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Dermastamping / Microneedling at Home

On 1/10/2018 at 1:46 AM, beautifulambition said: Subcision 😉 Goto a board certified doctor. He can use saline as a spacer, ... you can do this now if you wish, this is so small they can use a s...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
Dermastamping / Microneedling at Home

Thanks for the info!

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
Dermastamping / Microneedling at Home

Ok, so this is the one scar I'd like to improve. It has become tethered after a cystic breakout throughout october 2017 (Scar developed in early november) - haven't done anything to it yet. I'm waitin...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
Dermastamping / Microneedling at Home

How does one Dermastamp under a scar

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
New Acne Scar Treatment

Subcision: they cut under the scar.Cora Therapy: they stick multiple needles under it, leave it there are move it a bit to stimulate it. This explains why there is a guy on this forum that did it him...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
Waiting for treatment

How long do people wait with subcision on new scars? Mine is 2 months old and am wondering if waiting 6 months is the right thing to do. Thanks.

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
Can you suction too much after subcision?

How did it work out for you all?

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
Any thoughts on this?

I have found a study on subcision, proving that subcision with suction can help it level the surface. Is there anyone here that has done this before? The study also states that it can cause raised sc...

In forum Scar treatments

7 years ago
Don't know what to do next

On 11/12/2017 at 2:08 AM, Sirius Lee said: Yes, I would definitely go for the filler. Since you have only 2 visible scars that have no definable edges, this would be a perfect fit for fillers. Go...

In forum Scar treatments

7 years ago
Any suggestions for my acne scars? Pics inside

I'd suggest to keep it moisturized and indeed out of the sun. Consume healthy vitamin A and C rich foods, and be sure to keep the pores unblocked. Use a limited amound of make-up. I wish you all the b...

In forum Scar treatments

7 years ago
Don't know what to do next

how did you do? I got the exact same on my forehead, which Imo is worse. It's in the eye area where everyone looks at first. Anyways, I'm thinking of subcision soon I've read somewhere that TCA Cros...

In forum Scar treatments

7 years ago
Help...cystic Acne Left A "dent" In My To Cystic Acne And Need Help

Hey, it has been a while since you posted a picture. Did it change much?

In forum Adult acne

7 years ago