Forum Replies Created

Apple Cider Vinegar

Also, the reason why using two forms of an AHA at once like using ACV and 8% or 10% GA is because that is wayyy to much exfoliation. If you exfoliate yopur skin too much you lose the barrier of your s...

In forum Scar treatments

17 years ago
What has worked for me: SEA SALT

I'm still a little bit sketched out whether or not these eBayers are selling actual sea salt. Should I take them to a lab or something to get them checked? Haha

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

17 years ago
blackhead extractor?

It doesn't seem safe to use without supervision. I'd rather just squeeze the blackheads out with my fingers but then again I have huge pores so it's easier for me

In forum General acne discussion

17 years ago
Please give me your TAZORAC EXPERIENCES

I got Taz like 3 weeks ago. For the first two weeks, I didn't see any changes in my skin and I was on a high dose of tetracycline as well. It wasn't until last week that my skin cleared up 80%, so I'm...

In forum Prescription acne medications

17 years ago