Forum Replies Created

Skin Diseases Cured with Hydrochloric Acid Supplements

No, baking soda!   I took two capsules today and My stomach was actually bubbling and audibly gurgling. Huh.

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Skin Diseases Cured with Hydrochloric Acid Supplements

I believe they are supposed to raise HCl levels; he talked about restoring the Ph of my stomach to increase digestion and inhibit bacteria in the upper intestine. The pills are the Thorne brand 520mg/...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Skin Diseases Cured with Hydrochloric Acid Supplements

I know this is an old thread but I thought I'd mention that I saw a naturopath for the first time today and his approach is basically to restore stomach ph in the short term using Hcl. I'm excited to ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Iodine: Friend Or Foe? My Iodine Research And Log

Any progress on this so far? I am thinking about supplementing Lugol's...also does anyone know if hypothyroid is hereditary? I was talking to my mom about my lower than avg body temperature and she re...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Iodine: Friend Or Foe? My Iodine Research And Log

I'm guessing the supplement you are taking has 150mcg, not mg. 150 mg is way too high. Look back at the bromide detox we talked about before.   Yes...that's correct, sorry. I will try the salt ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Iodine: Friend Or Foe? My Iodine Research And Log

So I realized that the multivitamin I've been taking has like, 150mg of potassium iodide in it...I have been having an unusually intense acne breakout for about 3 weeks now that is kind of unlike anyt...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Acne Prone Skin/sebum Deficient In Linoleic Acid, Possible Topical Solution

Wow. I might well do that.

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Acne Prone Skin/sebum Deficient In Linoleic Acid, Possible Topical Solution

This is all tripping me up a I found some (old) research that oleic acid (like in olive oil) is, to but it briefly comedogenic. I haven't been slathering it on my skin, but I've been practic...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Acne Prone Skin/sebum Deficient In Linoleic Acid, Possible Topical Solution

This is all tripping me up a I found some (old) research that oleic acid (like in olive oil) is, to but it briefly comedogenic. I haven't been slathering it on my skin, but I've been practic...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Acne Prone Skin/sebum Deficient In Linoleic Acid, Possible Topical Solution

Uhm, do I have to apply it to damaged skin? can I apply it elsewhere?

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Iodine: Friend Or Foe? My Iodine Research And Log

Salmon doesn't have a lot of iodine, but it does have some. Was it farmed salmon? I'm pretty sure farmed salmon has a poor omega 3:6 ratio and has a bunch of toxins in it.   Farmed salmon might...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Acne Prone Skin/sebum Deficient In Linoleic Acid, Possible Topical Solution

This is kind of blowing my mind...I thought I was supposed to avoid PUFAs and prioritize n-3s when I had to have PUFAs, so I have been strenuously avoiding all n-6s; i.e., avoiding vegetable oils exce...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Iodine: Friend Or Foe? My Iodine Research And Log

It seems the thyroid can have many problems IF the adrenal gland is not working properly. So it seems there's a high chance that you have to first heal your adrenal gland and then in turn it will help...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Iodine: Friend Or Foe? My Iodine Research And Log

Salmon doesn't have a lot of iodine, but it does have some. Was it farmed salmon? I'm pretty sure farmed salmon has a poor omega 3:6 ratio and has a bunch of toxins in it.   Farmed salmon might...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Iodine: Friend Or Foe? My Iodine Research And Log

I'm real interested in seeing how this goes...I had a fairly bad breakout recently and attributed it to eggs/apples but I had been eating salmon every day, 300g for weeks and salmon contains some iodi...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
My Progress Thread

I would second removing legumes. How is your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio? As I understand it, we want to avoid polyunsaturated fats as much as possible, but since that is impossible, it is best to bala...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago