Forum Replies Created

What Helps Your Extremely Oily Skin? Sensible Answers Only.

Hate to burst your bubbles, but doses of Saw Palmetto and Vitamin B5 did not work for me. I tried both separetely over a month and all it did was to empty my pockets and of couse, still get the same n...

In forum Oily skin

12 years ago
Can Anyone Tell Me What These Obnoxious Buggers Are?

There closed comedones I got load of them from using bp the only way I was able to get rid of them was squeeze them out.   I agree, they do look like closed comedones. I currently have heaps o...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
How To Help Inflamation? Pics

Hi Ms18, I am so so sorry that you are going through this. I was in a very similar situation around 4 years ago and I would wake up every morning in pain too, just like you described. It saddens m...

In forum General acne discussion

12 years ago
List The Things Acne Took Away From You....

It definitely took away my confidence and I would always shy away from anything involving any form of leadership...etc I realised after a while though that we are our own worst critics and that people...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

12 years ago
Negative Accutane Experiences

I took accutane a few years ago - during my final year of high school. Prescription: 20mg everyday for six months (ended up taking it for only four months due to side effects) I had severe acne an...

In forum Prescription acne medications

12 years ago
Girls: did Accutane change your period?

I just had my period on the 13th, and now I'm starting again! It's the opposite of what most are saying on here, so I'm going to discuss this with my doctor tomorrow. Mine started earlier than usual...

In forum Prescription acne medications

15 years ago

Hi.... Thankyou for the reply....By the way whats the manuka honey u r using...i have been using comvita umf 15 and have recently got umf too. what do u suggest? And how long and how many times do y...

In forum Scar treatments

15 years ago

i tried putting the honey on some of my scars a couple of weeks ago and omg it acutally works!! Theyve gone lighter in colour and also i put some on a pimple that id popped a while ago and the honey ...

In forum Scar treatments

15 years ago

i tried putting the honey on some of my scars a couple of weeks ago and omg it acutally works!! Theyve gone lighter in colour and also i put some on a pimple that id popped a while ago and the honey s...

In forum Scar treatments

15 years ago
Bumps on the face?

I know what you mean. I've had these 'blind pimples' for about two years as well... These pimples would also turn into really nasty inflamed ones and I actually developed scarring from them.. Now I'm ...

In forum General acne discussion

15 years ago