Green Tea

536 Reviews

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July 25, 2011


full of antioxidants
great for body and skin
havn't had a bad break out since drinking this
love that it takes away toxins ,.,which is mostly the main cause of acne =)



completely love it <3 i drink it and even put it on my skin ,.,i always drink it with natural honey which is way better than sugar ,.,who knew the natural way is better ,.,i began researching for better and natural ways to get rid of acne and green tea is one of them ,,.also putting tomato directly on the skin helps so much ,.,.but my most favorite is Potato! i know weird huh ,.,.i peel the skin off the potato then cut it in pieces put it on the blender and it will look like paste ,.,and put it directly on my skin like a facial mask,.,.using this also helped me so much.,. no more annoying acne .,.,p.s. green tea and potatoes are so good to get rid of acne scars =)
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July 21, 2011


Nearly perfect skin


Stains my white sink

7/8 cup water per tea bag, microwave for one minute, then add 1 tsp of honey, 1-2 times a day. I have light acne naturally, but with green tea, its non-existent, except for my persistent blackheads (which are disappearing if I scrub them open then run the used tea bag over them) I use the wet tea bags as a toner and wipe them over my face. It took me forever to find something that actually works, for I am allergic to benzoyl peroxide and have sensitive skin. Clear skin, and loving it.
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July 16, 2011


- Clears skin
- Fades red marks
- Moisturizes skin
- Makes your skin glow
- Cheap


- None

I use green tea as a toner. In the morning and at night I make some green tea with my coffee pot and let it cool while I'm taking a shower. Then I rub the tea bags all over my face and neck, and then I use my Alba Botanica toner then I moisturize my face with Clinique dramatically different GEL. I also drink the green tea that I made after I'm done. I use Kirkland 100% Japanese green tea from Costco. It's 1$2.00 because it's a pack of 100. I hope this works for you!! :)
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July 6, 2011


-reduces acne
-antioxidants are good for skin
-extremely cheap



I suffered from acne since junior high. I have tried every products out there, but none works for me until i went to vietnam for a vacation and stayed with my aunt, who loves green tea very much. Even though i'm not a big fan of green tea, I drank it for 1 month to replaced water and other soft drink. I noticed the big difference after 1 week, but I didn't think that green tea was the key that lighten up my acne instead I thought maybe it's the weather and climate over in Asia that caused my skin to react differently. When I came back to the state, I stopped drinking green tea and started to break out again. I thought to myself is it really the climate or it something I ate or drink? Green tea was the first thing in my head. I went to walmart and bought a pack of lipon greentea. After drinking it for a week, I can see the difference in my skin. It got better. I also used green tea as a mask and toner as well. I finally found something like works for me! hopefully it will stay that way!! :D
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June 30, 2011


-skin glows
-reduces acne
-antioxidants are good for skin
-extremely cheap


-you forget to use it sometimes
-can be a drag to drink it
-some people don't like flavor

When I was younger, I use to hate the taste of green tea. This year, I thought "I don't have to drink it.. I can just use it on my skin!" I had read so many good reviews of green tea on this site, youtube, etc. Even if it didn't help my acne, green tea was still good for my body and health! There was nothing to lose. I've been using green tea for a few months, on and off. When I used green tea, my skin was glowing, smooth, even-toned, clear and beautiful. When I got off using green tea, it became dull, big break outs formed, red blotchiness and bumpy. Now that I've switched back, my skin instantly became better in 2 days! I am amazed. How I use it: I take a packet of green tea and brew it in a cup. Then, I cool it and put it into a small container. Using a cotton ball, soak it with the green tea and use it as you would a toner. I use it morning and night. Also, drinking green tea will help as well! (Not to mention it raises your metabolism which helps you lose weight).
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June 25, 2011


fast results



I read somewhere that for irritated skin if you get a bag of green tea, dip it in warm water as if you were making tea and then put the warm water on a wash cloth and lay it on your face. My skin gets irritated some times because i pick at it for poping pimples a lot so when that happens i always do this method and i really works! hope i helped :)
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June 22, 2011


Only thing that has made an improvement on my acne
Smooth skin
Better Moods
More energy
Low Price
Natural - no side effects



So I have the typical acne story, I've tried EVERYTHING! I had given up, putting it down to college stress, being young etc. but then when I graduated college, I decided enough was enough, I'm too old for this and it was time to get rid of my acne for good. I read about green tea and immediately started drinking 2-3 cups a day. (My mam already had some at home which was handy!) I also topically apply a teabag to my affected areas once a day and use it as a toner morning and night. It's only been a week and I can already see great results, my skin feels much smoother and I have way less (and smaller) breakouts, which fade quicker. I still have a long way to go to curing my acne but this is definitely a great start, I'm delighted to finally be getting some results and today I switched my cleanser to La Roche Posay Foaming Cleansing Gel in the hope that this will also help (It's gotten some great reviews) but basically you should definitely try green tea because even if it doesn't work for you, it is very cheap, healthy and doesn't have any nasty side effects. I 100% recommend this. Try it! :)
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June 13, 2011


Taste great
Improved skin
less acne
VERY healthy



It's great for you skin and is a very healthy drink, helps my skin in a lot of ways. As long as i drink it my skin doesn't look bad or breakout much at all. Very easy way to get healthy happy skin. It won't give you a dramatic change right away it'll take a couple weeks, 2 or 3, but its well worth it!
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June 9, 2011


Clearer skin
Good for you
Aids in food digestion
Trusted remedy for centuries


I'm not too fond of the taste

Green tea has amazing health benefits. It's extremely easy to make. I've noticed that when I forget to drink green tea for a few days that my skill looker duller and I break out more.
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June 9, 2011


-Clears skin
-Tastes good
-Works quickly



I've only been drinking this for a week but i can already see vast improvements to my skin. Thumbs up for this product guys... you'll be sorry if you don't try it!!