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Pale Skin Hyperpigmentation


Posted : 08/16/2016 5:18 pm

Hello! Thanks so much for reading my post!!! I'm new to, so do bear with me^_^
Anyhow, I have had a pimple here and there since I was in 7th grade (perhaps 1 a month; usually a whitehead). These lasted perhaps a day or two each; however, once they had flattened and healed, the redness would remain. Although I am currently in the 11th grade, I still have those darn marks from years past. 
A short while ago (started in March), I suffered from some bizarre breakouts (they may have been nodules; they hurt, but once healed, that particular pimple/nodule/whatev never reappeared). I'd average probably about a nodule a week (at the extreme worst) for several months (March-June). I'm wondering if I may have been experiencing a severe calcium deficiency; about a month before it started, I had completely eliminated dairy, in the hopes that my whiteheads would stop appearing. Once reintroduced, my acne isn't near as bad. I prayed quite religiously (no pun intended) about the matter as well, so I suppose I do owe the Lord a good bit of credit as well. Now that things are settling down somewhat, I'd really love to get rid of my marks. I read on here that most people who experience hyperpigmentation have ethnic or darker overall skin tones, but I have extremely pale (literally use the lightest makeup shade available), delicate skin. I've tried so many treatments on those marks over the last 2 years, since I became interested in skincare and makeup. 
I have tried the following to no avail:
Ice massages
Apple cider vinegar
Tea tree oil (helped a little, but went back after several days)
Amara Organics Vitamin C Serum(still using; makes them slightly paler if used regularly)
Clean and Clear Scrub (made them darker)
Burt's Bee's something
Extreme moisturization
Any suggestions are certainly welcome! Let me know if I left anything off; I was in a rush, so I doubt my information was articulated well. Please reply!!! God bless<3


Posted : 08/16/2016 6:18 pm

White skinned dude over here as well, and man, dark spots are so obvious on our skin..

I think its because of the white complexion and the sudden change in color that make the dark marks so long lasting and obvious. People with darker skin get dark marks which is just a darker shade of their skin color, while we get a totally different (red/purple) color in contrast to our skin. I've had marks that have been here for over a year now, and it really does suck. Patience is really the key, as well as using sunscreen, AHA, a retinoid etc to help fade the marks gradually.
