Forum Replies Created

Fish oil causing acne?

I had heard that fish oil was very good for the skin, so i took it for a few months. I noticed I had more deep cystic acne than before, then it occured to me that it could be from the fish oil. I stop...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Fish oil causing acne?

Moved from Nutrition and Holistic Health Forum (sorry, didn't realize there was a vitamin forum til after I posted it!) So I did a little quick reading on peoples reviews about how fish oil may cause...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Why masturbation causes acne?

If masturbating caused acne, EVERY MAN, DUDE, TEEN, AND WOMAN- would have acne. You have not been especially selected to suffer acne because of masturbation. Yes hormones DO play a role in acne- BUT,...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Why masturbation causes acne?

i didn't read through every page of this thread because of the ridiculous stuff i read on the first couple of pages. For those who believe that there is no correlation between acne and ejaculation, f...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

640 mg no flush niacin didn't do anything for me. Kinda weird that no supplement works for me... I have overdoes B5, B3 (niacin), zinc, vitamin A, taurine and some others. No effect what so ever. &nb...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

time release is bad on the liver and doesnt work as well...   i dont see why so many people use this over the flush kind   not all no flush niacin is time release. if it says specifically...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

quiktech and others for who niacin has been working:   can you please specify the brand, type of niacin (flush/no flush), dosage, and timing (with/without meal) that you are taking, for how long,...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

quiktech and others for who niacin has been working:   can you please specify the brand, type of niacin (flush/no flush), dosage, and timing (with/without meal) that you are taking, for how long,...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

quiktech and others for who niacin has been working:   can you please specify the brand, type of niacin (flush/no flush), dosage, and timing (with/without meal) that you are taking, for how long,...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

i think more than 2 or 3 people have had success, go through and read all 26 pages again and report back to me with an answer. I've been taking it for a little over two weeks now along with a few oth...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

How about save your money and go see a Dermatologist? Niacin isn't the miracle some people are claiming. Temporary relief yes, long term not a chance.   niacin has done more for me than any pres...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

I know Niacin has been used for lowering cholesterol for a long time. I didn't know about the bad breath part, haha! It seemed to help my insomnia.   my breath still stanks too, asn.....has anyo...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago
Niacin is AMAZING for acne!

so, im on day 5 of inositol hexanicotinate 500mg/day. The first thing i noticed was on day 2 where i could clearly see that my pores were smaller and my skin tone had evened out. I had two average s...

In forum Diet & holistic health

15 years ago