Forum Replies Created

Stress Makes Me Breakout And I Have No Idea What To Do!

My face will look great for a week and will improve so so SO much, then the next week OH MY GOD my whole face will breakout, so red, painful, very embarrassing and makes me depressed then and there's ...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Does Crying Take Moisturizer Off?

crying is bad for your skin yes if you want to clear your skin , always think positive your mind is a very strong tool Why is it bad for my skin? Is it the salt or whatever?

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Does Crying Take Moisturizer Off?

If you put moisturizer on in the morning, and obviously cry later and tears are rolling down your cheeks, does that take the lotion off? Should I re apply it? and is crying bad for your skin?

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Period Acne

I always break out before my period and after. Always on my jawline or my cheek, which goes away once my period is over, but it sucks and there's really nothing you can do

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Do You Remember Your First Face Wash?

oh gosh! i'm pretty sure my first face wash was that gross " pink grapefruit " crap by neutrogena. i remember it doing nothing for my skin and i'm pretty sure i only used it because it was pink. I wa...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Strapless Dress & Chest Acne/back Acne

Well you are 16, so it might be horomones? Do you eat dairy or sugar at all? Or wheat? Maybe you should go gluten/dairy free for a month with low sugar, even fruit and see if that helps at all. Have y...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Strapless Dress & Chest Acne/back Acne

PLEASE READ EVERYTHING. I don't know what the hell to do. I eat SO SO SO healthy. hardly eat junk food and junk food to me is considered like a Greek yogurt that already has fruit in it, so it's not...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
So Many Flakes Omg! Anyone Have Super Dry Skin?

I had the pimples before I scrubbed the flakes off (: anyways, I found out why my face was flaking so bad! I thought it was me, that was doing something wrong, or that I just had dry skin no matter h...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
So Many Flakes Omg! Anyone Have Super Dry Skin?

I had the pimples before I scrubbed the flakes off (: anyways, I found out why my face was flaking so bad! I thought it was me, that was doing something wrong, or that I just had dry skin no matter ...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
So Many Flakes Omg! Anyone Have Super Dry Skin?

After scrubbing my skin last night, I actually woke up only with a small amount of flakes on my face! ( only a bit around my nose and that's it! ) Also, it didn't feel dry or tight or to oily when i w...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
So Many Flakes Omg! Anyone Have Super Dry Skin?

So last month or so I posted here on and at that time I only had 2 pimples and only a bit of dry skin and flakes only around my nose, that was fine and whatever. Then last week, my forehead ...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Girls You Have To Try It - Spironolactone (With Pics)

Your skin looks amazing omg!

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Pimple Keeps Coming Back

I got some today and it contains 6% benzoyl peroxide

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Pimple Keeps Coming Back

I don't have any benzoyl peroxide but I always hear people talking about it so I guess I'll get some? Does it help clear up stubborn spots like what I'm talking about?

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Pimple Keeps Coming Back

I have this pimple right under my nose that will go away for a week, leave a massive red scar, then next week it's back in the same spot. Then that cycle repeats over and over and over! What am I sup...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Can Greek Yogurt Cause Acne?

Ok so the only dairy I eat is plain 0% Greek yogurt. I am a pesco vegetarian ( meaning I only eat fish but no meat ) and I noticed when I don't eat any Greek yogurt, my skin is clearer, just from one...

In forum Other acne treatments

10 years ago
Washing Your Face Only At Night

Question: can a pimple form overnight? Like if I accidentally brush my coat sleeve across my forehead, will that make me get a pimple? I'm extremely paranoid ): like the other day someone was getting...

In forum Other acne treatments

10 years ago
Do We Need Special Acne Pillows That Make Sure There Is No Bacteria On Our Pillows Without Washing?

I just put a towel on my pillow each night. It takes 5 seconds and is easy. I don't rub my face on the towel because once I fall asleep I usually stay in the same place all night. People that know me...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Washing Your Face Only At Night

I highly doubt you look gross, and something I have learned is that we see all those little imperfections in our skin but most people don't see it when they look at us. As for your regimen, using a wa...

In forum Other acne treatments

10 years ago
Washing Your Face Only At Night

Hi so I thought I would start off by saying that I eat very healthy, drink plenty of water, have a low weight, never pick at my face, sleep on a clean towel every single night, use small ingredient pr...

In forum Other acne treatments

10 years ago