Green Tea

536 Reviews

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March 15, 2012


- Taste good
- Anti-oxidant
- Glow skin
- Reduce acne


- It stains the teeth.
- Take long time for prepare.

I soak fresh tea tree leaves in hot water for 5 hours, then drink it. I drink around 1 liter of green tea water a day. My face has no new acne since i drink green tea instead of coffee. Luckily, fresh tea leaves in my country is very cheap. Only $1 green tea leaves can be used for whole week.
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March 1, 2012


Good for other things besides acne

I drink a thermos full a day, using 2 teabags to brew. I am also using a bar soap on my face by Kiss My Face with olive oil and honey and no detergents. A few times a week I put on a mask of raw organic honey. My skin looks great, no breakouts, it is soft, and scars are much lighter. I have so many half used acids, peroxides, and other harsh cleaners and nothing worked except this. I got 100 tea bags for $5 so its very cheap, It didn't work at all topically but works great internally.
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February 23, 2012


brightens skin
makes you FEEL better
reduces reddness in pimples
reduces pimples
prevents pimples


absolutely none

Lately I have been feeling that if nature gives you certain ailments (acne) nature can also provide you with a solution. Therefore instead of constantly bombarding my skin with synthetic crap, I would try a natural route. This is my regimen: in the moring i wake up and wash my face with a regular old cleanser, rinse with cold water, then take a cold green tea bag ( i keep them refrigerated after i steep them)and wipe it all over my face. Then I open the bag and use the leaves to gently exfoliate my skin, and leave it on for 30 mins. Then I rinse my face with cold water again, and apply another round of greentea swiping.followed by a gentle moisturizer at night I wash my face as usual but rinse with warm water, followed by swiping a WARM tea bag over my face and using a moisturizer. Throughout the day I also drink about 3-4 cups of green tea. due to PMS and stress I had 2 HUGE cystic pimples pop up on my cheek. Since using this regimen for 2 days they are almost completely flat and much less red and are no longer sore (they were originally so red and sore they were purple)
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February 5, 2012


it was refreshing and soothing to drink
i really love the taste, but it will depend on you
my face can maintain clear complexion!!!
my redness reduced
my skin tone got brighter and evened out


it takes a while to see results... for me it took 4 weeks...
can keep you up if you drink it at night if its not caffeine free( i drink high quality japanese green tea, and it has some caffeine))
makes you dizzy if you drink too much, i recommed drinking it before or after meals

Im 14 and ive been drinking green tea ever since fith grade I started getting bad acne in 7th grade Ive always admired my korean friend's beautiful and clean skin, she said that she drinks green tea everyday. I drink it like 4 times a day, and it helps reduce my redness i really dont like to put it on my skin, because since i have combination skin, i cant be washing or applying too much water or liquid to my skin, or else my skin will be horribly dry, and get super oily after a while, thts why i only wash my face twice a day It might help you if you put it on your face, let it dry, then put on an oil free moisturizer, but i'm just trying to stick with my dermatoligists prescribed medications to apply to my skin
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February 2, 2012


-I felt good about myself while drinking it?


-It has a really weird taste, unless you mix it with something, which defeats the purpose.
-It didn't really seem to work.

Alright, I was expecting a miracle. I'm on this whole natural approach so I figured tea would be ideal. WRONG. It does nothing. I drink it like it's my job and I rub the bag on my face at night. Nothing :( But feel free to give it a go!
January 4, 2012


Helps with acne
looks younger
stop allergy
helps with constipation


Non-Chinese green tea taste bad and not effective.

I am 46 and have been drinking green tea since I was 20's. The taste of green tea from Asian brands are much better than others. And the effectiveness of each brand is certainly different. I stick with Yamamoto or good green tea from china town. I can't live without green tea. I never have to take allergy medicine, it helps with acne and constipation. People always think that I am at least 10 years younger. The good green tea will be light green color and taste good. I drink 2-3 cups a day. Try it, it's the best.
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January 1, 2012


- cleanses the body
- jam packed with benefits in the long run
- can dried up acne
- refreshing effect on the skin (face and around the eyes)
- can ease the redness of the blemishes left by pimples


the unbearable taste when you're drinking it the first time

green tea is good for the body. Everybody can benefit from it when consumed properly. Green tea should be taken moderately as it contains caffeine too. Too much caffeine is no good. I'm drinking green tea like nearly one year already. At first just to know what it taste like, wondering why many Asians were so into it. And just to enjoy my Chinese buffet spree. As day passes by, it becomes part of my day, during my first month, I add tons of equal and milk into it because of the unforgiving taste, and then my 2nd month, I load it with honey, on my 3rd month up to now, I drink it just the way it is. I believe by drinking just the way it is you can max the benefit your body will get. I use it too (the tea bag) in my face and it dried my biggest pimple in 2 days, it also reduced the redness of some blemishes on my face. I applied it around my eyes especially on my eyebags to reduce its puffiness and hopefully to reduce its darkness.
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December 26, 2011


- Works
-Easy to apply/consume
-It has other health benefit.(weight loss)


-taste at the beginning

I was hit with moderately severe acne for the last 2 years, life was miserable and new acne keep popping up every single day. Since using green tea for the last 6 months, its has tremendously improve my skin condition. I do still have SMALL pimple which appears once in awhile but it heals faster than before as green tea helps in reducing inflammation. I am not saying that green tea is a sure remedy in curing acne but to those who are stuck in finding a solution for their acne problem, give Green Tea a try. good luck
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December 24, 2011


Reduces redness
Dries pimples


Taste (at first)

I started using green tea just yesterday,and i can honestly say that this product is amazing! I drank 2 cups of green tea yesterday and at night put some on my face. When i woke up my face looked clear. This morning i drank another cup n put a little but of green tea on my face. It has only been an hour and it shrunk 2 pimples and they are almost gone!! Try it,it is amazing im glad i found this.
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November 13, 2011


- Enjoy the taste
- Easy to prepare and use
- Reduces amount of "itchy" acne


- Much of effect may be placebo
- Have to drink a lot to have an effect

Since drinking green tea, I think I have had less acne. I don't have any strong evidence of this, but the perceived effect has lead me to continue. Also, sometimes I will hold the hold my up to deep and cyst like acne spots, it reduces the longevity and helps the healing of skin.