Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

1815 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Carbomer 980, dimethicone 100, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, disodium edetate, glycerol, silicon dioxide, poloxamer, purified water, sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 25, 2012


Cleared my spots amazingly!
Noticeable results from day 1
Takes around a month to work, but I didn't notice the weeks go by, just my skin clearing up:)


Does dry your skin out, but nothing some exfoliation and a good moisturiser cant fix
Contains peroxide, so don't get it in your eyebrows like I did...

I've had quite bad spots for about 4 years (I'm 15), and I've tried EVERYTHING. Seriously; clearisil, clean & clear, freederm....but nothing worked. At all. But I went to my doctor, and she prescribed me this, and BOOM! My skin is almost crystal clear! It's changed my life! I used to have this massive fringe that covered about 2 thirds of my face (attractive, I know-_-), but since I used this product, I have my hair just framing my face, and get so many good comments! It's even given me the courage to start modelling! Life saver; buy it! Oh, and you don't have to store it in the fridge, it says only the pharmacist has to do that:P
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March 19, 2012


Gets rid of acne
Helps reduce acne
Cheap with insurance
Works in small amount of time
Totally safe
Actually works


Skin burns
Flaky skin

You should get it. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!
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March 3, 2012


Cleaned my face in less than 2 weeks



I spent more than 150 dollars buying proactove and neutrogena stuff that never worked for me. My doctor gave me benzacli and I couldnt believe ot after a couple of days. Just make sure u wash ur face before applying and let it dry
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February 27, 2012


Works, cooling



I have had acne for 15 years and tried everything over the counter and prescription. This cream in the morning with trentoin at night is AMAZING! At first my acne got worse and the dryness was barely tollerable. My dematologist and pharmacist both told me to sick with it and it would get better. So, I started using a more mild cleanser and better moisturiser with spf30 and in literally two weeks the moisture was back and the acne was GONE! I have a couple remaining scars but they fade more everyday. I still get one or two pimples but they only last a day or two before they disappear completely. My doctor says even they will stop showing up if I stick with it. It's been a month and a half and this is the best skin I've had since puberty!
February 12, 2012


Magically clears acne in a few days!

Controls oil


Needing to get a prescription for each new tube is a hassle
Needs to be stored in the fridge (although I must admit I often forget to put it back and it still works fine?!)

I have had acne for almost 10 years and out of all the millions of products I have tried this one is the only one worth noting. It LITERALLY clears my skin like magic like I will go from hideous break out to almost completely clear skin within a week of using this it is amazing! It does cause slight drying and irritation but in kind of a satisfying way (as weird as that sounds) because you can see and feel it demolishing all of the acne and potential acne on your skin and as the dry layer washes away you are left with fresh new clear skin! I cannot stress enough how effective this stuff is- I actually suspect it is magic.
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February 10, 2012


REALLY GOOD. Clears skin maybe takes a few weeks to see the results & most importantly works like a magic cream!


No bad cons whats so ever.
But I reckon the worst thing is you need to discard it after 2 months.
Being in a bigger tube and a cheaper price would be good.

I'm 16 years of age. I have had acne ever since I was 13. and trust me I know the last 3 years of my life, suffering from acne have been the worst. I HAD SPOTS ALL OVER MY FACE. I was so shy to even clip my fringe up cos of how much acne I had on my forhead. EVERWHERE on my face, Yes I have tried all the face scrubs out there all the home remedies literally popped everything that apparently 'got rid of pimples' onto my face. I followed almost every single tip that was on the net written by professionals! NEVER wearing make up. Caring like Moisturising, toner, masking exfoliating 2-3 times a week. I DID IT ALL. But nothing ever worked no progress whats so ever. Until I met Duac. Duac was reccomended by my doctor when I first started using it, I could feel that my face was getting lighter. less red patches and less spots, but it took awhile but I maintained applying every night. After 2 weeks my face imporved so much! IT WAS A MIRACLE I have never ever seen clear patches on my face and it was the best feeling. Going to school getting so much compliments about how my skin changed. And I had the confidence to clip my fringe up! I've stopped using duac, probably been two months now. I just wanted to see what it is like if I stop using it. My pimples actually came back. BUT. no longer severe I dont have red patches its just little spots that you can't barely see. I guess they will go away after time. BUT if you want your pimples to settle down? GO AHEAD AND TRY IT !!!!!!!!!!!!
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January 23, 2012


Clears skin of pimples and acne scars
Reduces oily skin


No cons!

I, like most acne sufferers, had tried most everything. I was prescribed Duac and Retin-A. What I found from those two products was that Retin-A was stronger for use on zits, which I didn't have much of. Duac was a miracle on the smaller pimples and scars. Only use it at night and in the morning, use a moisturizer with sunscreen. A good brand is Eucerin or Advocare Definite Difference.
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January 12, 2012


Prevents Acne
Good spot treatment


Can be a little drying but use lotion after it dries

I have had acne since my freshman year in high school (i am now in my second year of college) and it has been mostly moderate. i have tried all the over the counter products and finally gave up on them a few months ago and decided to see a dermatologist for the first time. I was prescribed Benzaclin and it has been the best acne product I've ever used. i thought that lotions and creams would never work but this stuff really has worked for me, and i had really stubborn deep pimples. i started seeing results after about two to three weeks, i still got a couple pimples but i wasn't breaking out like i used too. Now i have been using it for two months and my skin is almost completely clear, i just have a few acne scars but i have no active pimples! I have read sooooooo many reviews of products on this site and read so many success stories, and i promised myself if i ever found a product that works i would write a review on it. if you are like me and feel that acne makes you self conscious and all those horrible emotions that come with acne i hope you go to a dermatologist and give this stuff a try cause it really does work.
December 6, 2011


Clears acne fast
Gets rid of everything, blackhead, whiteheads.
Skin look amazing


Dry skin

I used to average 40 blemishes per week, on average, most likely on the low side, now I maybe have three. After one week I had cut my usual 40 in half, and by week two I started to ask myself "What blemishes" my pimples were large sore swelling under the skin, and a ton of small little whiteheads on my forehead. My nose was covered in black heads, and that number to has decreased drastically. This is amazing, I found a $10 coupon online after my first prescription was purchased, but it would still be expensive, either way I definitely would recommend it! I have T-zone oil so my cheeks get really dried out from Benzaclin, but I use Olay Beauty Fluid, or the Equate stuff if I don't have $25.00, and it really keeps the dead skin soft and easy to remove! Best acne medication I have ever used!
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October 30, 2011


end of any type of acne



ok im updating my previous review after 45 days , my face is clear after huge attacks of all acne types .......its a miracle for now i dont know about later ......
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