Baking Soda

1345 Reviews

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October 5, 2008


when you rub it on your face you can automatically feel it cleansing your face.leave it on for 20minutes or so then wash off with WARM water.


use how much you feel comfortable with.

great product,i will continue to do this twice daily and see what happens. its amazing how natural products that have beem around for years and years are working for us today!.
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September 29, 2008


it does really work.Just wash your face with cleanser before put the soda on your face


it tastes awful when it gets into my mouth when i make it as a mask

i have suffering acne for 2 years and i have tried everything and none of them works. I guess i have spend maybe thousands for acne cure. I began to use the baking soda after i read others reviews about the baking soda on their acne....and the results are amazing..i have used it for a week now...and i can see huge difference, the scars are fading and my acne problem are starting to stop. I recommend this to all acne sufferers out there as it does really works^^
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September 25, 2008


Easy / no smell / cheap/
It Really works !!!!!



Changes skin Ph so bacteria cant grow. Mild gentle abrasive exfoliates too. Dont rinse off totally/ pat dry. My vote should count x 10 I have reccomended it to many with success
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September 21, 2008


Incredibly effective at exfoliating dead skin cells, very inexpensive, helps prevent breakouts in the long run.


Can be irritating to your skin before your skin gets used to it. At first, exfoliating exposes actual skin underneath dead skin cells which can be a little disconcerting (acne marks are more obvious), but stick with it and you'll see amazing benefits

Helped me turn the tide in my battle against acne. I went from getting 4-5 pimples on my face everyday to getting one or sometimes none and my face is still improving. How to use it: Mix it with warm water to form a paste and GENTLY rub onto your face. Then wash off. Use every other day if possible. What to expect: The first few times you use it, wash the baking soda paste off almost immediately after you apply it (best to do this while in the shower) because it'll take your skin awhile to get used to it. Do this at night so the burning and redness will go away completely by the time you wake up. After a few uses you can apply it and leave it on for about 30 minutes or as tolerated while it dries for more benefit I think this mainly works by effectively exfoliating dead skins cells from the face (a major cause of clogged pores). Keep with it and you will see less breakouts and your skin will start to clear up beautifully in a few weeks.
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September 18, 2008


Cleared my acne with in days



I saw results immediately! The only problem was that it stopped working after a week or so. I figured out this is because I was using it once every day. Now I use it 4x a day and a mild acne cleanser the other days. My face has now started to clear up again!
September 14, 2008


exfoliates, tightens skin, clears acne, cleans



after speaking to a make-up person at Mario T's, she recommended I exfoliate 3x's a week with one of their products I can't afford, then immediately follow up with a purifier. So my alternative was Baking Soda which I between baking soda which I do about 3x's a week, i use Cetaphil as just a mild cleanser(she recommended). I use the baking soda as a paste with warm water (also good for softening hands as you are cleaning face)...then follow up with GSE (liquid grapefruit seed extract) to disinfect and help clear acne (I use a few drops from bottle then rub on face with water then rinse off) my skin is the clearest it has been in a long time. the acne OTC products actually made my skin worse.
September 13, 2008
Only thing i can say about this is WOW!!!!! This has worked great on my acne and my acne was pretty big and after i used it for 5 mins, 70% of the acne was gone and it cleared up my skin got minimized pores on my nose Very goood and i recommend it to anyone who wants to get rid of acne, an wants to clear their skin. Btw blackheads and whiteheads were almost gone. /CHEERS!
September 12, 2008


It got rid of my nasty pimples!!!



I dont have bad acne but i get a few in the worst spots ever! lol In the middle of the forhead! between the eyes and the sides of the nose and chin.. not all at once either.. just randomly.. i use it once a night and poof! gone...
September 9, 2008


Face allmost cleared up, smooth, red marks are fading away, nice clean, hygienic smell, no more blackheads


None? :-??

Use it! :d If you have a break out and the baking soda is so cheap, then why don't give it a try?
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September 6, 2008


This is both the least expensive and most effective product I've ever used.


None for me, some report it's less gentle than they'd like.

I've never even let the baking soda sit on my skin, I've simply used it in the shower or at the sink in lieu of official face-cleansing products. My face feels cleaner and looks better afterward than with any other product, and an oil-free moisturizer takes care of the mild tight feeling the baking soda can cause.
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