Forum Replies Created

HELP! It's Urgent! - Quick Question

Hi benroberto! For me personally, my skin simply couldn't handle that much exfoliation. I used to exfoliate every night but soon discovered that it was irritating my face more than healing it. Now I ...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
What can i even eat anymore!!? Please read 🙁

I totally agree with some of the above comments. I was orthorexic for about a (not acne-related), and I was constantly depressed and sickly. It also engenders severe hormone imbalances, which may incr...

In forum Diet & holistic health

8 years ago
Pale Skin Hyperpigmentation

Hello! Thanks so much for reading my post!!! I'm new to, so do bear with me Anyhow, I have had a pimple here and there since I was in 7th grade (perhaps 1 a month; usually a whitehead). These...

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

8 years ago
what has cleared me 100% (no BS, only 2 products)

Hello! I was browsing through various forums and thought this one looked promising However, I glanced over some recent reviews on the Clean and Clear website, on which several people compl...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

8 years ago