toner and isn't too drying to the skin.
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July 22, 2014
honey and aspirin
I suffer from hormonal acne and I have not had any otc or prescribed meds that have worked consistently. Currently I use a honey and aspirin mask every other day when I have really bad flare ups which is 3 weeks out of the month it seems. And then spot treat with neosporin. I have a citric mask (purchased frok while foods) I use on the other days. Well this combo has really made a difference. So, if honey is not working by itself. Try it with aspirin.
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July 15, 2014
Simply Wonderful
I have a bumpy complection (I highly suspect it's closed comedones but I haven't been to a doctor about it) for quite a while, and it's incredibly frustrating because nothing ever seems to help. Awhile ago I started to regulate my regimen better (wash face in the morning and at night with mild soap, exfoliate every 3 days) and it did help a little, but I would be nowhere near where I am today if I hadn't started to put honey on my face. I get the best results if I leave it on overnight, (you need to cover your face with something if you do this or the honey will just smear off and get everywhere. I haven't figured out the best way to do this yet, but cutting gauze or kleenex and taping it where I put the honey works well enough for me.) and wash it off in the morning, rather than only leaving it on for 20 minutes during the day. I recommend 3 nights a week, or as long as you can when you're awake (an hour is good) if your skin is red, it works wonders for redness (perhaps because honey antibacterial and anti-inflammatory). For me it takes a while to clear my skin up if it's already bumpy, it works best if your pimples/bumps/what-have-you are still small. I will admit its not a perfect 'cure' (it obviously won't clear your skin up overnight), but if you stick to it (pun intended) you might just be amazed.
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June 10, 2014
Hello! I've been suffering from acne since I was 11 years old and that affected my confidence, I rarely go out of our house because I was so embarrassed of what my face looks like. I have tried many products but none of it really cleared up my skin. So my major breakout was when I was 14-15 years old (I'm 16 now, btw) and I was so desperate to clear and cure my acne because it really sucks having those bumps and puss on your face. :'( And then finally!!! MY FACE CLEARED UP. What I did was to use Sulfur soap (Dr. Wongs Sulfur soap) which works slowly but it really is effective if you are patient then after patting my face dry, I'll put Eskinol and I'll mix Dalacin-c, I'll use that before I go to bed. DON'T use this treatment when going out under the sun because it might burn your face. and don't use this treatment for too long because the dalacin-c will no longer be effective because it is an antibiotic. BUT IT IS REALLY EFFECTIVE, YOU CAN SEE THE DIFFERENCE TWO WEEKS AFTER USING IT. I am also using baking soda twice a week and/or Egg yolk mask. this routine cleared up my skin. But just this March I started breaking out again, not that bad tho but it won't stop so I have acne marks again on my skin which really frustrates me a lot. So what I did this time was different, I am putting honey in my face and rub it in circular motion and after a minute or two I'll wash it and then I bought Cetaphil facial cleanser and wash my face with the cleanser, after that, I'll use Apple cider vinegar as a toner (Diluted 50% water, 50% acv) and when my face absorbed the toner I then put Palmer's cocoa butter Skin Therapy Oil for my acne marks or hyperpigmentation and after that I'll put Petroleum Jelly for the dry patches on my skin because my skin is Combination. I noticed the change on my face after 2 or 3 days. I do this twice a day, morning and night. It never broke me out. Ever. Now I'm just waiting for my pimple marks to fade. I'm so happy with the condition of my skin right now and I gained my confidence back. Stick to natural methods. It will do miracle. =)) I am planning to buy another box of baking soda because it's doing its job well on fading my marks and preventing pimples from coming out. I am also doing Oatmeal + Honey + Tea face mask or Turmeric + Honey face mask once a week. I also exfoliate using Oatmeal only once or twice a week. I tried exfoliating with sugar but I broke out after using it, I thought that's not the cause so the following week I used that again but sadly, I broke out again after that so I changed to oatmeal. It leaves my skin soft. I also drink tea (green or black). I also tried drinking ACV, a cup of water + 1 tsp of ACV, in empty stomach before. It really did its job. I noticed dramatic changes 2 or 3 days after :) and drink lots of water. It really helps. Occasionally, I rub banana peels on my face before I wash my face whenever there is banana available on our kitchen. Hahaha. I also tried using Defensil, it's so good!!! But I decided to use the Cetaphil instead. But you can use Defensil also because it really dried up my pimples. :) So yea, guys, you might wanna try those routines that I did because I can vouch for its effectiveness. :) God bless and don't give up! You guys can fight those suckers. :)
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January 22, 2014
THIS particular product is my miracle product!!!


Works like a miracle!
My skin is so smooth and glows!
Gives you energy too, taken internally


A bit messy but worth it!

YS Organic Bee Farms: Fresh Royal Jelly + Bee Pollen, Propolis, Ginseng, Honey Mix. NOT just regular honey. Sooooo many years, sooooo many products...Finally!!! This is meant to be taken internally, which I did, but I also used this as a mask, thanks to the wisdom of my boyfriend. I used 1 tsp daily as a face mask, initially for one hour for a week (because of the severity), then 30 min., now 15 min. My face completely cleared up in about 10 days (it was pretty severe). It gets messy and drips, btw, so I kept a paper towel under my chin til I washed it off.
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January 21, 2014
this regimen cured my hormonal acne




patience is key for flawless skin
test skin for allergy

So, I never had acne growing up, but after my first child I tried the oil cleansing method, I can't say for sure if it was breastfeeding or the ocm but I got huge angry cystic acne that lasted for over 6 months (only stopped because of the following) it was awful, painful and I have huge issues with picking anyway so you know that makes it ten-fold worse. I tried a lot of natural things, even the cave man method which worked until some extremely stressful things came up and brought on a new wave. Then I started using acv as a toner, it seemed to control it, but my picking was worse than ever from the stress. I remembered how I stopped myself from picking my lips with beeswax, so I thought, honey! I started using it, was too sticky, didnt give up though and I am pimple free for three days now and my skin is radiant, scars are healing it looks like I'm wearing shimmer.powder and blush but I makeup free its crazy. Here is what worked for me. A: wet face with warm water, spray any (braggs is best) acv into your palms and massage into face (walk around a lot if the smell makes your eyes water) B: before the acv/water dries, get out your honey, I keep mine in a small pot heres why, wet your fingers under the tap then gently graze the honeys surface, spot treat or swipe over a big area. C: leave let dry and keep on overnight. The reason I apply in such a strange way is taking globs of honey and applying to your face = runny honey sticky uncomfortable unable to sleep nightmare. By cutting the honey with water and acv it dries (only a tiny bit sticky comparatively) and then can be kept on overnight for maximum healing. People wash it off after a bit, that didn't work for me, it wasn't moisturizing enough. This method is like putting a scab over an open wound, you won't want to pick because its sticky enough to deter you, your skin is being cleansed (do NOT use anything but the acv and honey this is a healing process anything else will interfere) your skin is being moisturized. I have done this morning and night every day for 25 days now. I went from having I kid you not, a face full of every type of acne there is (white heads black heads cystic the stage inbetween black head and white where your bodies trying to kick the black head out) concentrated on my jawline and temples to a face that has not one pimple. I am soooo happy and I would be even happier if this helps just one person. Don't give up, give it at least three weeks to see improvement, remember the biggest mistake people make with their skin is trying too many things at once, if you've switched products in a matter of weeks expect your skin to riot.
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