Forum Replies Created

Cant Take This No Longer

Try steam showers... Excuse my ignorance, but what is a steam shower? I get the jist of what it is, but is it something I can easily do at home?

In forum Oily skin

10 years ago
Cant Take This No Longer

Try oil absorbing sheets   I've tried them, the problem is that within 10-20 mins it's just as oily again.

In forum Oily skin

10 years ago
Cant Take This No Longer

It might be the soap gel you mentioned. I used to always use a cleanser on my face, but it always seemed to dry my skin really bad. I've stopped using cleansers for around 5 months now and my face isn...

In forum Oily skin

10 years ago
Cant Take This No Longer

Hi folks, I'm a 28 year old male, had some acne when I was younger, seemed to clear around 21, was fine till I turned 25, started breaking out badly, no oily skin though, then by 26 my face was an oil...

In forum Oily skin

10 years ago
Help Needed

Hmmm, do you eat grains? Try cutting out all grains for awhile? How about nuts? A lot of nuts can make your skin more oily apparently. Also high fat can do that, with your cutting out dairy and sugar,...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Help Needed

Hi folks, I've had acne for years, but it cleared up for a good while when I was 21 until 2 years ago, I broke out badly all of a sudden, it was relentless, 1 would go away 5 would take its place, I w...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Oily, Lumpy, Rough Nose

Hi folks, had a load of problems with my nose lately, but because I've been paying a lot more attention to it in mirrors etc ive noticed just how rough looking my nose is up close. Open pores, a...

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago
Bump/lump On Nose

Well, it could be a cystic nodule, it's hard to say. That's what I thought mine was, but I never managed to extract anything and it never changed in size. I tried putting on some cortisone cream for a...

In forum Scar treatments

12 years ago
Some Advice Please

Hi folks, I really don't like the look of my skin. In constantly looking at it, and touching it. Mainly my nose. (I have posted about that in another post though) My skin to me looks pretty bad, en...

In forum Adult acne

12 years ago
Bump/lump On Nose

Thanks, I tried doing a cold compress with some ice wrapped in a tea towel this morning, and that has done nothing apart from making me feel like my nose is on fire now. Possible slight decrease in si...

In forum Scar treatments

12 years ago
Bump/lump On Nose

I have the exact same thing, it was left after a pimple some years ago and at first I confused it with residual inflammation, but now I've come to the conclusion that it's most likely sebaceous hyperp...

In forum Scar treatments

12 years ago
Bump/lump On Nose

Hi folks, anyone shed any light on what this is. Has mild acne most of my life, I'm sure there was on a spot on this part of my nose at some point, can't remember exactly though, as its been a year+...

In forum Scar treatments

12 years ago
Is This A Cyst On My Nose

Anyone any other thoughts? Thanks

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Acne Taking Its Toll On Skin

Hi, I'm a 26 year old male. Had problems with acne since I was about 13. Went on Lymecycline aswell as duac once daily cream around a year ago, mostly cleared up, but what I have noticed is alot of en...

In forum Adult acne

12 years ago
Is This A Cyst On My Nose

It seems to be like that in the mornings, then by about now (10am) it's calmed down. This is me now - Driving me insane, hasn't bothered me to much until it started being red in the morning and ...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Is This A Cyst On My Nose

Thanks for the reply, trying to get an appointment with a derm here is a nightmare. I've been on Lymecycline for my acne aswell as duac once daily cream for the last year and although most of my acne ...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Is This A Cyst On My Nose

Hi folks, around a year ago I had a small lump. Like a spot under the skin, it stayed like that for months, but over the last 2-3 months it's getting bigger, and is starting to get me down. The pic...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
Newbie From Scotland

Hi guys, how you all doing. I'm Stevie from Scotland. Just joined up. Hoping to get some good advice and help with acne. Seems like a good informative site.

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago