Forum Replies Created

Can Somebody Help Me? Photos

On the Candida front, get tested for it. But be careful not to get caught up delving into said problems that perhaps stem from bad gut health, meanwhile letting the cystic acne permanently scar you. ...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Meanest thing that someone has said about your acne

I recall a similar thing happening to me, along the lines of someone commenting on my previously better appearance. Some people are just short sighted, it's to their detriment though.   I honestl...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

14 years ago
eggs make me break out

Egg allergies are one of the most common, depending on where you live of course.

In forum Diet & holistic health

17 years ago
You Want To See Cortisone Dent

Personally, if it bothered me that much, i'd look into excision. Then some Fraxel for the remaining scar.

In forum Scar treatments

17 years ago
breast implants

I was recently seeing a girl who'd had her breasts augmented, apparently they weren't a good shape. They felt very real, and she claimed her confidence doubled after she got them altered. I'm not sure...

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

17 years ago
breast implants

I was recently seeing a girl who'd had her breasts augmented, apparently they weren't a good shape. They felt very real, and she claimed her confidence doubled after she got them altered. I'm not sure...

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

17 years ago
fraxel laser

Good thread. Looks like $$ are the only problem for some.

In forum Scar treatments

17 years ago