Forum Replies Created

Week 7/8 on regimen: itchy, dry, red patches?

I'm starting to get patches of skin that feel like tiny itchy blisters, and they're oozing? I'm thinking this is an allergic reaction? These patches of skin are really itchy

In forum The Regimen

3 years ago
Week 7/8 on regimen: itchy, dry, red patches?

I started on the regimen around late December to clear my moderate acne and clogged pores that affect my cheeks and chin/jaw. While it's definitely purged at least 80% of these clogged pores, my face ...

In forum The Regimen

3 years ago
Scarring rapidly - time to take roaccutane??

On 23/08/2017 at 6:58 PM, rapharapha said: Sorry for long time no reply. I really don't know what to moisturize with or to wash my face with. I wash with boiled and cooled on room t...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Scarring rapidly - time to take roaccutane??

16 hours ago, rapharapha said: I was on accutane low dose a number of times. Helped perfectlyt. And minocycline 2 times helped perfectly. Currently was on accutane 3 months, moderate dose, help...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Scarring rapidly - time to take roaccutane??

1 hour ago, rapharapha said: Sounds like a good combo 10mg accutane and oral(?) ery. The alternative i can think of is some kind of tetracycline antibiotic. btw I totally feel with you! ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Scarring rapidly - time to take roaccutane??

I have a dermatologist appointment next Thursday and for the past week have been going CRAZY trying to decide whether or not to take roaccutane. I was told by a different dermatologist several months ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Diane 35 vs. Accutane

I'm wondering which is more effective if acne is hormonal? I've read some fantastic reviews about Diane but also very dismal ones, and while accutane has a good track record for definitely clearing th...

In forum Hormonal acne

7 years ago
Closed comedones are getting completely out of control 🙁

23 hours ago, jdsu16 said: I've been continuing with the sea salt daily and unfortunately, I think it was just one of those "better skin day" flukes. I haven't seen any drastic improvement like I...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Starting week 5 and breaking out bad, please tell me it gets better

On 2017-6-10 at 11:24 PM, Liv said: Yes my skin was very dry, flaky...I found that using a toner (I use Sukin micellar water) really helped to reduce the flakiness and as a result my breakouts ...

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
Closed comedones are getting completely out of control 🙁

7 hours ago, jdsu16 said: I know this is from Feb. and you may have already cleared yourself, but maybe this can help others. I broke out with the most SEVERE closed comedone case i've ever see...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Starting week 5 and breaking out bad, please tell me it gets better

On 2017-6-6 at 10:02 AM, AhaGuru said: Take Inside double dose vitamin E and 1-2 tablespoon flaxseed oil daily its the best cure from dry skin!  It's important to take both of th...

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
Four months and finally clear

Your skin looks incredible, so happy for you! I'm on week 5 and things are really bad but I'm hoping it gets better soon. When did you notice things looking up?

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
Starting week 5 and breaking out bad, please tell me it gets better

I'm starting week 5 of the regimen and despite working my way up to full dosage, my skin is flaky, red and really broken out. Just when I thought things were looking up I suddenly have several new pim...

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
Crying At Night Because Acne 🙁

Did your skin end up clearing on the regimen? I really hope it all worked out for you, I know this feeling all too well and it truly sucks - I'm on week 4 at the moment.

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
Those that don't use the acne org moisteriser, what do you use?

11 hours ago, BlissBarge said: Don't be worried about the shipping. I bought the PM Cerave moisturizer on "iherb" and it only took 4 days to arrive here in NZ. I also suggest "Hemp seed oil" in...

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
Those that don't use the acne org moisteriser, what do you use?

On 2017-5-28 at 9:36 AM, Olde81 said: I use CeraVe AM and PM . Love them both I've heard good things about CeraVe, so if I can't find a good one in Australia I might just get CeraVe onlin...

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
Those that don't use the acne org moisteriser, what do you use?

I've been on the regimen for almost 3 weeks and my face is really flaky and red. I'm currently using simple light hydrating moisteriser but I don't think it's adequate enough anymore. I've heard good ...

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
Urgent - is my skin reacting normally to the regimen??

On 2017-5-19 at 6:17 AM, Support said: Hi T1901,  We would advise that you use only products on your skin and nothing else. Wearing makeup may slow down the pro...

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
Urgent - is my skin reacting normally to the regimen??

I'm on my second week of the regimen and have started using the BP twice a day, about a pea size amount for the lower half of my face, where my acne resides. The past few days I've noticed a lot of re...

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
Does the acne org regimen work on closed comedones?

15 hours ago, Quadboy said: Bp will help but you wanna also change your lifestyle,eating habits etc.if your gonna keep shoving sugar and all the bad things that make or can make acne worse then...

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
Does the acne org regimen work on closed comedones?

I'm looking into buying the regimen instead of going for a prescription retinoid as I'm concerned the retinoid will be too much for me atm with my dehydrated, slightly porous skin. But my main issue i...

In forum The Regimen

7 years ago
Closed comedones are getting completely out of control 🙁

Can someone please help me I've been using differin gel for 5 weeks and am deciding to stop it. I used it last year and did not experience what I am now- intensely oily skin (yet tightness after wash...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Larger pores and oilier/rougher skin while using Differin 0.01% gel?

4 hours ago, BrokenPorEcelain said: No worries! My retinoid was tazorac. (Which yes, is a damn strong retinoid..THE strongest) You can look through my posts to find my pictures and sto...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Larger pores and oilier/rougher skin while using Differin 0.01% gel?

2 hours ago, BrokenPorEcelain said: This seems to be increasingly common unfortunately...I would honestly stop if the look is worrying you, for some it gets worse and becomes close to impossibl...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Larger pores and oilier/rougher skin while using Differin 0.01% gel?

I have heard some bad side effects with Retin A and stronger retinoids but I thought because Differin was the most gentle it would be okay? The sides of my face feel the same but here's how my forehea...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago