Fish Oil

301 Reviews

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August 21, 2015
Don't be fooled with dosage
I have long been a proponent of fish oil for all of the well documented benefits. For several years I would give my daughter several pills a day for pcos and acne, but it did not seem to make much of a dent. I finally got serious about looking at the EPA and DHA content and discovered that her dosage was way less than expected. I bought a liquid fish oil and gave her about 3000-4500 mg of EPA+DHA per day. Her skin went from seriously acne prone (blackheads and pimples) to clear in a matter of a few days. This has been an eye opener for both of us. She is also gluten and dairy free, but it wasn't until good doses of fish oil that her skin cleared up.
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October 24, 2014
Sundown Nauturals (R) Fish Oil (website link posted). REAL ACNE CURE.
It has seemed to have cleared my face in just 12 days after using this nature-given substance. I've suffered (notice the -ed in suffered) from acne for 12 and a half years! I take it orally and apply it topically. It also HEALED (fixed the problem) my swollen left knee with fluids about 4 days after it began to develop. I recommend it. On a side note, I apply in in circular motions on my face before I go to sleep. I also apply it in the mornings when I wake up as long as I'm not leaving my place for at least 2 hours. I let the hot steam from the shower head rinse the oil off of my face so I don't have to rub any man-made chemicals on my face. Highlight, Copy, Paste, Enter: [link removed]
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July 18, 2014
You have nothing to lose, TAKE IT!
I literally joined this forum just to post this review about fish oil. I have struggled with acne my entire life, and tried just about every product on the planet short of accutane, and this has had the best affect on my adult acne. When I was younger, I was put on oral antibiotics twice. It worked well, but it just creeped me out to take them. So after I stopped taking them I figured I would just wait out acne until I was an adult. Well, flash forward to my early 30's and my acne became the worst it has ever been. So when my acne really started to get bad about a year ago, I took stock of my life. What was I doing wrong I wondered? I thought I was doing everything right. I exercised, ate well (or so I thought) washed my face twice per day, and I tried every product under the sun, including the routine. Well, about 6 months into using different routines my acne did not go away and I noticed my skin had become MUCH more oily. I thought oil was o.k. because it was keeping my skin healthy so what's the big deal? Well that's true up until a point. I far reached past that point. I then started taking vitamin supplements in addition to the topical stuff. If my skin is acting up, maybe I'm just deficient in something. I read up on vitamins that help acne and concluded that I should be taking a, b, c and d vitamins in addition to zinc. I even started tracking my daily progress and literally counting the number of pimples on my face (some were cystic). Vitamins had a marginal effect. So I thought, maybe it's diet. This is where the story takes a turn. Only one thing really make a difference to this adult acne: laying off gluten and dairy. Well I'm not an obviously lactose intolerant person and I'm only as gluten intolerant as the next guy, so I figured I must have a mild allergy that is causing acne. Each time I would be strict and lay off of these foods my acne would get better but not go away. I figured that would be as good as it gets, that I have super sensitive skin that over creates oil from harsh routines, and that's life. Well at one point, even when laying off gluten and dairy, I had a really bad outbreak of acne. And I got fed up. So I went back to the research boards. What is causing this oil on my face? It can't be the BP products, because I stopped using them months ago. It can't be lack of moisturizer because I tried being disciplined about that too. I completely laid off comedgenic products and detergents. My skin was still oily. So my research took me to articles about treating Asian skin, because I'm Japanese. And something in an article jumped out at me. Essentially the person who wrote the article said "How to I get that flawless Japanese skin?" This got me thinking... my skin is SUPPOSED to be good. What am I doing different here? T Here must be something HUGELY missing out of my life that is causing this reaction. It can't be a slight gluten intolerance. It can't be a minor vitamin deficiency. It must be hormonal because several articles pointed to a correlation between hormonal imbalance and sebum production. So I kept reading and stumbled upon this article. [link removed] Essentially, the study in the article showed the an imbalance of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids caused a spike in hormones and triggered an overproduction of sebum. Omega 3 fatty acids are in things like fish, which I do not eat a lot of. I eat a lot of salads, lean meats, complex carbs, but not fish. Omega 6 is in just about everything else that contains vegetable oil including breads, meats, cheeses, dressings, etc.... staples of the American diet. So whereas we're supposed to be getting a 3:1 or 2:1 ratio of these fatty acids, most Americans get 30 or 40:1 ratio. Could this be my cause, I wondered? After all, Japanese people with their famous skin are known to eat large large quantities of fish. Well for me it has WORKED. The cystic acne on my face healed twice as fast as normal when I started taking it and I am now several weeks ACNE FREE! I do brazilian jiu jitsu so my skin is constantly exposed to dirt and bacteria so if it is staying acne free, I figure it must have been hormonal all along because I haven't stopped BJJ. My skin scars started disappearing overnight, and I have never been happier. Try this if you think your diet is imbalanced. It could save you lots of money on cleaning products. Oh and by the way here is a list of dietary experiments and topical solutions I have tried: - Yeast cleanse (mild success) - No dairy and no gluten (mild success) - ACV drink ( I still do this but it didn't completely eliminate anything) - ACV toner (mild success) - Retinol (mild success) - Different levels of BP gels and creams (mild success) - OCM (mild success) - Vitamin supplementing (mild success)
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March 11, 2013


easy to take


fish burps with the cheaper oils

totally helps with deeper acne. I still use the regimen but this helps even it out
February 5, 2013


Regulates hormonal imbalance , more energetic, healthy skin, Zero acne, clear skin, oil free face skin


3-4g/day is recommend- I think it's most effective , overdosing can cause mood changes.

Acne sufferers out there stop wasting your money on cosmo acne products, believe me I've been there. Cosmo anti acne-I've used loads of these stuff but it didn't work , I suffered severe acne for 6 years , yep acne took my life for 6 years, its like being in prison -cant go out, can't socialised, I was so depressed but now luckily I found this fish oil working to treat these horrible acne and it's effective, effortless, and more savings rather than buying Cosmo products... Use fish oil!
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December 31, 2012


Clears up acne
Makes my skin soft and glowy


None that makes it not worth taking
Slight fishy taste if you buy cheep pills, but taking them with food will help with that

I definitly recommend them! It took about a week for them to start working, I've been takin them for about three weeks now and my face is completly clear. I still have to use acne cleansers and spot treatment, but if I don't skip any pills and continue taking good care of my skin. It's almost perfect! (: I use Spring Valley regular strength btw, and I take four a day.
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October 20, 2012


- Proven to be effective against depression
- Reduces inflammation


- None

I have been taking fish oil everyday for more than a year to keep depression at bay and I can say it works quite well. Plus it reduces inflammation in the body so it can help acne.
September 23, 2012


Assisted in clearing skin
Treated hormonal acne
Relatively inexpensive
Overall beneficial
Improves mood
Wake up alert instead of tired


Make sure you buy a coated capsule/tablet or else you will have some fishy breath!

I have moderate hormonal acne. I break out around my chin and jawline. I've been seeing a dermatologist for nearly a year. First I was put on Doxycycline. When my acne didn't respond to that after three months, my dermatologist added Ziana to my regimen. Four months later and no improvements, I was put on Solodyn and Benzaclin instead. Nothing was working! She decided to fight hormones with hormones, and I was prescribed Ortho Tri Cyclen to take along with the Solodyn. A few months later, still no results. I started taking 1000mg fish oil capsules (Nature Made) twice a day. After two weeks, I noticed definite improvement. My skin was clearer and brighter (though not COMPLETELY clear), and I was also in a better mood. I was able to sleep better at night, and woke up feeling refreshed and alert instead of pressing the snooze button 4 times. After about a month using the fish oil, my skin is 99% clear. I get a small breakout around my period, but nothing like how it used to be. Fish oil. Who knew?
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August 23, 2012


- Brought me from 95% clear to 100% clear!
- Inexpensive
- A whole HOST of additional health benefits
- Puts me in a good mood


- Takes 4-6 weeks to see results
- 3 pills a day (the 3-in-1 pills are HUGE!)

I FULLY recommend fish oil as a dietary supplement for all walks of life. I did a ton of research on it before I took the supplement (like any other supplement I take), and found I could only benefit from it. I have been taking fish oil daily (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) for about five weeks now and my skin has never been smoother and silkier. I had very light to light acne before, but now it is honestly not even a factor. I feel 100x better now that I'm taking it, my memory is way better, and it even puts me in a better mood. THINGS TO LOOK FOR WHEN BUYING: - FDA approves the company for scanning their fish for safe mercury levels - 1000mg of Omega-3 (in the Americas we already have enough Omega-6 and 9 in our diets that we don't need all three) - 180mg of EPA - 120mg of DHA - Enteric coated (no fish burps! As it dissolves after it gets past your stomach.)
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July 15, 2012


Cleared my skin in a few days
Gave skin a healthy glow
Easy to take
Healthy for more than just skin
Improved mood



I bought these hoping they would clear my mild acne i've had acne for awhile now because i have very dry and sensitive skin with flakes all over it. I took these for 5 days today being the 5th, when i woke up after taking the third pill my skin looked amazing, no flakes, no redness, no dryness, it looked great!!! if you have tried everything else and nothing else seems to be working then buy these and give em a try i take 1000mg a day one pill a day so you don't have to overdose on them to see a difference. And they are cheap i bought a twin pack, 2 bottles for 6$ each containing 100 pills
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