Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

1815 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Carbomer 980, dimethicone 100, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, disodium edetate, glycerol, silicon dioxide, poloxamer, purified water, sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 13, 2011
ive just started using this cream and so far it has cleared up my acne a little bit my whole face is actually clear apart from a patch on my cheek of a few redish spots/acne and i hate it and just want it gone.am going to use this product for a month and if nothing hapens iam going to try a different product, i will write anova review in 3 weeks time and let u all no how im geting on x
November 24, 2011


-Doesn't burn that much
-absorbs into skin well
-does help acne a little


-helps acne, but barely. I've been using it for 1 month and a half and i've only seen very minor improvement.

I think it's not worth the time.. It works a little, but so do a LOT of creams. You might as well look for other options because, at least for me, it didn't do much more than a regular benzoyl peroxide treatment. If for some reason it magically starts working for me then I will re-post, but as of now, I've seen little to very little improvement.
June 19, 2011


-works very quickly


-only works on pimples, doesnt work on cysts
-extreme redness (which makes you look like you have a sunburn)
-extreme irritation i.e. itchiness

ive used this product for nearly 3 years; the bottom line is that it works, and helps kill your acne, but you have to be consistent with it i.e. you have to apply it daily or you will get new pimples. it helps reduce pimples but doesnt prevent breakups. also if you are light-skinned like me, then you have an excellent chance of looking like a tomato
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June 14, 2011


dries up acne


initial breakout
drys skin

I have been on benzaclin for 10 days now. Initially I had a pretty aweful breakout from the medicine. Now my skin has been good and i am just healing from the initial breakout. I have a lot of faith that this will clear up my skin. I have not gotten any new acne for the past couple days now and believe this will continue
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June 13, 2011


Clears up face in fast time
Smoother face


Dries Up skin

Ive only been using this Product for about a week and I can Already tell my skin will be clear soon. My brother used this and his skin was so clear. My doctor gave me a prescription for it and I picked some up. I wash my face day and night with cetaphil daily facial clenser and put a tiny bit of this on after. It's helped a ton, and I'm hoping it will keep working.
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May 11, 2011


works in the beginning.


stopped working for me after 3 weeks

in the beginning it was working..but now i can see im breaking out again...my face has been bad for 5 years now..im 18 and i cant find anything to take it away...so depressing
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May 8, 2011


Gets those little bumps well, prevents acne


Not a good spot treatment, dries out your skin, irritating

It gets rid of those pesky little bumps over night. It's not a miracle when it comes to those big red pimples. It does help it, but it doesn't make it shrink significantly. It also made my eyes puffy when I used too much the first time. I have really sensitive skin so it can be irritating. It dries out your skin, so you're gonna need a lot of moisturizer.
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April 4, 2011


makes zits smaller


burns when lotion is applied after

Okay so this was given to me for my freak-out-breakout. I started using twice a day and dried my skin out like CRAZY! I took a break then started with just at night, leave it on for 30 min-ish alone, then put a light lotion to combat dryness, and it burned like hell! I decided to ditch the lotion and soon later pout lotion on because I would wake up with dry flakey skin, do a gentle exfoilant in the morning, and in a few hours my skin would be flaking off. So I decided to go back to lotion after Benzaclin and deal with the burn, because the dry skin wasn't as bad. Obviously I had mistake because it was just as dry. I'll use it now every two or three nights, in between I use Tretinoin Cream .025% and it works well, lightens scars, and is far less drying. Good Luck!
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March 24, 2011


Helped keep my acne under control
Works for many people
Contains benzoyl peroxide and topical antibiotics
Doesn't work out to expensive for UK users on the NHS
No side effects


Didn't keep me totally clear

Before starting on the regimen, I was prescribed Duac by my GP for a year or two. It worked to keep the acne under control, but it never got rid of it fully. I also broke out quite regularly - I since realised that when I got to the end of the tube I would use less of the cream so I could put off going to the pharmacy. That inevitably broke me out a few weeks later! If you have mild/moderate acne, Duac might be worth a go. However, I would recommend going on the regimen, its kept me loads clearer than Duac. However I guess since Duac is basically Benzoyl Peroxide, you can incorporate it in to the regimen.
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March 8, 2011


Works very well for awhile
Clears pimples quickly in a gentle way
Works on cystic acne and little pimples too


Can redden your skin
Dries out your skin
Skin becomes immune to it
Makes your skin white

I first started Benzaclin when I was ten,and I stopped using it when I was 14 or 15 because I noticed that it stopped working. I had to start using Benzaclin and Tazorac,along with some antibiotics,together to make sure it's raelly effective. It works.My skin doens't have as many little inflamations underneath my skin,no cysts,etc. It's great.My only problem with this stuff is that your skin might become really dry (even if you have a moisturiser),it might feel irritated the first time,and your skin might become immune to it. Everyone's experience is different,but this is mine.
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