Baking Soda

1345 Reviews

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October 22, 2008


it is cheap, easy to use


really really dried out my skin--made it tight and ten a little flaky

I swear by baking soda to put in your bath water to soften your skin and was told by a dermatologist that using a baking soda paste rivals microdermabrasion. Some spas even use baking soda and charge a fortune. As for my face I just felt like it was irritating it more. A better idea (the same clay as in your face masks is crushed kitty litter--the natural clay type--put it in a coffee grinder and make a water paste with it and use it as a spot treatment.
June 25, 2008




I made a baking soda/lemon juice paste and left it on my face overnight. I woke up the next day, and I now have hundreds of whiteheads (I usually get 1 zit at a time, so this is a nightmare!!!).

I've researched on other sites, and you are never suppose to use this combination for more than 1 minute. So, I'm just writing this as warning, I'm sure the baking soda and the lemon juice work separately, but please avoid using this combination overnight!!! hopefully all these whiteheads will disappear SOON.
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June 15, 2008


Cheap, easy to use.


Immediately regretted using it.

It might work for some people, but it was a bad experience for me. I tried it on a small area and it is still burning long after I washed it off. No thank you!
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June 13, 2008




Extremely dry, scaley skin. Made me break out more.

I started using baking soda because of the positive reviews on this site. I tried it for two weeks and, by the end of the second week, my skin was burning and extremely dry. No amount of moisturizer helped. I guess it works for a lot of people, but not for me.
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May 25, 2008




-not for sensitive skin
-not for sensitive skin

I needed a cheap exfoliator, and this seemed to work for a lot people. I made the recommended paste, and left it on for twenty minutes. I was expecting it to burn, and it did. Oh well. All for the greater good. But when I washed it off, my face was broken out in a horrible non-acne bumpy rash. Shame, because I really wanted this to work. People with really sensitive skin are forewarned.
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April 12, 2008


it doesnt burn and it softens skin i guess


my acne didnt go away, it hasnt faded, nothing has happened at all. im very dissapointed =[

ive been using about 2 tbsp and putting it to the wetness of brown sugar and exfoliating my face in the morning, and in the afternoon i use same ammount but put it into a paste and leave it on for about 15 min and then wash it off. well, nothing has happened. at all. idk if im doing it wrong[ i told my friend about it and she said it burnt alot wen she did it but nothing happened with me], doing it too much, or stuff like that but bottom line it did nothing for me at all so far. maybe im just unlucky =[
December 10, 2007




my entire face was red for about 2 weeks. I had to visit a dermatologist who pescribed proactiv.

My doctor advised not to continue this or i could end up with extremely dry skin which will could cause flaking and scars to appear.
December 8, 2007


Apparrently it works for everyone else.


On my second day i'm noticing faint red marks appear on my face and stronger burning during application. There fore I am discontinueing its use.

I would mix this with Hydrogen Peroxiode and rub it into my face. Considering that I am 22 yrs old and I really don't have any acne I just wanted to see if this would soften up and improve my skin generally. Yesterday on the second night my face started burning and the few pimples that I do have are now turning red and almost look like they want to spread. Therefore this product seems to be GIVING me acne not curing it. Right now my face has very faint red burn marks and I fear that if i continue they will only appear worse. I will continue to try my nose how ever which has a little bit of black heads on it as it is the only part of my face that doesnt seem to be irritated. After a week or so of rest maybe I'll try my face again mixing WATER only and see if it does any damage. As far as i see it though I've punished myself for trying to improve already good looking skin. :-(
October 3, 2007


I am not the youngest,I had problems with blemishes all my life.I can't believe the results why did I not try this earlier. And don't forget the price and no plastic containers to get rid off,-fantastic


are there any, other then the blemishes trying up ?

any one with skin problems should at least give it a try what due you have to loose other then zits.
August 26, 2007


Well, it was cheap! And there seem to be many good reviews...


Didn't do a thing, then made things worse. But for $0.75 it was worth a try.

I guess it's worth a shot because of the price, and the box says to try it as a skin smoother/softener. But for me it didn't clear up the redness and actually caused more break-outs. My suggestion to people who usually don't get bad cases of acne, but are having an unusual break-out is to STOP over working your skin! Trying a lot of products and home remedies will only aggravate your face more! Believe me, I've been trying to clear up my face for over a month! Finally I just gave up, and here's what seems to be helping me: I've just been washing my face really quick twice a day with regular bar soap, and then following with a light moisturizer. I tell ya, a lot of the redness went away and my skin seems to be getting back to normal! Sounds crazy but just give up on EVERYTHING you've been trying and give your face a rest. Hope my advice helps!
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