Forum Replies Created

Frustrations Of A 28 Year Old Asian Male - Advice Welcome

I play basketball and lift a couple times a week. I used to take whey protein and that DEFINITELY triggered breakouts, as well as dairy. I now just eat meat for my protein source.

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago
Muscle Building Diet And Acne

Dairy and Whey Protein definitely exacerbate acne. Alot of muscle building supplements have other things in them that promote testosterone and can make your acne flare quite significantly. Dairy has...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Prednisone And Decadron Caused Acne, When Will It Go Away?

I took prednisone before, and while I was on it, my face was clear as could be. However, after a week off of it, it triggered the worst breakout I have had and the start of my cystic acne. I had sev...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Do I Have To Go Back To The Doctors To Get My Ipledge Form?

From my observations, I believe the doctor has to enter your information into the Ipledge database each month certifying that he/she prescribed you the Accutane and that he/she has counseled you regar...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Week 13 - Comedone Central

I didn't really start clearing up until month 5 (75% clear). Month 6 I was 90% clear. My face cleared up 100% within a month getting off Accutane. Unfortunately, I relapsed about 1.5 years later. Im ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Blurriness And Just Feeling... Off

JKarl, Dosage definitely affects the severity and likelihood of side effects. 90 mgs a day can definitely make you feel the power of Accutane. Lowering the dosage will probably help some, but that m...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Almost All Over D Body.:help!

Esther, I'm a guy, so I probably am not the best to answer that one. However, I have heard from many ladies that birth control has done wonders! You probably can search the forums for more informat...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

11 years ago
Almost All Over D Body.:help!

Esther, Sorry to hear about your breakouts. When acne covers your body like that, you probably need oral medication. Go to the doctor and ask about Accutane or birth control pills (for hormonal acn...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

11 years ago
Frustrations Of A 28 Year Old Asian Male - Advice Welcome

Cystyjam, I have tried Zinc, Vitamin D, Milk Thistle, Probiotics, and Fiber. I have also taken minocycline and doxycycline. The antibiotics and Zinc actually made my acne even worse. The probiotics...

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago
Frustrations Of A 28 Year Old Asian Male - Advice Welcome

Cystyjam, I too am an Asian Male (29 years old) and have been battling cystic acne for years. I know your struggles bro. Accutane is the only thing that has truly worked for me. I am currently on m...

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago
Stopping Accutane After 4 Days

My derm said that accutane stays in your body for about a month after you stop taking it. Hope you recover soon and best of luck.

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Accutane And Fatigue

Yes, I have experienced this as well. I am on my second course, and during both courses I have felt the fatigue you are feeling. When I got off Accutane, energy returned fairly quickly. When on Acc...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Best Way To Take Accutane

Make sure you take it with a full glass of water. Supposedly, Accutane can damage your esophagus if it you chew the pill or it gets stuck there. Make sure it gets all the way down into your stomach. ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Month 6 Accutane, Still Breaking Out

I was on accutane for 6 months and still had a couple cysts upon completion of the course. However, a few weeks after I got off accutane, I cleared right up for 1.5 years. I think once the accutane ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Aquaphor Vs Vaseline?

I prefer vaseline to aquaphor. Vaseline seems to penetrate the lips and moisturize better. Its also cheaper. Just my experience. Hope this helps.

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Vitamin A Instead Of Accutane?

Bradyod, I'm a first time poster, but have some experience with both accutane and Vitamin A. I, like you, researched accutane and Vitamin A acne treatments for my exteremely persistent nodular cystic...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago