Forum Replies Created

Sunscreen Is Burning My Face

MD SolarScience is a good but expensive sunscreen, sold at Sephora. It comes in a tinted shade that is lightweight and blends well into skin. I'm sure Sephora sells other physical sunscreens, just che...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
The Regimen And Diet?

If you want to see the best results, you should watch your diet along with using the regimen. I don't think you have to be completely restrictive, and occasional unhealthy foods probably won't hurt yo...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Sunscreen Is Burning My Face

Try using a physical sunscreen instead of a chemical one. Physical sunscreens use zinc or titanium dioxide as their active ingredient so are much less likely to cause burning or irritation.

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
My Dermatologist Is An Idiot.

Leelowe is absolutely right. Please don't obsess about your skin and think its the end of the world. I recall seeing your pics and I didn't think your acne was bad at all, I don't remember seeing much...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Regimen Effectiveness

I agree too! I took my sons to the Derm when none of the typical OTC products were working, and nothing he went on to prescribe made their acne any better at all. Differin, Retin A in varying strength...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Sweating And Acne, Help!

I agree with you completely about sweating worsening acne. My son plays basketball and whenever he plays a lot his acne worsens. Any Hyperpigmentation looks much redder too. Conversely, when he is not...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Teen Acne

If you have been using something for 4 months and your acne has worsened then I would think you should give it up. If you can order the regimen and try it that may work for you. Or at least try to get...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Absolutely Nothing Is Working For My Acne?

I think it's great that you haven't picked at your skin for several days, please try to keep it that way. The picking will only lead to more acne, scarring, and bad skin. It's prob one of the worst th...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
May Start The Regimen Again?

I would probably start all over again using a small amount of BP once a day, but you may be able to quickly go up in amount of BP since you have already used it a short while ago. Just see how your sk...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Retin-A Making Pores Larger?

Retin A seemed to make my sons more susceptible to scarring, albeit very light scarring that did disappear eventually. It never really helped their acne much and just seemed to thin the skin and make ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago
Light Moisturizer And Using The Regimen With Retin A

I agree with the above. Using Retin A on it's own can be very harsh on the skin, so using it along with BP will most likely be very irritating. And irritation=acne. Personally, I think BP works better...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
May Start The Regimen Again?

Perhaps try using the regimen just once a day. That may be enough to keep you clear. If it worked well for you before, then it's probably the best solution for your acne. So maybe by cutting back to o...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Aha Or Bha?

I think through Dans own experience he found that AHA worked better on the regimen, it's probably more compatible with BP. Somewhere on the website he talks about BHA and I believe he thinks it may be...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Ice Pick Scars

My son is 15 and had what looked like a very small ice pick scar on his cheek last summer, now it has completely flattened out and you can't even see it. So, yes, they can flatten out over time. The y...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Grapeseed Oil ??

Grapeseed oil works really well with the regimen. My sons both use it in place of moisturizer. Every moisturizer they tried while on the regimen either made their faces sting, turn red, or caused more...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Week 6 🙁

Have you seen any improvement since starting the regimen? It's very difficult the first few months and many people don't seem to clear up til 3-4 months, however you should be seeing some improvement ...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Replace Moisturizer With..?

KAmanda - Was it just regular grapeseed oil (that you buy at the grocery store for cooking) that they used? I purchased the Now brand grapeseed oil at GNC. Though it is sold as a skin care product i...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Acne Getting Worse

I agree with the above... both gave you excellent advice. Look for a liquid cleanser, such as Purpose, and ditch the soap. Also, try to use a 2.5% BP because anything stronger just irritates the skin....

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
New Person Wanting Some Advice

I would stick with just once a day BP until after your vacation. Going up to twice a day will likely cause some irritation and make you more self-conscious about your skin and you probably don't want ...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Replace Moisturizer With..?

Give it a try and see how it works for you. My sons hated moisturizer and could never find one that worked. Any one they tried made their skin sting, and caused redness and irritation. And that was on...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
I Give Up

Please try to feel better! All the advice above is excellent and you should try to follow as much of it as possible. First, please try not to be so stressed. if you are very discouraged and down, the ...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Diet And Healing-Particularly Skin/scars

Replaced processed empty calories with real whole, nutrient dense foods. Avoid high glycemic impacting meals, drinks & snacks. That's it in a nutshell... summed up perfectly!

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Question About Regimen

My sons got rid of the redness when they switched grapeseed oil for their moisturizer. It seemed no matter what moisturizer they tried, their skin was always red. Now they just use pure grapeseed oil ...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Diet Change

I would recommend almond milk, unsweetened in either the regular or vanilla flavor. Blue Diamond and Silk are the two most readily available brands. I think almond milk may have more calcium than cows...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Help With B5 And Fish Oil?

You can find B5 at GNC, Vitamin World, etc. I have never seen it at Walmart, Target or CVS. Any vitamin store should carry it though, sold as B5 or Pantothenic Acid.

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago