Forum Replies Created

Dinair Airbrush Foundation?

Hi again everyone! So I was researching water based/light foundations, and I came across Dinair Airbrush makeup. I've been reading reviews, and everyone says that it never breaks them out, looks grea...

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

10 years ago
Best Light, Easy To Remove Foundation?

Hmmm okay! Thank you guys so much! I will definitely look into those. :]

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

10 years ago
Best Light, Easy To Remove Foundation?

Hi everyone! So I am possibly going to cosmetology school this fall. I'm all about not wearing foundation every day, but I feel like there will be days where I want to not look gross in school (espec...

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

10 years ago
Best Vitamins To Take?

Nt a bac multivitamin. One designed to be taken throughout the day. Okay! Thank you. Oh also, I have noticed that my face seems extra oily since I started the liquid vitamin A... Is this not a good...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Best Vitamins To Take?

I think a basic multivitamin and a vitamin d3 is always a good choice, it's just a good "insurance" for basic health. Yea some people say that they cured their acne with just little vitamin d3 or some...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Best Vitamins To Take?

Hello everyone. So I'm getting really desperate, as it feels like I've tried almost everything. Recently I've read about vitamins and how they can really cure/help some people's acne. My esthetician...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
(How Acne Affected My Life) & I Want To Believe That I Can Live With My Acne, But Another Part Tells Me The Opposite And Sends Me To Tears

I can't believe how much this sounds like me... Right now I'm crying because I feel like I should just give up. Nothing is working.... All my dreams are gone. I hate this. I just wanna lie in my bed a...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

10 years ago
Acne Is Making Me Cynical

As I've recently been diagnosed with several mental health problems because of my acne, I've started seeing a therapist. It can help quite a bit if you get a good one. They can teach you ways to deal ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

10 years ago
My Mental Health Is Destroyed... Please Send Good Vibes.

Oh boy you sound a bit like me. I ended up developing Orthorexia nervosa (obsession with healthy eating) because of acne which lead me to waste away physically, I literally ate nothing but spinach for...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

10 years ago
Not Eating Due To Acne

I'm also not eating due to my acne, but not only from depression, but also because I've been diagnosed with an eating disorder because I'm afraid EVERYTHING will break me out... I'm also afraid of Acc...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Acne Is Making Me Cynical

I totally understand. I get the same feeling when someone complains that they got ONE pimple, and they go "UGHHH LIKE OMG I woke up and I had a PIMPLE today. Gross!" I would do anything to have to dea...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

10 years ago
Not Eating Due To Acne

I'm also not eating due to my acne, but not only from depression, but also because I've been diagnosed with an eating disorder because I'm afraid EVERYTHING will break me out... I'm also afraid of Acc...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
My Mental Health Is Destroyed... Please Send Good Vibes.

Oh boy you sound a bit like me. I ended up developing Orthorexia nervosa (obsession with healthy eating) because of acne which lead me to waste away physically, I literally ate nothing but spinach for...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

10 years ago
My Mental Health Is Destroyed... Please Send Good Vibes.

Hey guys. So at the beginning of last summer, I became obsessed with my worsening acne. I decided to make a change and made the BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. I read and researched everything there was t...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

10 years ago
Weird Hardness Under Skin?

What have you started eating more of that you weren't eating as much of before? Potatoes? Any other starches or more gluten?? I've had a lot more sweet potatoes and yams... also, the gluten free waf...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Acupuncture Treatment

Hey everyone! So, like many of the users on this forum, I am fed up with Retin-A, Accutane, birth control, etc being forced upon me, and doctors saying that "These are the only cures". After a lot of...

In forum Other acne treatments

11 years ago
Weird Hardness Under Skin?

Sounds like cysts. So does this mean pretty soon I am gonna have major visible cystic acne??

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Weird Hardness Under Skin?

Hey there! So lately I've been eating gluten, dairy, starchy foods (except for a small amount of sweet potato or yam almost every day, cause I am STARVING, losing weight, so I need someth...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
I've Lost All Hope... Very Depressed.

Hey everyone.. So at the beginning of the summer, I finally got tired of my acne. It was always mild to moderate, but around the end of senior year of high school, it was getting worse. So I decided t...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

11 years ago
I've Lost All Hope... Very Depressed.

Hey everyone.. So at the beginning of the summer, I finally got tired of my acne. It was always mild to moderate, but around the end of senior year of high school, it was getting worse. So I decided ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

11 years ago
So Low On Energy... Eliminated All Possible Food Triggers.

alternativista, that is really interesting, what you said about the neck acne. Around the time I started getting it, I had started eating a bit of flax seed cereal almost every morning, along with A L...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
So Low On Energy... Eliminated All Possible Food Triggers.

alternativista, that is really interesting, what you said about the neck acne. Around the time I started getting it, I had started eating a bit of flax seed cereal almost every morning, along with A L...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
So Low On Energy... Eliminated All Possible Food Triggers.

alternativista, that is really interesting, what you said about the neck acne. Around the time I started getting it, I had started eating a bit of flax seed cereal almost every morning, along with A L...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
So Low On Energy... Eliminated All Possible Food Triggers.

I would suggest seeing a dermatologist or your PCP to start. If you've been doing this since the beginning of summer and still not seeing real improvement - regardless of location of the acne - diet m...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
So Low On Energy... Eliminated All Possible Food Triggers.

alternativista, that is really interesting, what you said about the neck acne. Around the time I started getting it, I had started eating a bit of flax seed cereal almost every morning, along with A L...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago