Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

1815 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin Phosphate (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Carbomer 980, dimethicone 100, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, disodium edetate, glycerol, silicon dioxide, poloxamer, purified water, sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 20, 2009


Easy to apply, very fast results, it works!!!


Made my face red, itchy and painful, dry and peeling, with fine lines around mouth, but only for the 3rd week, not any more.

I broke out for the first time in my life at age 26, 2 months before my wedding! Needless to say, I was desperate to get rid of these horrible pustules around my mouth. I *never* post on boards, so this just shows how well duac works. Although the doc also prescribed doxycycline, I haven't been taking it, since a previous course of tetracycline gave me really bad runs and stomachache. So I've only been taking duac, and putting moisturizer on top 15 minutes later, only at night for the first 3 weeks, then morning and night for the last week. I've been drinking lots of water, exercising, eating healthy and cutting out sugar and trying to stress less too, which I'm sure helps, but the duac has got rid of all my spots (I had about 15) except 2, which are subsiding, within 4 weeks. The marks left are n't so severe either. II get it for £7.20 on the NHS which will probably last me 4 months.I love duac!
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November 19, 2009


haven't found any pros yet.


dries out skin, made my skin peel.

i have been using this for almost 3 months and it hasn't helped my skin at all. if anything it's making it worse. i thought it was working at first by bringing all the acne out..but a couple months later it's still bringing all the acne out and it's not going away! i think i'm going to give up on it and try something else.
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November 19, 2009


works great overnight and is covered by health plan. Helps with blackheads and oilyness on top of treating acne.


gets annoying because there is so little cream in the bottle. I am a speed swimmer who is in the water 17 hours a week (chlorine) so it dires my face out really badly. I use it three times a week. STAINS CLOTHES AND HAIR

I use Benzaclin three or more times a week, works great for oilyness, blackheads and zits although im not completely acne free yet. Dries out my face, but thats moisturizers job. If you live were theres lots of sun only use at night. Started working 2 weeks after first use.
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November 17, 2009


Helped clear my face up in 2 weeks.


drying, bleaches cloth and burns a bit when I add a moisturizer or makeup over it.

So far it has been worth dealing with all the cons. I put duac on in the mornings, take menocyline as an oral medication and use tazorac on my face at night. My acne had gotten really bad the last few months and I had to go back to my dermatologist. I get some cystic acne and I have tiny barely visible pimples all over most of my face. I haven't gotten any new large pimples or cystic acne in about a week. I only have a few marks left on my face from a week ago. I do still have some of the tiny pimples, I'm hoping those will be the next to go. I think the duac is really combating most of my acne.
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November 17, 2009


Works wonders - my skin hasn't been this clear since I was 12, very smooth skin


A little drying, although if you pair it with a good moisturiser it's fine, did cause one bad reaction in the 1st week, although that was my fault - DO NOT APPLY ANYWHERE NEAR EYES! Basically the entire socket is a nono.

It's the first and last prescription acne cream I need!
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November 16, 2009




a lot

please, however bad your acne is, never use this product. its far too aggressive to your skin. even if you don't have sensitive skin don't use it. there are so many other ways to cure your acne. stay away from all those aggressive chemical creams and give your skin the time to heal.
November 15, 2009


This is heaven in a tub!


Can lead to dryness, redness and itching especially with sensitive skin. Applying a layer of bio oil before application works as a barrier if you have sensitive skin... so problem solved! Its really brilliant

Get it, try it, then love it!
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November 12, 2009


Duac got rid of my pimples and it dried out my spots so they went quicker


it gave me dry skin but i just put a bit of oil free moisturiser on the dry area and everything was fine

This product didnt really do anything for my blackheads on my nose but i dont have that many so it was fine but it did help my pimples and dried out my spots that i got this is a good product tht isnt hard to use and i got it free from my doctors which i was pleased about
November 12, 2009


Works really well and really fast if the bacteria on your face are sensitive to clindamycin.


Expensive. No side effects for me.

I'm 27. Horrible breakout in 2005. Struggled for months, finally saw a derma. Duac cleared it in less than a week. Used til March of 2009 and then neglected to get a refill. By July my face had exploded again and stayed that way til October when I finally saw my derma, got a new script for Duac, and my face cleared in 2 freaking days. Hate acne, but glad antibiotic cream keeps it at bay.
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November 11, 2009


I have had moderate to severe acne, it was on my face and back, and i have noticed a huge differerance, and before that i have used many other products, and this one by far is the best!


you could be allergic to benzoyl peroxide like my sister, and have a reaction to the medication!

without it my face wouldn't have been as it is today. Now I feel more confident
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