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Absolutely Nothing Is Working For My Acne?


Posted : 06/09/2014 3:58 am

I'm 16 years old and I have had acne since I was 12. The first time I got a couple of pimples I didn't worry too much, but soon after they started cropping up quite a bit over my face (5 or 6 pimples on my forehead and chin). I asked my mum about this and she bought me a Clearasil face wash and cream. These did nothing for my skin and soon I was a frustrated 13 year old who had developed a skin routine using several creams twice daily in the morning and at night. My skin wasn't too bad at the time, and the pimples would go away, but soon after new ones would appear and the cycle would repeat itself.

Sometime after I turned 14 my dad bought me some Benzac AC facewash and cream. The facewash was 5% and the cream was 2.5%. These seemed to clear my skin a little bit but it was at this point my skin (mainly in my forehead area) started getting very dry and the pores seemed to be more visible. Although the acne was perhaps less prominent my skin felt dry compared to how it was before (I usually have oily skin) and much, much more red. My dad bought the facewash in the 10% strength and the cream in the 5% strength as I was still getting whiteheads. I was also getting more inflamed pimples on my chin but that was it. It was just concentrated on my forehead and chin/jawline at this point. After trying the higher strength products, my skin was not clearing up (pimples were going away but new ones would return) and it was becoming more red, pale-ish, dry and the pores were getting bigger. Finally I tried the 10% gel and after this didn't work either I decided to stop using Benzac.

I'm not quite sure what I did to my skin between that time and the end of last year. I was using products from Lush such as their sea salt scrub occasionally and that's all I can really remember. I would use the Benzac on inflamed pimples I was getting but I had stopped my regime. I would just be washing my face with water. My skin was definitely not bad - my pimples were just on my forehead. I was hardly getting any on my chin and my cheeks, nose, and sides of my face were perfectly clear. I never got any pimples there.

It was late last year that I started reading up on acne cure. I decided to try Murad and asked my dad to order it for me. I was very excited when I got it thinking I would have clear skin at last. I developed the Murad routine for 30 days and I started to see results. My pores were becoming much smaller on my forehead and the acne was becoming more red but less prominent. At this point I started getting some red marks on my cheeks. These went away though. I was really happy with how Murad was working for me and thought that it would clear my skin up if I gave it more time. However, with the continual use of Murad, my acne stayed the same. Yes, the overall texture of my forehead was much smoother but it was not doing anything for my pimples as I was still getting them even when I was applying the cleanser, toner, treatment and moisturizer twice a day. I felt as if I was drying my skin out so I sought a more natural treatment without all the chemicals I was reading about.

It was at the start of this year that my mum suggested I try coconut oil, which I did. I was so scared to try it because I had read that it can clog pores and cause more acne but I tried it anyway, desperate for something to clear my acne. I broke out horribly. It was possibly the worst my skin had ever been at that point. I stopped using the coconut oil after about three days, too scared to give it time to work. I had school and work and I couldn't go around looking like a pizza.

Now I tried searching up causes of acne - I still didn't know why I was getting pimples. At first I thought it was hormonal, which I think it started out as, but I picked my skin a lot and this may have caused the acne to reappear. I tried changing my diet for nearly two months but saw almost no change in my skin. It did look smoother once I started eating more nutritional foods, but I was still getting pimples. At this point I was very frustrated. My skin was okay but I just wanted clear skin, and I didn't know how to get it.

It was on these forums that I came across something called the Caveman Regimen. This captivated my attention and after more research I decided to try it for a month. After all, I was desperate - nothing was working for my skin. It seemed to make sense that the constant use of chemicals on my face had harsh impacts on my skin, and that not touching it or washing it for a month protected the skin from bacteria and formed a defensive outer layer. I couldn't make it to a month but it wasn't because I couldn't stand how dry my skin looked. It was because somehow I had become an avid skin picker and was picking and scratching at my skin and this made me feel extremely guilty afterwards. The Caveman Regimen seemed to have some effect on my skin as my forehead seemed more smooth however I was getting tiny whiteheads there, and lots of them. I stopped the Caveman Regimen too.

Out of desperation I tried Coconut Oil again. It broke me out very badly but I stuck through it this time, and I was glad I did. Again the pores on my forehead were becoming smaller, and it was overall much more smooth, but I was STILL getting pimples. The ones I had were going away quickly but the oil wasn't stopping them from occurring, in fact I suspected that it was creating more of them. Soon I was developing small bumps on my temples, a place I NEVER got pimples before. These were not pimples but just simply white bumps that didn't hurt and were only visible close up. I started to think that the oil was clogging my pores and creating these clusters of bumps on the sides of my face.

I would sit at night and watch TV and pick at my skin, looking at myself in the bedroom mirror. I knew picking and scratching was bad for my skin. It usually just started out at feeling over my skin for any new pimples, then before I knew it I had them everywhere. In guilt, after my skin was picked raw and red, I would run to the bathroom and slather on some coconut oil, thinking my problems would go away the next morning. They didn't. I could feel my skin improving and getting better but with my constant picking I wasn't letting my skin fully heal. I was getting more white heads on my forehead and after feeling around my whole face I got one pimple on each side of my cheek.

Ever since I got those symmetrical pimples on my cheeks, acne on my cheeks has not gone away. I would pick at those pimples until the pus burst (sorry about the graphic details), and then they would become red scabs the next day. And the next day I got a cluster of pimples around my cheeks because I was touching around that area. The pimples on the sides of my face were getting worse. They were extending to my jaw, going right down my face. I was still picking nearly every day and I felt so guilty about it but I kept doing it anyway. Soon I had so numerous red, blotchy scabs that would not go away on both of my cheeks, small bumps all over my temples and I was still getting occasional whiteheads on my forehead and chin. Funnily enough, my forehead was looking the best. My cheeks were horrible.

It was only within the past few days that I have developed more of the bumps right between my jaw and cheek. They've just extended all the way from next to my eyebrow to right above my jaw. It's horrible and they are all red and scabby now. The ones on my temples are not visible from far away but they are scabby too. The ones on my cheeks and jaw are the worst. They are red and scabby and everywhere. I also have whiteheads right above my eyebrows and right on the edges of my eyebrows too. I've thought about this and it could possibly be due to the fact that I have started using a brow pencil. I don't have any on my nose as usual and now my forehead is covered in the clusters of pimples too. I just wanted to note that the clusters of pimples on my temples and the red acne scabs on my cheeks have not gone away since they have arrived. I think this is because I keep picking at them.

About a week ago I started using Manuka honey and I was wondering if this had anything to do with my sudden outbreak. I stopped using Coconut Oil about two days ago and now just use the honey to cleanse. Right after I stopped with the oil was when the scabs/red marks/bumps on my jaw/side of my face occurred.

This is probably the worst my face has ever looked from what I can remember.

I am so frustrated right now and I don't know what to do. I was thinking about buying some Grapeseed Oil as I read that it has a lot of linoleic acid, is light on the skin, good for oily skin and clears acne. I might give it a go but if it doesn't work I think I am on the verge of giving up. I don't know what to try after this.

I haven't picked my skin in about three days which is something of a milestone for me.

Also, I hardly wear makeup - just occasionally light, mineral foundation but this is about once every fortnight.

I don't exercise a lot but I don't feel the need to as I'm only a teenager.

My diet isn't bad, but it could be better. I just don't have time to cook organic meals all the time. If I could I honestly would - I love cooking and trying healthy recipes but as I go to school and work it's just easier to chuck a Nutella sandwich into my bag if you know what I mean.

My skin is honestly a nightmare right now and I'm about to give up with trying.


Posted : 06/09/2014 7:21 am

I completely understand you. I have felt like this hundreds of time and i am almost twice your age. I get the feeling that your acne is hormonal based on two points: your age and that nothing seems to work. Hormonal acne is not treated with home remedies, clearasil type stuff, not even accutane. You have to control your hormones to fix it. Have you ever had your hormones tested? If not do it and consult an endocrinologist or gynecologist. Perhaps you get a birth control perscription. Its the only thing that works in such cases. For me it was the only to work through years.

You are very young to be desperate about acne. Since nothing had worked, and you tried a lot, then you should check it from the inside in a gyno. When you start fighting the main cause, then all the creams and masks you use will help you maintain the results and improve your skin texture faster!


Posted : 06/09/2014 2:44 pm

I think it's great that you haven't picked at your skin for several days, please try to keep it that way. The picking will only lead to more acne, scarring, and bad skin. It's prob one of the worst things you can do. Whenever you feel the urge to pick, immediately do something else with your hands to preoccupy you. Just replace a bad habit with a good habit.

I agree that getting your hormones checked would be a good idea. As far as topicals, you could try the regimen, or at least some 2.5% BP, anything stronger will just irritate your skin. And I would definitely stop the coconut oil and honey. If it's not working, then it will most likely never work and you're just making your skin worse. Try the grapeseed oil or jojoba oil, they are much lighter and much less likely to break you out than coconut oil. Get into a good regular routine with your skin, dont pick, and I'm sure it will get better.


Posted : 06/09/2014 5:16 pm

i read only a little but stop picking your skin , stop reading online and thinking its gonna work because its not for everyone , even teenagers excise so idk what u talking about lol , your diet might be bad because im guessing u did everything u read online saying it will work but cause a hell of a bigger problem , dont put any oil on your skin clog pores , avoid all sugar /junk food / dairy

try dan's regimen for 3 months and you will probably be clear


Posted : 06/18/2014 12:21 am

I think the problem you are having is that you are stopping, starting, changing your regimen and picking. I'm a licensed esthetician meaning I give facials and study the science of skincare. The thing about picking is that if you can't pop the pimple you damage the cell wall around it and it causes redness, irritation, and more pimples or worse it will send the infection deeper into the pore. The only safe way to pop a pimple is to steam your face (get a clean, wet cloth and warm it in the microwave) test it on your wrist before putting it on your face. (It opens the pores) sanitize your hands and a needle with alcohol. Then never poke into a pimple. Pick the top of it off from the side. You don't have to stab into it. Simply pick into just to remove that small layer of skin on top of the whitehead. Then just gently press around it and it should come out without irritation. If it doesn't don't continue to use excess force or you'll end up scarring. Now to your akin regimen. Going natural is the absolute best way in my opinion. I've struggled with acne until I went to school and realized that there's science to healing your skin. I suggest that you wash your face with a mild scrub of oatmeal. Use a bowl to wash your face as not to clog your sink. There is a tutorial on bubzbeauty (YouTube) on how to use this as a facial cleanser, but I'll still explain. Close your hand into a fist with the oatmeal in it over some warm water until it is soft and squeeze some of the excess water, but not all. Rub this on your face over the bowl (as not to make a mess) and scrub each area of your face focusing on where your breakouts are. The friction works as an exfoliant to sloth off dead skin cells and the rubbing increases circulation bringing blood to the face to heal existing acne. I recommend using Manuka honey and olive oil as a face mask at least once every two weeks because they have so many beneficial properties like reducing inflammation and honey is a natural antibacterial (especially Manuka). You could use coconut oil in place of olive oil if you would like. A good spot treatment is tea tree oil (diluted slightly with water). Never buy over the counter products for skincare (a secret that estheticians know is that they don't penetrate deeper than the top layer of skin) they ultimately doing nothing except dry out the surface and break your acid mantle( a whole other story). If your hormones need to be regulated drink 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar in about an 8oz glass of lemonade (lemonade to dilute the taste) apple cider vinegar works best if you get braggs organic with the 'mother'. You can also use this as a toner, but You'll prefer to use this at night because the smell (it goes away within a few minutes tho) acv works good as a spot treatment also. I suggest buying a small spray bottle and filling it with 2/3 water and 1/3 apple cider vinegar with a few drop of some essential oils (lavender is very calming to irritated or red skin) and a few drops of tea tree oil. Spray this on before you go to bed and it's like an overnight treatment. I recommend going yourself an at home facial at least once a month. Bubzbeauty and Michellephan have excellent YouTube tutorials on how to make many different kinds that are fun and improve your skin tremendously. I also recommend getting a good moisturizer (aveda is a line that uses all natural ingredients and their bk line is very affordable and absolutely worthe it) I use aveda products along with my natural skincare regimen and the results are phenomenal. The moisturizer in their bk line is $20 and last a long time because you don't have I use a lot of product. They also have a mild cleanser if the oatmeal is too messy for you. Hope this helped :D good luck on your journey.


Posted : 07/27/2014 5:38 pm

Hey, we have acne and is currently using a soap that works with the majority of skin types ( e.g. oily, acne scars acne prone etc. ) It's a soap called African Black Soap. The soap tends to be quite drying so you must follow it up with a moisturiser. African black soap does sometimes have a tingling / burning sensation at first but once you wash it off with cool water, it's all good. There are loads of tutorials on how to use the soap. So you should check it out. The soap is doing wonders on our skin. Our spots have reduced in size and our acne scars are fading- this is only the first few days. Good luck :)
