Green Tea

536 Reviews

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July 1, 2012


-cheaper compared to acne medications
-great antioxidant


-takes time to notice any difference

i have suffered acne for almost a decade!!!! it ruined my life, i became so depressed with my face that i constantly been thinking of commiting suicide. and thank god i came across this site and read about green tea. . . i drink 1 pitcher of containing 3 bags of green tea and i apply it topically in the morning and at night. during the first week i didnt notice anything and it looked like my acne worsen but i did not stop i wanted to try it for 2 weeks so i just waited and in 2 weeks time, the size of my pimples reduced significantly and my over all skin condition improved!!! now im on my 4th week of drinking it, i only got few breakouts but they are small, i constantly get compliments it really feels good!!!!
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June 16, 2012


* Helps blemishes heal faster
* Seems to prevent new breakouts
* Reduces the size of blemishes
* Cheap and easy to use
* Does not cause irritation when applied topically
* Tightens the pores


* Could cause some dryness when applied topically if you have dry/sensitive skin, but this can be prevented by moisturizing afterwards
* Does not cure acne completely, but is very effective at reducing the symptoms
* Has, when applied excessively, caused a slight greenish shift in my skin tone, which is not very attractive. This can however be prevented by applying it evenly and it can be wiped away using just water and a cotton pad

I drink approximately 3-4 cups of green tea daily and apply it to my face once or twice per day. When applying it topically, I start by soaking a green tea bag in cold water for 10-15 min. Then I apply the tea bag on my face on the affected areas and wait for my face to dry a little. After that I use a non-comedogenic moisturizer to prevent dryness. The water that I soaked the tea bag in I sometimes use the next morning. I apply it with a cotton pad and moisturize again. Both drinking green tea and applying it topically has really reduced my acne significantly. It has also been very beneficial for my sensitive skin, since it does not cause irritation. I urge everyone who wants to improve their complexion to try it!
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June 15, 2012


-Helps PREVENT breakouts
-Reduces redness
-Works surprisingly fast
-Other health benefits (weight loss?)
-No side effects, no hormones, no dryness


No comparison to other items I've tried.

And to those who complain about taste, it comes in flavors!

I am a 40-something woman with hormonal acne. I stumbled onto these remarks about green tea. I have been unhappy about being prescribed hormonal medication with definite side effects and stopped taking it. All these reviews are NOT wrong! The tea does work! I was really quite surprised. I drank a lot of coffee. After reading about all the benefits of green tea (including the weight loss and the comment on Oprah that you could lose ten pounds in six weeks if you replace morning coffees with green tea), I decided to cut the coffee, too. As far as taste, green tea comes in many different varieties that are good! I bought a lot of the regular and will get some more flavors. In ONE DAY, I noticed a difference. I don't mean peaches and cream in ten seconds, but redness is definitely noticeably reduced. I have had a couple breakouts since I started this regime, but nothing compared to what I used to deal with. I'd probably have had about 8 explosions by now; instead I have had 2 small ones. I am drinking about 3 cups a day right now, more if I can. I use the tea bags a little bit on my face but have not really tried that much. I use caffeinated at work and decaf at home. I don't think you need the organic but some people prefer. I have bought the bottled tea that contains honey, too. Honestly, I'd start with the cheaper stuff before going for the expensive organics. It's been a week now. I had a few breakouts but nothing compared to what I used to deal with. The redness is majorly reduced. I'll have to see if I make it through a cycle and that dreaded PMS time looking this good. Remains to be seen if I will lose weight ,but I do notice a change in appetite. My diet isn't that bad so I am not changing it that much. This tea is my new medication. I am hoping to permanently ditch the medicine from the derm. And it's given me pause to think more about the wisdoms of herbal medicines.
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June 2, 2012


- reduced pore size
- reduced breakouts
- skin feels hydrated and smooth


This isn't really a con, but I have found that when I reheat the tea it works best. Just adds an extra minute to a daily regime.

I have been using loose leaf green tea as a face wash/toner for about a year and I couldn't be happier! I have extremely sensitive skin, it reacts to everything, even sensitive skin products I've purchased from my dermatologist. That being said, I've done my fair share of research and knowing the benefits of drinking green tea I figured its natural and safe to use on my skin. Gave it a chance and I've never looked back. I would definitely suggest giving it a try my face has never felt/looked better. Like anything, you have to give it a chance to work. If after a month you don't notice a change, you can still use the product so its not a waste of money. I use QUO's facial sponge to wash and if I feel like I need to give my face a good scrub (especially after a workout) I use QUO's scrub pad with the green tea and it works like a facial scrub would minus the harsh chemicals!
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May 2, 2012
I drink one BIG cup of Bigelows green tea without anything in it every day. It cleanses the body from inside and out and my face feels more "clean" from impurities than before.
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May 1, 2012


smells good



I tried this as a toner a few times, but it just didn't do anything for me. I found it's awesome for hair, though! Makes it soft and shiny :)
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April 22, 2012


Skin glowed
Reduced redness


Kind of a hassle
Didn't prevent acne

I used this for several months to help my acne. It hasn't done much to prevent new pimples. I got tired of all the blackheads that would appear randomly in different areas of my face, and after stopping green tea, they went away and haven't had any new ones- so I attribute it to the green tea. Never had blackheads before, except on the nose. I brewed some green tea and kept it in a bottle in the fridge, and would apply it cold morning and night with a cotton ball. If I wanted to reduce pimple redness, I would apply green tea to a cotton ball, leave over the pimple until it dried, and then wet it again and reapply. It reduced redness a lot! So it's good for that. I left it on my skin overnight a lot too. I was reading about folliculitis and I think I have that in my temple area and side of face, noticed it last fall, about same time I started using this. Perhaps the antibacterial effect of green tea upset the balance of my skin and caused it to worsen. Anyway, bottom line is, it makes your skin look nice (if it doesn't cause blackheads), can be used as a spot treatment for redness, but didn't do much to prevent acne. I'm continuing my search for natural acne reatments.
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April 22, 2012


Effectively reduces acne and redness,
Evens out your skin tone,
Makes skin look healthier,
Flushes "bad stuff" out of your system.


You'll have to go to the bathroom very often.

Just started drinking this last night. I drank an entire pot - yes, a pot. Like a cooking pot. I filled it up with water, boiled it, and then added four tea bags which I let steep for at least one hour. As a result, the tea is extremely strong. I drank an entire pot last night before bed. I have three cystic acne pimples that were very red, huge, scaly and painful. Inflammation is extremely reduced and redness is gone. No more pain, just a pleasant buzzing sensation. My face is much less red and now my unaffected skin resembles porcelain. I'm unsure how I benefited from this tea so quickly, but I certainly did. I drank the pot directly before bed. Maybe that's why.
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April 19, 2012


- Softens skin
- Significantly reduces redness & inflammation
- Evens skin tone, seems to reduce dark circles under eyes


- Can be itchy and drying when applied topically

Don't bother with brand-name bagged teas (Lipton, Tetley etc.). Instead, buy loose leaf teas and bag your own if you like to use it topically. I drink over a litre of green tea per day; I brew it in the morning, take a shower, then wipe the tea bag all over my face before moisturizing. It does seem to dry my skin out a little. However, after only a minute or so, any redness is noticeably reduced and it makes skin feel really soft. While I haven't noticed any big differences in acne, my skin just looks a healthier, happier and less irritated. It might be a bit of a placebo effect, but I think it also reduces dark circles under my eyes. Just a side note - polyphenols and antioxidants are great for you, but in very large amounts they are harmful to your liver and kidneys. This is rarely an issue when drinking it, but if you're taking green tea extract supplements (usually pills), you may want to do some research on this.
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March 31, 2012


It works!
Softer, smoother skin
Even skin tone
Gives you more energy
Face looks brighter
Acne heals faster
Less pimples, and the pimple size is smaller, and less painful
Awesome taste


Toilet trips every 30 minutes, haha
Taste can be hard to get used to
Takes agggess to see results
Can feel bloated or dizzy after drinking
Need patience

Hello, I'm 15 years old and I've been suffering from moderately severe acne for around 4 years. I used strong acne creams and prescription medications ever since I got the first few pimples on my forehead. If I told myself one year ago that something as simple as green tea would heal and improve all my acne, I wouldn't have believed it. Sure, I've always heard about the fantastic benefits of green tea. Yeah, it's loaded with antioxidants, it flushes out your body etc. It wasn't until I heard that it's great for the skin, that I REALLY paid attention to it. I started drinking around one cup of green tea a day. I didn't add sugar, honey, lemon, milk etc. because I really wanted the max effects of the green tea. But I didn't think green tea tasted so bitter! It was almost unbearable. I did this for a month, realised that it didn't do anything, and upped my intake. You have to drink lots for see results. Then I started drinking 4 cups a day, and now I drink around 8 cups a day. I love the taste now. I don't need any sugar, honey etc. It can be hard to get used to though. WOW what a difference this drink has made! I cannot live without this stuff. My skin no longer breaks out every single day. It's soft and bouncy. My acne decreased a lot! I only ever get small whiteheads now. Pimples come up around my period, but they're smaller in size and now as painful. Unfortunately, it took me months and months to see results. I mean, it took me nearly 6 months to see improvement! I can go through a box of 50 tea bags in around 3 weeks. I drink A LOT of green tea everyday, and this can really add up to the monthly budget. So I reuse all my tea bags. If I drink 2 cups of tea at a time, really quickly, I would feel bloated and dizzy afterwards. So try not to do that! Oh yeah, I go to the toilet really often now. But that means that the green tea is flushing all that yucky stuff out of your body! Highly reccommended, green tea is awesome~
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